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Inspector Switchblade

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About Inspector Switchblade

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Canary Islands Spain
  1. I have last Steam version, and I can confirm no final battle music here either
  2. Also the autopause for spotted enemy maybe tiring but is lifesaver in some situations.... WM2 by the end.... cough cough....
  3. I finished WM2, Chapter 3, all quests except LLengrath, all bounties, I´m about to go to endgame and Azzuro has NEVER shown up in my stronghold. (fully upgraded some time ago) Bug?
  4. I won´t go on the 5 pages but know this, the Alpine Dragon is if not the most difficult one of the top notch ones and purposedly with greater difficulty. It is like in FFVII the Arma weapon with 1million HP, is NOT balanced, is an intended badass
  5. There wasn´t too much option when I tell Devil of Caroc that he throw the torch.... btw I used the shadow move (with Devil) per day and the other one critical and 76 HP down and killed, is scripted the critical ??
  6. Have killed Adra and Alpine Dragon, Concelhaut,and I made all vanilla missions, only WM2 remains so Lengrath is there right?
  7. You need to have one disposition point in 'cruel'. Having multiple disposition points in cruel actually makes a surprising amount of characters respond to that fact during dialogue, so it's worth the effort to gain them, in multiple ways. Point taken, I´ll stop being a wuss
  8. how to sacrifice people at Skaen? I wasn´t given the option
  9. Remove the Trial of Iron requirement for some chance of doable, even then, it can be quite tedious
  10. Example 1: Remove all stealth status when combat starts (I´m used to this way and is a lot of pain to remove stealth manual) 1.06, combat style Example 2: Auto switch weapon on ineffective weapon Guys post your suggestions, thanks
  11. Have to agree a bit with OP that lot of fights at the beginning supposed to be easy for a level 12 party but as always I have to micromanage every encounter if I don´t want to get hurt. The difference with me is that I like blood muahahaha moar fights!
  12. You may have a point, but your manners invite not to read anything at all, If i were dev I will just ignore, if I were mod I will close. Maybe more polite next time?
  13. Sannom is right same issue here and works IN combat
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