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Everything posted by ilsendoodle

  1. Due to the presence of the slide, I'd say it is a bug. Have tried every which way to keep Pallegina and support Huana to get that slide and can't do it anymore. I agree that it makes little sense, especiall if you have max rep with Pallegnia and VTC and saved Giacolo.
  2. Thanks, definitely get the honor guard breastplate every time, so the benevolent history has that one. She still leaves the party with that condition. Only question then is if the banished and/or reinstated ones change anything.
  3. That's interesting. I never played PoE 1. I just select the "benevolent" history at the top. But wouldn't the benevolent history be the one where she is "never exiled"? The thing is that in poe1 she's ordered to make a trade deal with some guys that will **** over the local dyrwoodians. She doesn't want to do it because she thinks they'll retaliate against the valians once they realize what they have done and it will cost them more in the long run. You can convince her to do follow orders anyway and make the deal or not. If she makes the deal then she's in good standing with the republic - and this is what I assume you would need to do for her to remain with you. Her other ending is not making the deal and getting exiled. Then alternatively still, if in the game's ending you use soul stuff to make the dyrwood stronger, the republics eventually realize she was right and pardon her. This is not enough to make her remain with you though, already tried. I just tried to make a new game but it seems like you can't customize the import, so I can't tell which options lead to different paths for Pallegina. But it's hard to believe that the only way to get her to stay is to choose an ending where she was banished. (I know it's not the one where she was not banished because that's what the Benevolent Soul history does--you get her immediately in the palace, and she leaves at the end if you don't support VTC.) Since I don't have PoE the only way for me to get a different start for her would be picking one of the "bad" histories but I imagine that will affect other things, and I doubt it will cause her to stay anyway. Pretty sure she's just bugged, given how it used to be, and given the ending slides for her where she helps you with the Huana.
  4. That's interesting. I never played PoE 1. I just select the "benevolent" history at the top. But wouldn't the benevolent history be the one where she is "never exiled"?
  5. I just had the same thing happen. Used to be able to kill the RDC leader and support Huana and keep Pallegina. Something was changed and it seems like she leaves now even if you have max reputation with her and VTC and saved Giacolo.
  6. The last time I finished the game, I went Huana, Castol was in good standing, and I had good reputation with Pallegina and VTC, and saved Giacolo. At the end, I refused Rauatai, leading to the fight where they all die, and went back to the queen and the queen didn't make me do anything against Valians. Pallegina didn't leave the party, and at the end I got this, which seems to accurately sum up the events: "For assisting the Watcher with the Huana conquest of Ukaizo, Pallegina is immediately dismissed from the brotherhood, but the ducs stop short of banishing her from the Republics. Director Castol intercedes on her behalf, pleading with the ducs for her assistance with his ongoing work in the Deadfire. Reluctantly, the ducs readmit Pallegina to the Frermàs mes Canc Suolias. She remains Director Castol's only offical support from the ducs in the region. For assisting the Watcher with the Huana conquest of Ukaizo, Pallegina is immediately dismissed from the brotherhood, but the ducs stop short of banishing her from the Republics. Director Castol intercedes on her behalf, pleading with the ducs for her assistance with his ongoing work in the Deadfire. Reluctantly, the ducs readmit Pallegina to the Frermàs mes Canc Suolias. She remains Director Castol's only offical support from the ducs in the region." This time, I did the same thing, and she left the party, leaving me with a note that referenced "hostile actions" against the VTC. If anything it should read "because you failed to support VTC..." but I didn't take any hostile actions against them and had max reputation with them, in fact. Also, due to the presence of the above slide, it obviously is possible to have Pallegina assist in a Huana ending, unless this was simply removed. Was something changed? How can you side with Huana and not have Pellgina leave on the current patch?
  7. Yup! Hopefully both the endslides and Ydwin will have VO in the next patch. Didn't see it in the patch notes, but just wanted to confirm. Did ending VO make it into this patch?
  8. Have also had this problem for 8 months. Finally decided to search the forums. I can't believe it was acknowledged in May and is still here.
  9. Arkemyr's, though going in the front should not be an option. First visit to Deadlight. Splintered Reef.
  10. I didn't play PoE 1, but at the end of Forgotten Sanctum you can support either Tayn or Llengrath, and unlike most of the PoE 2 choices, this one seems like you may want some prior knowledge about those characters. Tayn is portrayed as kind of bumbling though goodhearted and Llengrath is portrayed as more serious but also good. But then I saw that killing Llengrath in PoE 1 was pretty common. Is she good/trustworthy?
  11. Ish. Llengrath leaving is causing a lot of issues, so I'm looking to adjust that in our next patch. It's a big change, though, so I'm being careful with it. Regardless, there should be some solution in the next update. Is there a slide associated with the godseed business, or is it just like Tayn (i.e., hand in, get reward)? Also, is full ending slide narration planned? Thanks.
  12. But how would you swap them with Porokoa when his fight comes after the part where you talk to Whehami? If you want Muatu to become the Faces, then you need to empower him before talking to Whehami. If you want the Porokoa to become the Faces, you need Whehami's axe/to be the Champion of the Slayer. Though, in either case the outcome is quite bad (random corpses). Thanks. I did Seeker instead. Does that mean for things to just continue as they are you need to talk down Whehami rather than fight him? You can fight Whehami and the outcome will be reasonably decent. I've never managed to talk him down, because of the requirements (to be his chosen and to have Intimidate 16, maybe something else), so not sure, if it changes much. There was another thread about endings for SSS with more information (https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106399-seeker-slayer-survivor-ending-question-spoiler/). Yeah I read that thread before posting this one, but they don't actually say if the ending is any different that way. Did you get: The Faces of the Hunt continue to rule the Crucible in Galawain's or rather Toamowhai's name... Also trying to figure out if it changes anything if you sacrifice the souls to the crucible.
  13. But how would you swap them with Porokoa when his fight comes after the part where you talk to Whehami? If you want Muatu to become the Faces, then you need to empower him before talking to Whehami. If you want the Porokoa to become the Faces, you need Whehami's axe/to be the Champion of the Slayer. Though, in either case the outcome is quite bad (random corpses). Thanks. I did Seeker instead. Does that mean for things to just continue as they are you need to talk down Whehami rather than fight him?
  14. But how would you swap them with Porokoa when his fight comes after the part where you talk to Whehami?
  15. Looking at some of the ending slides for Seeker Survivor, I see that you can replace the Faces of the Hunt with Muata. I didn't see an option for that--was it all in the skill checks during Champion of the Hunt when you confront Whehami? Confused because it seems like you can also do the soul of the Porokoa, but that comes after, when it attacks the arena after you return from Whehami. Thanks.
  16. I'd say Huana are the best in terms of 1) endings, 2) theorycrafting, and 3) unsavory things they make you do in game in support of their endings. If you support RDC, but then refuse to kill the queen, which is unsavory, they attack you. Queen doesn't make you do anything bad at that point. Everyone else wants you to kill people or blow stuff up. In terms of endings, pirates are obviously out. Can't get behind RDC militancy. Valians might be okay, second best probably, but they support a lot of ugly stuff and will clearly exploit/abandon the area. Huana have best claim to the region and the caste system is obviously bad, but its their religion/culture. They needed that as to not be the slam dunk best choice that the developers obviously wanted to avoid. I can see some people might put Valians first, although I disagree, but no way Huana are last.
  17. Played this a bunch before, but stopped after Beast of Winter. Can anyone tell me: 1. If the ending slides are fixed now (as I recall, I couldn't get the ending where Vatnir turns the area into a trading hub). 2. If there is anywhere that has a comprehensive ending slide list updated for the DLC. I'm assuming that Seeker Survivor and Sanctum added slides--did they? The wiki has a really good list of the base game ending slides, but it seems that it still hasn't even been updated for Beast of Winter, which I know added slides. 3. Are any of the Sanctum and Seeker achievements missable? Thanks!
  18. Are Beast of Winter ending slights fixed yet?
  19. Divinity does progression pretty well. Not sure what the issue is here. It's not like it's off by a little bit. It's off by a massive amount.
  20. Right. My bad for assuming that the people clamoring for an increased level cap wanted more than to see the little number go up. Yes, the cost of developing new abilities, creating animations for them, several QA passes for balance, a narrative pass or two for higher level skill checks, etc is what I was referring to. It's a psychological effect. Seeing a little number go up would be sufficient to keep some people actively engaged in the game when they would otherwise loose interest. Meanwhile, I hit level 18 when I reached Ukaizo in my last playthrough. *shrug* So you skipped roughly 25% of the content in the game. Okay well yeah, I have to admit that this problem doesn't apply to you. I'm fine with them doing something to Iron Man that slows progression or put in a blessing that does the same. Not trying to ruin your game, friend, but I promise you that progression is demonstrably off if you actually try to complete everything. It seems trivial to add a toggle or Blessing like: COMPLETIONIST - ALL XP GAINS ARE HALVED. Fair? Edit: Wow just realized you are the person I was replying to in my previous post too. You skip so much content and then argue when people who actually like the game enough to explore it fully say that the exp gain is off? I notice you have 3000 posts--put a little more of that time into actually playing the game and you may have a more nuanced perspective.
  21. ??? Are you assuming that each DLC is going to add 1/3 the XP as the base game? I think I got *a* level out of BoW ????????? 1) Later levels are worth more. You didn't go there at level 1. 2) It's more about time spent at a certain level than it is how many creatures or raw exp a certain area gives. This is the same reason games don't have levels 1 through 9 take 10 hours each and then have the final boss level take 100 hours on its own. 3) I spent like 30 hours to hit max level and then at least another 15 at max level in vanilla. I spent like 7 in Beast of Winter, already maxed. If the other two DLCs are also 7 hours each then I'd be at 30 hours to hit max and then 36 at max. This is neither a complicated nor a controversial perspective. All you have to do is look at the top 20 or so top RPGs of the last two-three decades. 1) "later levels are worth more". I'm not sure what that means. 2) This is a function of open world games where you have a ton of content that players *could* be doing anywhere between the end of act 1 and the start of act 3. If you don't like the trend, then encourage developers to stop chasing the sandbox. In the mean time, you're not *forced* to chase down every side quest and task. You do know this, right? 3) Oh. Powergamer. Nevermind. PS: the "top 20 or so RPGs of the last two-three decade" could mean anything depending on who you ask. Unfortunately, one of the best selling games in the last 10 years was Skyrim which had a classless system that eventually had to introduce a "legendary" mechanic to address people capping out abilities. So could we stop pretending that this is a "Deadfire" problem? I'd like to continue, but you aren't even making sense at this point. I finish Skyrim without being capped. Same for the Fallouts, while we're on Bethesda. And Witcher. Plenty of other games have no caps at all. The rest have a smooth progression where you reach max level at the end or hit it and then do your final 10-20% of the game. For example, Dragon Age and Divinity. This is fine. Anyway, they'll do something for progression or level cap by the time of the last DLC. Don't worry about it. Out of curiosity, would you please give me the names of a few popular RPGs where you end character progression with 50% of the game left? Thanks in advance.
  22. ??? Are you assuming that each DLC is going to add 1/3 the XP as the base game? I think I got *a* level out of BoW ????????? 1) Later levels are worth more. You didn't go there at level 1. 2) It's more about time spent at a certain level than it is how many creatures or raw exp a certain area gives. This is the same reason games don't have levels 1 through 9 take 10 hours each and then have the final boss level take 100 hours on its own. 3) I spent like 30 hours to hit max level and then at least another 15 at max level in vanilla. I spent like 7 in Beast of Winter, already maxed. If the other two DLCs are also 7 hours each then I'd be at 30 hours to hit max and then 36 at max. This is neither a complicated nor a controversial perspective. All you have to do is look at the top 20 or so top RPGs of the last two-three decades.
  23. Even without any DLC, I hit max level with something like 25% content left, which is already highly questionable. Add 3 DLC and don't change the cap or leveling rate, and you'd end up with a situation in which someone would hit max level with half the content in the game left. This is a ludicrous result that no single-player game that I have played in the last two decades has ended up with, including POE 1. I'm sure some of the people in this thread think it's fine, but I really believe you guys are the vocal minority. It's objectively poor game design in a genre rooted in player progression.
  24. If it's in good condition I'll buy yours, or anyone else's, for whatever you paid for it. Throw it up on Ebay.
  25. I concur. It's better than release, but still trivial somewhere around 14-15. The challenges don't really help because while Magram's does make it harder, it does so at the expense of the whole tactical element of the game. Beraths only makes it harder in the first 12 levels or so, when the game is already well tuned. After that, my guys never die anyway. (And I don't even "flee" at level 1--I didn't even know you could flee.) I'd like to see something that makes it harder so that I have to pause and work things out more, not less. But TLDR, yes it's still too easy.
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