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Magister Lajciak

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Posts posted by Magister Lajciak

  1. Also, why do hard disks always lie about their size? When I bought a 250GB HD, it actually was only 230. With a 500GB HD, it was 455. Now with this 1TB HD, it's 930 (so it says in the menu mentioned above).


    They don't really lie. It stems from the difference in definitions of prefixes.


    Standard definitions:


    Kilo = 1,000

    Mega = 1,000,000

    Giga = 1,000,000,000

    Tera = 1,000,000,000,000


    Therefore, in standard terminology Terabyte is 1,000,000,000,000 bytes.


    In computing terminology, however, each new prefix is defined by being a positive integer in 2^10n, so:


    Kilobyte = 1,024 bytes

    Megabyte = 1048576 bytes

    Gigabyte = 1073741824 bytes

    Terabyte = 1099511627776 bytes


    (Note, this terminology has now been officially replaced to avoid confusion with lame names, such as Gigibyte...)


    Hence, your HDD probably has 1,000,000,000,000 bytes, which is 1TB in standard terminology, but in the old, but still widely used computing terms, this only amounts to 909.4947017729282379150390625 computer Gigabytes (Gigibytes).

  2. No that's not the problem.


    I've found my way to configuration > system management > computer management > storage devices > storage device management (not sure if those are the correct English terms though), and initialised the disk. But there seems to be more to it. It says it's not assigned. Is that what needs to be done, and if so, how?


    That's weird. Have you perhaps tried installing the drivers from the CD that came with it?

  3. The point is every story they make always involves a huge organisation of elite warriors bent on defending the world from evil. And there's pretty much always and ancient race involved too.


    Different games, but they never completely start a story from scratch, which is annoying.


    Right. Like Jade Empire. Oh, wait, no huge organization of elite warriors or ancient race. BG2? I don't recall a huge organization of elite warriors and I wouldn't call Irenicus an 'ancient race.' NWN, it has the ancient race, but no HOEW.


    Very true!

  4. Some components of your products, such as your computer, might in fact be from the U.S. Some of the food you eat may be from the U.S. Companies may use U.S.-made machines to make the products you enjoy. And you benefit via your country's economy by exporting things to the U.S. :)


    ...components/devices which were most probably designed by European immigrants, and manufactored in China/South Korea. But yeah, sales and marketing ususally is unprecedented in the US.


    Now you are just being unfair to the U.S., but it doesn't matter anyway whether the devices were designed by European immigrants or long-time Americans - the point is that they were designed in the U.S. and are U.S. products. You thus have to trade to get them.


    Food? Now way I eat that garbage. I look out exactly what I'm eating, after all.


    Uhm, I don't know how you came to the conclusion that agricultural products are garbage in the U.S. I just moved to the U.S. a month and a half ago, and I can tell you that there are many quality food products here. The only thing that I truly find inedible here is the bread. I love eating bread, but not here.


    And why should trade suffer with a different president in the first place?


    I don't think trade will suffer due to a new president. It will likely improve. But it *could* suffer, if some protectionist tendencies come to the fore and the new president proves receptive to them.


    That's why our weak neoliberal EU leaders want Turkey to join the EU, so that they can sell all the crap they want there. I'm sure the industrial association would like that, while pissing the common folks on their head at the same time. That's exactly why I feel the EU has drifted to the wrong course, a course that the US has always backed up. After all, the US only seeks to weaken the EU.


    I agree that EU leaders often outright ignore the interests of their people (us) in order to pursue their 'vision', but trade with the U.S. is not an issue where this happens.

  5. Trading what specifically?


    Trading almost everything! From cars to airplanes to machine tools to agricultural products and so on! The U.S. is a huge market for us


    The Eurozone already exceeded the US economically.


    This has nothing to do with the fact that we will still benefit by trading with one another.


    Production and high-tech firms are more and more being outsourced to China/India.


    Our production is also being outsourced to these places...


    And the EU strives to become more independent in regards to ressources.


    The EU has no chance of becoming independent in terms of resources any time soon.


    With the exception of software/entertainment, I don't use any US made products at all.


    Some components of your products, such as your computer, might in fact be from the U.S. Some of the food you eat may be from the U.S. Companies may use U.S.-made machines to make the products you enjoy. And you benefit via your country's economy by exporting things to the U.S. :)

  6. You know, you could have put that all in one post...


    Good point... I usually don't go back to edit my posts to insert more stuff in (at most to correct spelling or grammar), but it is a practice I might have to start implementing.

  7. Hal Halpin is active in it, I believe.


    Who is Hal Halpin?


    You can read about it on that website I linked, but he's the founder and president of the ECA. He's also probably the most active advocate for gamers. He's done numerous interviews on news stations and the like. He's pretty well spoken, although he's definitely an odd looking guy.


    OK - thanks! :)

  8. Whoever wins in the U.S. is going to have a huge amount of goodwill from abroad. People outside the U.S. mostly want to move beyond President Bush, who is very unpopular there, and many countries may well use the election to improve their relations with the U.S. regardless of who wins.

    Improve relations, as long as it fits US interests. Unfortunately, the EU leaders are weak and dumb enough to buy into this bs.


    I agree that our EU leaders are often pretty pathetic, but I would say improving relations with the U.S. can serve the interests of both sides.


    In what way?


    We have many common interests on numerous issues that we can better advance by cooperation. An example of this would be trade.

  9. Whoever wins in the U.S. is going to have a huge amount of goodwill from abroad. People outside the U.S. mostly want to move beyond President Bush, who is very unpopular there, and many countries may well use the election to improve their relations with the U.S. regardless of who wins.

    Improve relations, as long as it fits US interests. Unfortunately, the EU leaders are weak and dumb enough to buy into this bs.


    I agree that our EU leaders are often pretty pathetic, but I would say improving relations with the U.S. can serve the interests of both sides.

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