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Nathan Davis

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Everything posted by Nathan Davis

  1. ....maybe? We haven't looked too far into it yet.
  2. Trust me. It's taken very seriously (as we've staked our own money on it). Having a small team with a slower burn is allowing us to build-play-tune then build-play-tune to a much higher degree with less effort wasted building content the public will never see. Where on something like South Park, we had a lot of pressure to make a full game quickly before the jokes and mechanics were all 100% where we needed them to be. This meant that a lot of game went out the window once those elements were fully formed. We are proud of what shipped, but we cut a lot away to get there. Since this is just us, we have more time to test and itterate with lower stakes. I know that for most of you this can't come out fast enough. For us, what ends up looking like a delay for you is, for us, a greater investment in the future of the game (future of the series really). I know it's been quite some time since we've dropped any concrete news. There is a lot happening behind the scenes (all good!). Thanks for baring with us! I look forward to telling you more soon!
  3. At the moment it works on an iPad 2. It's not super quick, but it works!
  4. I think Vic at Paizo mentioned it. Yeah, before each scenario, we set the stage with the text explaining "During this Scenario" from then on you can skip immediately to Location Selection. If you don't skip, you will see the Villain and Henchmen you'll be fighting. Where I like to see the Vill/Hench stats to plot and plan, I know many people like to be surprised by it.
  5. As much as I'd like to blame another company, marketing and publishing the game is on us. We also get to make tactical decisions about the release date and feature set. Many of these decisions are made with consultation and approval by Paizo, but they don't do anything to impede us. I know you are all impatient for us to get this game out (or at least more news about the game). And I am impatient to give that to you, but we have the rare opportunity to do this game and its release, not just well, but right. In the meantime, I'm continuing to playtest the heck out of the Tutorial and make lots of revisions. Also, Justin Bell (who did Eternity's soundtrack) is composing some great music for it. Thanks as always for your support!
  6. Generically, I can confidently say that we have a lot of plans for a lot of non-adventure-path content. But I'm sure that's not super helpful. More specifically, we probably won't do class decks the way the physical game does. At least initially. We have been staying true to the mechanics, features, and constraints of the adventure path (and character add-on deck). When it comes to things like class decks and organized play, we are planning to do things that fit the digital realm a bit better.
  7. Of course I miss it. There's a bunch of stuff coming, but the marketing and business types are making some big decisions first. In the meantime, I'm plugging along on making and revising the tutorial (which has some pretty cool cameos).
  8. Fall 2015! But seriously, we should be getting a big website update very very soon. Thanks for hanging with us. Having a small team has meant a limited bandwidth for public updates so far.
  9. There's a little love here: https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/44509/app-news-gen-con-short-takes
  10. We'll be at GenCon in Indianapolis next week with a hands-on demo for you to get your mitts on! I will be there with the project's Art Lead. We are easy to find in the Paizo Booth right at the front doors. Hope to see you there!
  11. Within the next month or so we should have a signup for beta live on our website. I'll also make an announcement here when the time comes. That signup will also give you the option to get regular updates from us so that whether or not you are beta testing, you'll know when we launch.
  12. It's safe to say we will start out with the characters as they were originally created. There will be updates to account for errata and the like. We are very interested in providing alternate versions of the iconics, but that's all I can say at the moment. We have multiiple expansion decks in the works. Enough so I can spend most of a work day playing through it and not get through all of the content available. As we have enough of a game to evaluate, we are refocusing on interface and usability. That beings said, I wouldn't expect everything at once.
  13. Paizo is the license holder, not the publisher. We are working to get the game ready to put into a beta test environment. We will let you know when that's up and running. Beyond that, we are a small development team with our eyes on the prize. When release dates are more certain, we won't hide them!
  14. We are developing for both iPad and Android tablets simultaneously to begin with. And hope to expand beyond those platforms later.
  15. There of some shots of the game imbedded here! https://www.flickr.com/photos/132836690@N07/sets/72157653570445922
  16. <psst!> Folks at the convention will be able to get a hands on demo. Just sayin'.
  17. If any of you are in Seattle over Memorial Day Weekend, come check out the game at PaizoCon! http://paizo.com/paizocon We'll be giving many live demos each day and would love to talk to you in person. Cheers!
  18. This year? Absolutely. Beyond that, I don't have details to give. I will say that the longer you wait, the better (and bigger) the game will be.
  19. Work and progress continues on PACG! Never fear! As I am able to share more information, I certainly will. I am also looking forward to the release, but have the benefit of seeing the daily improvements and content additions that make the game better each day.
  20. Without going into specifics, publishers do a lot more than fund games. For example we partnered with Paradox to help distribute Pillars of Eternity even though production costs were crowd sourced.
  21. I'll just put this here: http://www.polygon.com/2015/2/4/7980129/pathfinder-rpg-video-game-obsidian-entertainment Not a lot of details for ya, but it gives a sense of where we are at! Enjoy.
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