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  1. Update by Brandon Adler, Lead Producer Hello, everyone. Happy Small Harvest! The Pillars team has been hard at work squashing bugs and finishing up The White March - Part II, but that doesn't mean we don't have time for a little fun on the side. In this update we will talk about the Small Harvest holiday, our brand new short stories, and show off some cool new art from The White March - Part II. We'll also go over the latest update that was released, 2.03, and all of the new stuff that is included. In future updates, we will release more exclusive info on The White March - Part II. The team also has a special Halloween treat for Pillars of Eternity fans... Pumpkinhead Mode? The Small Harvest In past generations, the Eothasian autumn festival of the Small Harvest was celebrated by most immigrants to the Eastern Reach. Farmers and the villages that relied on them came together to share food and drink from the season's earliest crops and give thanks to the gods for their good fortune.Children would bring food to distant farms or to elders who were unable to travel on their own and priests of Eothas would line the roads with small candles. In exchange for the food that children brought, the farmers' families would craft small dolls from corn husks or carve a variety of exaggerated faces into small gourds, leaving them outside as gifts. Poor or elderly families would simply spend time with the children and thank them for their charity. In the years following the Saint's War, the Small Harvest has taken a different tone in the Dyrwood and Readceras. Since the destruction of St. Waidwen, whom many believe was a manifestation of Eothas, most Dyrwoodans have no interest in celebrating the holiday. Those who continue to leave out dolls or carved gourds are generally viewed with suspicion and resentment, often finding their dolls burned and gourds smashed by angry neighbors. If you want to read more about the Small Harvest and how it is celebrated in Eora, check out our Small Harvest lore page. Pumpkinhead Mode For those of you playing Pillars of Eternity on October 30th and 31st you'll get a special surprise if you turn on Big Head mode in your options. Go ahead. Try it. We'll wait. The Ratcatcher and New Short Stories One of Pillars of Eternity's very own Narrative Designers, Carrie Patel, has a brand new short story featuring Sagani and Itumaak. Without spoiling too much, Sagani runs across a foul murder in a small village and is determined to find out what really happened. This is the first short story in a new series of stories that we will be releasing over the coming weeks that will feature familiar characters and some new faces. Here are the release dates for the other stories: Blood Register by Paul Kirsch - November 3rd The Reaping by Eric Fenstermaker - November 10th Until He Started Screaming by Carrie Patel - Released Date TBD To find The Ratcatcher and future stories, head over to our Short Stories page. The White March - Part II We still aren't ready to give many details about the second part of The White March, but the team wanted to share some of the cool work that they have been doing with the backers... ... like some new Vithrack concepts (a.k.a. nightmare fuel). Or some of our new helms that match Pillars of Eternity unique armors. Or a new cave to explore. (First pass render with no paintover yet) Stay tuned to future updates so you can see the latest art and design details from The White March - Part II. Update 2.03 The team has been hard at work continuing to fix bugs and add polish to Pillars of Eternity and The White March. Our latest update has many fixes, some cool new changes to the fighter, and we have even added some new key bindings to help support the Steam controller. Here are some of the changes: Steam Controller Pillars of Eternity now has support for the Steam controller. The default template will be set once the update is live. There is a suggested configuration that can be found on the templates that are accessed in Steam's big screen mode. New key bindings have been added to support additional actions needed for the Steam controller control schemes. Fighter Changes Base Deflection raised up by 5. Knockdown gets a 1.20 damage multiplier (no longer gets bonus Crush damage). Disciplined Barrage raised from +10 to +15 Accuracy. Armored Grace has been scaled from -15% to -20% Armor Recovery Penalty Clear Out base Crush damage increased from 10-16 to 15-22. Scales every 3 levels after 7 by 15%. Into the Fray's damage scales every 3 levels after 5 by 15%. Major Fixes Fixed an issue that was causing certain quests to take experience instead of granting it. Fixed a problem with chanters not being able to set their chants properly after they have retrained. Fixed an issue where retraining was allowing characters to obtain unlimited skill points. Using store filters now only shows the appropriate items instead of graying out other items in the store panel. Fixed multiple issues with the stronghold and how it interacted with DLC content. Fixed an issue that caused the main character to lose his or her background shortly after character creation. Party/Companion AI Can now enable/disable AI on multiple non-pet characters at the same time. Fixed issues where AI would not automatically attack enemies. Fixed issues where AI would engage enemies that were hidden by fog of war. Fixed an issue where AI casters would cast per-rest abilities despite the option being turned off. Fixed an issue that caused AI controlled party members to attack other party members that were charmed or confused. Reviewed and updated what spells/abilities are cast in AI profiles for multiple classes. Monsters/Enemies/NPCs Multiple enemy types have been given immunities to certain afflictions. These enemy types have had their bestiary updated to reflect these immunities. Fixed multiple issues regarding NPC reactivity after completing certain quests. Fixed multiple bugs regarding Enemies/NPCs detecting stealthed characters and how they react to stealthed characters that they detect. Rebalanced requirements for full bestiary unlocks for certain enemies that were not unlocking on easy difficulty. Added additional bestiary information for multiple enemy types. Abilities/Talents Minor Grimoire Imprint has had multiple fixes and now works as intended. Fixed an issue with the Ranger's Stalker's Link ability adding too much accuracy in some situations. Fixed an issue that caused certain buffs and abilities to persist after combat ended. St. Ydwen's Redeemer's Revive the Fallen ability now works correctly. Fixed an issue that allowed Chanters to choose an extra talent. Fixed an issue where the debuff "Bonded Grief" would not be removed after reviving animal companions. Quests Fixed an issue with The Siege of Cragholdt that kept the quest from progressing. Fixed an issue with the Grey Sleeper questline that would cause it fail after completing it. Fixed multiple issues with the "Sacrificial Bloodlines" quest. Fixed an issue that would break game progression after talking to Maerwald. Fixed an issue that didn't allow the player to complete the game after killing Thaos. Achievement Fixed an issue with the Herald of the Old Flame achievement being awarded prematurely. Fixed an issue that kept players from receiving White March Part 1 achievements. Items Fixed an issue that caused enchants to be removed when a character retrained. Fixed an issue that allowed Sentinel's Girdle to be equipped in a ring slot. Fixed enchantment issues with Badgradr's Barricade. Fixed an issue where the draining modification on weapons would disappear. Fixed an issue that caused Sabra Marie to be mis-categorized. Localization Fixed multiple issues with Korean text. That's it for now and have a great Halloween from the Eternity team!
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