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Everything posted by Starwars

  1. Feels somewhat appropiate to the world today. One of Motörhead's best, and most underrated.
  2. Can't say that "Story time" fills me with much excitement. Whatever happened to just playing the goddamn game? There are already, what, 5 difficulties with all kinds of additional customization options. I hope it didn't took to much effort to implement, it'd be a damn shame if it did as that effort could've gone elsewhere. But yeah, good to see a release soon. Hopefully all the other new stuff will be worth it.
  3. Durance was good but Grieving Mother was lost potential in my opinion. I think Durance also suffers some from being too wordy, there is a lot of repetition in his dialogues, just dressed up with different words for different dialogue nodes.
  4. Maybe I'm very naive here, especially since I'm not in game development, but I have a really hard time seeing how Pillars could've been more reactive IF it also wanted to keep the grand scope and sort of lengthy feel, while operating within the rather meager budget. Personally I'm much more of a fan of slightly shorter but more reactive games, but Pillars obviously targeted the bigness of BG. And with that in mind, I think it's pretty impressive that they did manage to get some good reactivity in there as well. Avellone's comments would've upset me if this was a kickstarter attempting to bring back, I dunno, a Fallout type of game. Or Alpha Protocol. But Pillars wasn't really about that. Obviously, I would want loads more reactivity and player choice in a sequel, because that's the good stuff.
  5. I believe there was portrait art found somewhere for the Barbarian companion coming in Part 2. Can't remember where, someone will probably post it. Looked to me like a female Amaua.
  6. Personally I ended up loading a New Vegas save I had around. Playing Dead Money at the moment and I'm really enjoying it. Think Father Elijah is one of the most underrated antagonists there is, well written and extremely well voiced. Great character. The rest of the cast is great too. I appreciate what they were going for with the gameplay but the jankiness of the engine kinda works against it at times. Also not a fan of the radio idea though I like the other "hardcore" features like the cloud and what have you. Before returning to New Vegas I played Pathologic HD, and it's a fantastic, weird, unique game. The new translation makes things much more enjoyable though I still find it to be a bit "over-written" so to speak.
  7. I haven't played the game yet so I'm not gonna judge how good or not it is but I guess the worst thing is really that Bethesda ignored a lot of improvements that New Vegas brought to the table, especially in that it brought back that good stuff with factions and settlements and how they interact with each other. The fact that there was like one or two characters in the game that couldn't be killed. More skill checks, many ways to solve things. Hardcore mode. But nope, apparently that stuff just isn't important enough.
  8. The Reaping is up now. This is my favorite so far, then again Edér is a really great character.
  9. Nah, it's not really like that. Marriage is something we've talked about and neither of us is against that. It's more like one wants to live in a particular place where the other one really doesn't, one wants to treat money in a certain way while the other doesn't, one wants to have the house filled with animals while the other doesn't, one wants a certain type of living while the other one doesn't. The list kinda goes on and in those aspects it's really like... polar opposites. I guess it sounds like looking for reasons when you point it out like that but it doesn't really feel like it. It's like the personal chemistry is absolutely great but everything surrounding that is extremely hard. In relationships one has to make compromises of course, and we've already done that in some instances of course, but it's getting to a point where neither of us feel we change ourselves enough regarding these practical things to "accomodate" the others so to speak, if that makes sense.
  10. A little more than 2 and a half years. So, not superlong but I guess long enough to get over the initial honeymoon period and then some. While we've certainly had our fights, we get on really well, which kinda makes it even harder. I'm still entertaining some notions that "maybe it'll work out" but when I try to look at it objectively it really doesn't seem like it will. And getting my head around the fact that we'll probably never see each other again after we move apart makes my mind explode right now. And I don't like Starcraft or (probably not anyway) Fallout 4 so that won't work, hehe.
  11. Breakup with girlfriend today. I'm completely devastated and so is she. Such a weird situation. We still love each other but want completely different things in life to the point where it feels like we're really incompatible. Been a long time "brewing" so it was sort of expected in a way. Still, this is so weird and sad. Don't know what to do with myself right now.
  12. Ended up going into the expansion content for Witcher 3 when doing the main quest playthrough, turned out to be a mistake. Really don't think the expansion stuff fits in with the rest of the game, at least not at the level when you can access it. Probably better to play it as a stand-alone thing. Screwed up the pace completely and I ended up losing interest completely in everything about the game, lol. Too bad since I think I was closing in on the end. Ah well. Started up Pathologic HD. Awesome to play this again, love this strange game.
  13. It looks absolutely terrible. Had expected at least the graphics to be better since it usually seems to be a selling point for Bethesda's games.
  14. There is actually a different reason why the updates have slowed down when it comes to expansion content. The White March doesn't have anywhere near the amount of new content that the base game does. This means that when we show an area or a new creature, we are actually showing a larger portion of the game to everyone. We have to keep some stuff under wraps for you guys. =) Talking about our creation process might be more fruitful, but I am not sure what you guys may want to hear about. What suggestions would you have for future updates? Yeah, I definitely understand that. Personally I'd be happy with just a video where one talks a bit about... I dunno, the sorta initial brainstorming perhaps, if there's a particular design goal for that part of the expansion, any particular things the team wanted to improve upon and why and so forth. I don't really need any super in-depth stuff (like you say, I want to be unspoiled) but it'd just be great to have a very "high level design talk" without going into specifics too much. Maybe talk with Justin Bell to see what he wants to accomplish with the score, the artists discussing how they've improved... and so on and so forth. Not sure if that's too vague but...
  15. Would be cool to see some more in-depth stuff about the making of the expansion. Many of these updates are just sort of a news post with the latest goings on which is mostly old news for those of us following the game. It'd be nice to get some behind the scenes stuff again, though I obviously understand it demands more effort and time to do.
  16. Pretty keen on playing Pathologic HD which is out today. Can't remember much of the original other than loving it and finding the translation wonky.
  17. These all seem like potentially great changes to me. The Knockout thing sounds fantastic to me, I always thought an injury system would fit in very well with the game. Revising Athletics and Survival could be interesting, we'll see.
  18. I think the voiceactor did a great job but I think Ulysses suffers somewhat from an Avellonian syndrome in that he feels... overwritten in many ways. Huge amounts of repetition, weird way of talking and not enough 'oomph' to him keeping in mind how much dialogue he has. I think that was especially true for his New Vegas offerings. I love a lot of Avellone's writing but I personally don't feel his style is a good fit for Fallout (that said, I think Dead Money had some great writing, Elijah is one of the best villains in the Fallout games IMO). I liked Lonesome Road but it was mostly due to the atmosphere. I also felt the gameplay was a step up from Old World Blues, less bullet-spongey but more deadly combat. I'm playing Witcher 3 bit by bit. Trying to take my time in order to avoid burnout. Think I've finished the main quest stuff in Skellige, so I think I'll run around and do some sidestuff before proceeding. Planning on doing another Age of Decadence playthrough soon.
  19. Uploaded the lovely Stalwart music here: Hope Justin doesn't mind!
  20. Beautiful.
  21. AP is the B movies of video games, flawed but with a lot of heart. See Volly, that's almost exactly like you.
  22. Yes. Easiest done through the Merchant guild questline.
  23. I definitely would not want to see every game be like Age of Decadence but after playing through it now, I'm pretty confident in saying that no... there actually is no game quite like it and they're fully within their right to make claims that they've made a pretty unique game. I certainly would not know what game to compare it with, old or new. You can tell the Fallout influence but it's still very different from that. I just finished my playthrough as a Merchant and it was pretty damn good (went non-combat all the way). Did not end up quite as prestigiously for my character as I had planned from the start though I managed to screw over the guild at least.
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