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Mamoulian War

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Everything posted by Mamoulian War

  1. No I am not telling that, but i am telling you that if you do not read on the model from an Russian economist author who is supporter of modern capitalism, but has realy experienced how the command economy actualy realy worked or did not worked You will never get a whole picture edit: same can be said about economy in ancient rome, because almost every book which was made during that time was burned during deep medieval ages by inquisition, you can not tell how exactly it worked, only from rumours which has been held by few scholars who did not get burned during that time, and from occasional original writings which are more scarce than altruistic people in the top management of colossal companies, and as you know rumours can get twisted
  2. The only way how you could know, what are you talking about, is if you were from former Soviet Union... And had more that 30 maybe 40 years, because you would be experiencing that 1st hand... Western books depict eastern block with many many mistakes and propaganda... and ofc vice versa... if i would be studying history of EU or USA from only from Russian books, everyone would be laughing at me, like i am laughing at everyone who never opened any modern history book written in eastern europe and is claiming that he knows what he is talking about...
  3. Welcome to Russia circa. 1965. Those tractor production figures are looking great this quarter, Sergei. You have absolutely no clue what are you talking about...
  4. What that does have to do with NWN2 sales numbers? Neither Atari nor NPD did said anything about its sales numbers...
  5. good job comparing human beings and their lives with leaves, what will be next?comparing them to livestock and their job to slaughterhouse?
  6. I have not even stated that it was an oppinion, the only fact in that sentence is that companies/studios/whatever CAN be bad, when their executives sucks donkey balls, if this is the case of EA or not i do not know and i do not care... It does not change my attitude to them, and i hope they get so much money from the facebook games deal, that they do leave the PC/console business forever...
  7. And you are able to present evidence that this in fact the case w/ EA at the moment? And you are able to present evidence that this in fact NOT the case w/ EA at the moment? When someone asks for evidence supporting a claim you make, this is about the lamest response you can give. You made the claim, the onus is on you to back is up. maybe when i would be in some sort of court maybe... and i have not stated anywhere that it is a fact... read my post again... studios "CAN BE" bad aswell... CAN BE != ARE
  8. Yes, but your opinion is the correct one. Oh, and hasn't this game been made obsolete yet? The thing, that yoo happen to agree with his oppinion, does not make his opinion correct by default
  9. yes i noticed it later and i agree on "different people different oppinions" with you, that's why i was posting about his experience
  10. the only article about sales numbers that i found are from April 2007... http://www.simexchange.com/blogpost.php?post_id=277 at that time NWN2 surpased 1 million units and NWN1+NWN1 expansions+NWN2 sold over 3 millions in total... so after few month of the game out, the sales ratio of 1:2 (NWN2 alone versus NWN1 + all expansions) was not to bad...
  11. I would happily provide my oppinion, but i do not own the game, and i never played it, now hush >
  12. My friend who owns the game, has completely different oppinion about it, he played it for two days and never touched again, and the biggest issue he mentioned, was the health regeneration...
  13. No, It is just your opinnion...
  14. Man, you are talking about Activision here...
  15. in this case, i was more talking generally...
  16. if you are interested mostly into Multiplayer aspect and are planning to get PC version, i recommend you to read this before you fork out the money http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2009/11...you-thought.ars
  17. And you are able to present evidence that this in fact the case w/ EA at the moment? And you are able to present evidence that this in fact NOT the case w/ EA at the moment?
  18. studios can be bad aswell, when the man in the charge has no clue what he is doing... the men at charge in these studios were EA executives...
  19. that's exactly what i had in my mind... thanks...
  20. yes that is finaly a thing we can both agree upon the only problem with such a DRM scheme is the need for online activations, i just simply can't get over the thought, that if someone pulls the plug off, i can lose all the stuff for which i payed a lot of money
  21. it's called sarcasm... but yes, it's all my fault, just to be sure, the next time i will post something like that, i will make <sarcasm> and </sarcasm> tag so even the less perceptive readers will take a notice of it...
  22. If they purchase it on loan, they have to pay the money back and it is substracted from your income... i do not know how it is correctly calculated aswell so i rather shut up but seeing in same day, that company spends 300 millions and cuts off 1500 employees is very rare sight even in "high" bussiness... to be honest up to this day i have never seen such an announcement from any other companies...
  23. I don't know where people are getting the idea of profit from. Also from GamaSutra. "EA Announces Increased Net Loss, Confirms 1,500 Layoffs" Electronic Arts saw a decline in GAAP revenue, but they did post a record high for non-GAAP revenue (which it seems most people latched onto here, assuming that EA was rolling around in profits). Maybe if they did not buy a company here for 800 millions and company there for 300 millions they would not be now in net loss
  24. i dont think america really has unions in the same capacity or power as europe does. I don't know what unions are like in Europe (or in America for that matter) but we do have them though they aren't prevalent in every industry, which from what I hear is a good thing. Unions had a purpose at one time and there's still a few places where they can be used but for the most part they (unjustly) inflate salary, benefits, etc exponentially increasing the cost of labor for companies. This was one of the bigger issues with Ford. Yeah Ford sucks either way but its pretty tough to compete when your paying out labor costs that are higher than your competitors. Oh noes, what an outrageous idea, to actualy pay employees the money they deserve... and giving them benefits... 2 dollars a hour and 80 hours a week should be enough rewards, no other benefits needed...
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