So, in relation to 2K, how does it feel to have them Sucker you guys! Suckers!
Personally, good luck at removing it if you really want it removed. It's a major [word that cannot really be said here] to get rid of. There are three different little items that you have to remove, and they are all at the base level of Windows, so it's not going to be any typical walk in the park. To tell the truth, AVG can detect portions of it probably, but I don't think it will be able to do a complete clean of it due to how low level in the programming this Trojan affects.
What you are talking about is seperate from what is mistaken for the Rootkit. IT INSTALLS A WINDOWS SERVICE. Which is quite easy to turn off as it is a windows service and is listed under windows services. The full extent of the administrative abilities it gives to other users I can't speak to, but supposedly it's limited to only SecuROM functions.