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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Well I'm not particularly that concerned about the release date, its just this guy that got me going, whining about other people whining! Now WTF's that about? He makes a topic whining about the whiners and ends up whining himself, then he's upset when the whiners whine back at him! Erm if that made sense
  2. Well I heard the guy in sith armour was just a place holder and he's very different now! So who knows maybe it is Canderous.
  3. That I am my friend, can't speak for others, but that I am, and I assume a fair few others are too.
  4. I'm done discussing this with you. You've clearly failed to understand my point here. Whine all you want, but keep it in the right place. And if there is no right place, it must mean the mods dont want it here at all. Quit ruining all the other board topics. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We were 'done' discussing anything a while back, like when you would hear nothing at all about anyone elses opinion. We have a venting thread, you come and whine at us for whining. You make another whining thread and when we whine back at you, we are 'off-topic' <_<
  5. Not to interfere also, but prod, thats one trippy site in your sig!
  6. And remember you are the one whining at us to stop whining! So who's the biggest fool? The fool, or the fool who follows him?
  7. doesnt really concern me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> IT WAS A JOKE!! Sheesh lighten up boy!
  8. You do realize that nobody will answer you anyway after this! You will be an obsidiansitewide hate figure
  9. you must not know the definition of hypocrite. I'm stating that threads should stay on topic. I said that in post 1, and I'm still saying it. Did I jumo into the self styled rant thread? Yeah, but it had already sunk into a flame fest before I got there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not with each other so much! UNTIL you came along flaming everyone up <_<
  10. I didn't say you hadn't stayed on topic, but your argument is anyone who dosn't agree with you in this thread is 'off-topic'. YOU are going to get this thread closed down with YOUR whining
  11. So what you are saying is: The only people on-topic are the ones who agree with you? <_<
  12. To be fair you couldn't, not do something simply because it's been done before, if that was the case, the gaming industry would be rather exhausted, rather quickly! Amnesia may be more common among force adepts P.S. cheers Ant D, that was an excellent way to put it, and I can't speak for everyone, but I'm satisfied with that
  13. Someone make this guy a mod conversations grow and evolve, there is only so much that can be said on one subject, and I think the limit has been reached on the subject matter <_<
  14. Thats what I found most distasteful letting the hype around the possible dec release spiral out of control, and all the while knowing it to be impossible <_< if they had made it clear from the beginning that there was no chance I wouldn't have been bothered at all. Its just like when you are a kid and you ask for something from your parents, and they say "we'll see" just to shut you up, all the while knowing they are never going to get you it, making not getting it all the worse <_< If someone asks you if we may get it in Dec say: NO is that so hard to understand! Don't work your way around the question, leave that to the politicians.
  15. Nope not even the slightest bit. They are all snobs who do it anyway, I've seen them in their little gay tunic things And all the protesters are hippies
  16. That was a good 5 years ago, I'm 21 now, but yeah I get your point, nobody was safe that day
  17. Not enough people to throw eggs at since David Blane (sp?) left I take it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We always find someone to throw eggs at, ourselves if needs be
  18. People are forgetting us international Xbox owners, we are in exactly the same position as you PC users, AND like you we consistently get swept to one side <_< I'm not whining about getting extra content, because I'd have to buy Xbox live to get it, so, in some respects we are worse off than the Pc'ers But life goes on, get used to it, cos it aint gonna change anytime soon.
  19. Don't you mean 'some' brits? I personally couldn't give a sh/t <_<
  20. I quite liked Tattooine, if they just gave us more of it, I would be happy. Of course if they left it out for a newer more interesting planet I would be even happier
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