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Everything posted by pacman

  1. You definitely could do with a healer. I recommend an Island Aumaua priest of Magran buffer/gunner with quick switch. Stats something like: 21 13 12 8 16 8
  2. There's a sarcophagus in the main Copperlane catacombs area that can definitely drop it. There's another sarcophagus in the adjoining temple of Woedica area that I believe has the same loot list. They can also drop the +spell damage and +ranged damage gauntlets.
  3. Tested with Borresaine, but I'm assuming all stunning enchantments are identical. Screen cap: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9072xz6q7xj4g1i/borresaine%20stun%20sneak%20attack%20bug.png?dl=0
  4. My zealous focus has a huge AoE. Stacking bug from boots of Zealous Command? Are there still stacking stat bugs in the game? Thought they fixed that...
  5. Is Turning Wheel worth it? Aren't you dumping all your wounds with TR spam?
  6. Hmm driving flight would be nice. But I would rather go for swift aim because vicious aim's accuracy bonus does not stack with devotions of the faithful. EDIT: cancel that, swift aim has an accuracy penalty... idk about ranger tbh. I don't think driving flight makes up for the rogue's crit bonuses.
  7. Here's my tentative stunning weapons party: barbarian - soldier - hours of st. rumbalt, godansthunyr barbarian - peasant - cladhaliath priest of eothas - adventurer - starcaller rogue - adventurer - borresaine rogue - soldier - tall grass, aedrin's wrecker wizard - noble - rod of pale shades Sound good?
  8. Yeah dual wielding is a tough one. More hits = more chances for crits and dual wielding really shines with full attack abilities like barbaric blow and heart of fury, but the 12 accuracy from using a single weapon is pretty huge for a build focused on crits. On the other hand you do run out of talents that help you get crits (single weapon style doesn't provide crits), so it becomes a tradeoff between: 1) getting another weapon focus and dual weapon style and having dual wielding as an option, and 2) having more reliable damage with single weapon style and more defensive abilities like body control.
  9. Torments reach AOE hits don't use equipped weapons stats//effects .. They will never apply any weapon enchantments .. Oops. I tested it but forgot to take off my retaliation armor. Thanks for that correction.
  10. Stunning weapons work with Carnage and Torment's Reach. How would you build a party centered around exploiting this? (assuming PotD difficulty) Here's a list of the stunning weapons I know of: Melee: 1) Cladhaliath - spear - stunning, coordinating or stunning, vicious 2) Starcaller - flail - stunning, spell striking (minor missiles) 3) Godansthunyr - hammer - stunning, +1 might (stacks with other items) 4) Mabec's Morning Star - stunning, wilder slaying Ranged: 1) Borresaine - war bow - stunning, draining? 2) Rod of Pale Shades - stunning, disorienting Then there are the overbearing weapons (prone on hit), which could serve as a stopgap when they are easier to grab, or as an alternative end-game weapon if they come with superb, since only two weapons can be upgraded to superb. I'm thinking you definitely want: 1) A barbarian and/or monk for Carnage/Torment's Reach to wield melee stunning weapons, focused on Dex and Int. 2) A priest for Dire Focus and Devotions of the Faithful. I might just stop right there and use a three person party, or I was thinking of adding a rogue using Warbows (Borresaine) and/or wizard using Rods and Scepters (Rod of Pale Shades, Puitente) to stun-lock key targets. Unfortunately a wizard's blast does not proc weapon abilities, but a wizard is probably still the most effective with those weapons. Another possibility would be a Dangerous Implements monk. Am I missing any stunning weapons or key abilities from other classes?
  11. Supposedly there are items to be gained from prisoners but I have not heard of anyone getting anything but a couple hundred coppers. Has anyone collected all the available prisoners and held them for a while in a high-reputation stronghold? Also, can we make a list of the loot lost by taking each prisoner? Gramrfel - Dead Man Standing Kestorik - 3 emeralds, vithrack brain Aefre - nothing important Nyrid - grimoire Eorn - ? Naelde - ? Captain Esmer - ?
  12. Another related bug: sometimes weapon spellbinds are not replenished when resting.
  13. I think this bug affects all weapons with spellbinds. Non-weapons work as intended. I've seen some weird behavior, like: -Cast fireball using Taluntain's Staff. Immediately switch to another weapon and click on an enemy to attack. Character stands in place waving his weapon above his head as if he was using a spellbind. Swapping weapons again fixes it. It's at the point where I need to F5 F8 before every non-trivial fight just to make sure my spellbinds will work. Can anyone else confirm they are having the same issue?
  14. Not Kana but my main character. Hitting him with a stun (silent scream) made combat end, then saving and loading fixed it.
  15. You don't need to engage the enemies or damage them. Just F5 near enemies, then F8, and they are half dead. Are you guys on PoTD like me? Maybe the max health bonuses are applied after loading.
  16. 1) All carried weapons should reload automatically when out of combat. As much as I love the reloading animations, you shouldn't have to manually switch between all weapon sets and stand there while they reload after every battle. Also, sometimes they don't reload no matter what you do, and then your gunner is left standing there reloading at the start of combat. 2) There should be an indication on the UI if a weapon needs to be reloaded. Like a red circular arrow or something overlaid on the weapon in the weapon sets UI frame. Thanks!
  17. 1) Spellbind: Blizzard sometimes requires save/reload to appear. I'm not sure of the exact conditions which cause this. 2) Blizzard damage is too high? Not sure if this is a bug. Would need to compare to the druid spell version.
  18. Hmm. I guess I assumed there was some sort of mechanism preventing you from chaining the same CC over and over. It may be a bug, but I have to say I like it.
  19. Another stronghold hireling bug: With only Fellow of Waidwen hired, I was paying 450cp every pay-day. Then I hired 7 more hirelings in addition, and now I just paid 350cp on pay-day. EDIT: another example: With fellow of waidwen, aedyran noble lady, and 7 regular hirelings I paid 1800cp on payday. Then I reloaded and with the same hirelings I paid only 300cp on payday. Must have something to do with the "currently unpaid" thing.
  20. The Dunryd Psion special hireling costs 200 to hire and 100 per day, but his bonuses (-2 prestige, +2 security) are worse than the basic hirelings. Perhaps the prestige bonus is intended to be positive? Otherwise he's useless, unless he's involved in some secret event or something... Thanks.
  21. I personally feel like it's fine as is. In your example there's no reason why a character in full plate would take full damage from a corrosion (acid) attack because the armor would indeed protect one from it. Conversely, getting hit with lightning would hurt much more, which is relected in plates lower DR vs shock. Yes it makes sense that armor protects from acid a bit, but what about fire? Should soul ignition (4-5 ticks of 17 burn damage) really do almost nothing to an enemy in plate mail? I miss cooking meat-heads in their armor And the main problem is not whether armor should or shouldn't protect against an elemental attack, but how much. The straight DR system limits a DoT (or any multi-hit ability like... dual wielding) to either being useless against enemies with DR and balanced against enemies without DR, or balanced against enemies with DR and absurd against enemies without DR. The more hits, the more impossible it becomes to make an ability balanced in both cases. This is why they made poison do raw damage - it's the only way to balance a DoT like that. But it would not be acceptable to make soul ignition do raw damage...
  22. It's really weird to me that generally all armor gives huge DR for elemental attacks. Traditionally in these types of games, that big enemy in plate armor is weak to magic attacks. It also makes DoT's behave really weirdly (e.g. antipathetic echo hits six times with corrode damage, meaning it will hit an armored target with DR 10 for about 60 less damage than an unarmored target). I wish they kept the DT/DR system they originally had planned. I'm trying to make a mod to rebalance these Cipher abilities like Antipathetic and Ectopsychic but I'm not sure it's possible with the straight DR system without reducing the number of hits or just letting them bypass DR.
  23. My first game I used an estoc and gained even more focus than with a blunderbuss. Although I may have had a bug, because I was critting for up to 120 damage (biting whip, death godlike). What if mental binding just made enemies stuck, unless they are already stuck, then it could paralyze?
  24. I agree with this. Right now they get (at the start of combat) 10 focus + 5 per level. It is clearly too much. Maybe 5 starting focus per odd-level would be a good amount. Then they should also change the greater focus talent to apply to starting focus, making it potentially useful instead of useless. Some other cipher changes desperately needed: -Ectopsychic Echo should have its damage cut at least in half. Duration should probably be reduced as well. Average total damage should be well below soul ignition since it can hit many enemies and it targets reflex. -Mental Binding should probably have average casting time.
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