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Magister Lajciak

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Everything posted by Magister Lajciak

  1. BioWare's NWN2 forum is seeing high activity at the moment in anticipation of the game. The developer post counts there have also gone through the roof.
  2. They could, yes. It's the misleading name. People think I'm a woman all the time as well. Wait... are you being serious or sarcastic?!?! Because I have 'known' you for perhaps a year now (including time spent on BioWare boards) and it has never once even occured to me that you might be a man. That is not to meant to be insulting, it's just a statement of my assumptions...
  3. I made the same mistake with CrashGirl about a week or two ago!
  4. Thanks for the update, but for some reason I cannot access the article.
  5. This would be nice, but I consider it very unlikely. Emphasis on romances has become unpopular with the developers, or so it seems, and not just here but over at BioWare too.
  6. What are you new? He/She is, so give him/her a break!
  7. Well you'll probably enjoy the 15 or so hours of the main story line. Just don't blink, or you might miss it. I have not played Mass Effect because of the draconian DRM (DDRM). Nevertheless, I am surprised that the main story line only takes about 15 hours. BioWare games were usually longer than that in the past.
  8. So Black Isle was the publisher? Thanks for clearing that up!
  9. I could also say I am looking forward to Fallout 3 and King's Bounty: The Legend, even though I already have both of those games. I am just waiting for my new computer to arrive before I can play them!
  10. 4 games I am looking forward to at the moment: Dragon Age Starcraft 2 Diablo 3 King's Bounty: The Legend expansion pack
  11. Definitely! And that includes reviews of games I have never heard about before. :D
  12. It'd probably be wiser for me to wait then, I barely got Oblivion to work on my comp Yes, in that case it is probably better to wait. Of course, upgraded also probably means 'more optimized', but still...
  13. I have a horrible computer for games (integrated graphics card) and it runs great. Hmmm... if a computer can handle Oblivion, could it also handle this game? It uses the same engine, albeit upgraded. I heard the engine is very well optimized and scales really well, which is always a good thing. That also means that if you can run Oblivion you may well be able to run Fallout 3.
  14. I have a horrible computer for games (integrated graphics card) and it runs great. That may well be, but my current computer does not meet the minimum requirements in very important ways. It is simply too old. My graphics card not only does not have the minimum 256MB of Video RAM required, but it is also not compatible with DirectX 9c, which is used in Fallout 3. I have had experience with running games below the minimum requirements and sometimes they work OK, but it is not the case this time. On top of that, the computer is suffering from power-supply problems and is on the verge of self-destruction altogether. It switches off randomly and often refuses to start up again - I have tried numerous things to fix it, but it is too late for it - I need a new one - this is now impacting not only games, but more importantly, my ability to do work on the laptop. Before you ask... as much as I am looking forward to it, I did NOT get a new computer nor decide on the timing of the purchase for the sake of playing Fallout 3!
  15. Hmm, I hope my new computer arrives soon, since you are all fueling my excitement with your discussions!
  16. Well, I have a very different taste than he does, but I love the entertainment value regardless of what game he is bashing!
  17. same, and from DVD you can install it whenever you want, and you do not need to pay extra to be able to download it later than 30 days from purchase Yep - and it won't expire on you after the downloading service with the activation servers goes out of business.
  18. Clear Sky or SoC? Strix, how did you manage to turn the picture into your sig? I would like to do the same if possible... and with the same picture! This should work: [img*]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/1526/securom2gu8.png[/img*] *Remove these. Thanks!
  19. Thanks - it clearly works.
  20. Thank you!
  21. I am glad you like it! BTW: How do you make the image (instead of just the link) actually appear in your sig?
  22. I will wait for the DVD version to make it to the stores, since the downloadable version is likely to need online activation to work.
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