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Magister Lajciak

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Posts posted by Magister Lajciak

  1. Whoever wins in the U.S. is going to have a huge amount of goodwill from abroad. People outside the U.S. mostly want to move beyond President Bush, who is very unpopular there, and many countries may well use the election to improve their relations with the U.S. regardless of who wins.

  2. I should just chime in to remark that however dingbat the opposition to EA and DRM, I noticed recently that I have not bought ANY EA games in two years. My first thought was that I'm being a little harsh given I don't really understand the issues. But then I thought 'balls to it, as if EA deserve me cutting them slack'. It's an interesting point, marketing wise, I feel.




    I've been wondering recently if consumers would do well to collaborate into unions to combat abuse and exert pressure more effectively.


    Yes, I think this is definitely the case. Consumer organizations could help a great deal with those kinds of issues. As far as I know, gamers don't have such an organization, or if so, it must be really low profile.

  3. This Old Republic online game is the perfect excuse for them to jump ship and evade the sinking of KotOR2 that they created in the first place. They'll swim to shore and never look back. Besides, it's nearly four years since KotOR2 came out, with a generation of young ****ers who probably got on the 360 bandwagon and never touched KotOR2 back in the day, you just feel that nothing is going to spark life back into it.


    If a franchise comes without a sequel for too long, it certainly becomes progressively more difficult to revive it.

  4. What does it matter anyway? KotOR3 is dead. Revan is dead. It's over. If we get another single player KotOR game, it will have nothing to do with KotOR and KotOR2, mark my words. It's obvious to blind Freddy Lucas Farts want the story of KotOR2 to die and stay dead.


    This is unfortunately true.

  5. With all due respect, playing Revan again, deleveled again, would be a statement of creative bankruptcy for the company that does the game. Also it's contradictory to the mechanics that govern the game to delevel a character due to physcial punishment.


    It would feel extremely forced.

  6. Cooties is supposed to be some kind of imaginary disease that children think is carried by the opposite sex. I don't know whether it is only boys thinking that about the girls or if it works both ways. I have never heard of it before I saw it on the internet either - I think the notion of cooties probably only exists in Anglo-Saxon countries - I was also mystified what the heck is being talked about when I first encountered the term on the internet.


    I guess you never read "To Kill a Mockingbird." A "cootie" is an old term for a head louse.


    I did read it, but it was a long, long time ago. I guess I just don't remember it.

  7. I guess insects freak people out because they are completely devoid of higher thought or emotion, ruthless efficient killers.


    Giant Asian Hornet. If one bites you you better have a syringe of adrenaline handy. One bite is all it takes, and these are hornets, they can chew on you all day and not get tired.



    Giant Asian Hornets are the worst of them all, particularly the Japanese variety, or so I recall reading somewhere.


    Given my reaction to bee stings, I think I might be mildly alergic to them.

  8. Bees, Wasps, and Hornets.


    I can't stand bees, wasps or hornets and I would also add bumblebees to the mix.

    Can't stand as in "Don't like" or actually fear them?


    I don't like them. I also fear them, but I don't think it's irrational - they sting! Wasps are actually not so bad, because their sting, in my experience, is comparatively mild and does not last too long.


    Bees are outright terrible though. When I got stung in my finger, for example, the first day was not so horrible yet, but by the third day my finger, and my palm were so swollen that the hand was rendered pretty much unusable and that state lasted for about a week. It took more than another week after that for the swelling to disappear completely. OK, I don't know whether that was really a bee, as I got stung while retrieving an object that fell into some shrubs and didn't see what actually stung me, but I think it left behind a sting (it was 7 years ago, so I no longer remember precisely), so it was probably a bee unless bumblebees leave stings too.


    I have never been stung by a hornet and I do not want to either!


    When I see a wasp or a bee in the house I usually endeavor to kill it with a shoe or a newspaper/magazine. I like honey, but it's not worth the existence of bees for me!

  9. AnandTech's detailed Review is up.
    The Core i7's general purpose performance is solid, you're looking at a 5 - 10% increase in general application performance at the same clock speeds as Penryn. Where Nehalem really succeeds however is in anything involving video encoding or 3D rendering, the performance gains there are easily in the 20 - 40% range. Part of the performance boost here is due to Hyper Threading, but the on-die memory controller and architectural tweaks are just as responsible for driving Intel's performance through the roof.

    As expected, Nehalem doesn't offer too much for gaming or general purpose apps (and as Kaftan said gaming's completely GPU-limited anyway). What it does do is smooth out several of the kinks in the Core 2 architecture, which is why you see such huge performance boosts in certain applications.


    It works now! :(

  10. Still, romances are dumb and useless...


    Let me guess, you also think girls are "icky" and will run from them fearing "cooties." :(

    What's cooties?


    Cooties is supposed to be some kind of imaginary disease that children think is carried by the opposite sex. I don't know whether it is only boys thinking that about the girls or if it works both ways. I have never heard of it before I saw it on the internet either - I think the notion of cooties probably only exists in Anglo-Saxon countries - I was also mystified what the heck is being talked about when I first encountered the term on the internet.

  11. I have just recently played Mass effect and was pleasantly suprised by the depth of exploration and the graphic design of the levels. The APC in MASS EFFECT even looked like one of Sid Meads original concept drawings of the Aliens APC. In Mass Effect I could walk around the Normandy space ship and explore it. I could also talk to crew members. It would be good if off duty marines could mingle and trash talk to eachother. Mass effects graphics were excellent. I'm sure obsidian will expect nothing less from the aliens RPG. In mass effect you could explore countless worlds and go on many missions. It will be interesting if we could explore LV-426, Fury161, Gateway Station, Earth and whatever other worlds Obsidian dreams up. How do you think the gameplay should be? I prefer a 3rd person Gears of war style with optional 1st person mode. It alows you to see more of the environment and your character. I don't want Aliens to be just like Mass effect but I do thing some of its traits would be helpful. Whats you opinion of what the Aliens RPG should play like. Obsidian can't please every gamer, but whatever they develope should be the best it can be. This is Aliens. Its not just a game, its a scifi legend.


    Well, Aliens can use humans to reproduce, just like a certain alien allegedly attempts to do in Mass Effect! :(

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