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Darth Mortis

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Posts posted by Darth Mortis

  1. A pod's breaks are likly in the cotpit, becaues if the egines were to stop the cotpit would retain it's foward momentum and continue to fly forward.


    Pod racers have brakes both on the pod and on both engains. If they didn't you'd run the very real risk of the cables that connect the pod to the engains snapping when you slowed down. If you watch the pod race carefully in TPM you can see airbrakes in action on the engains of some of the racers.

  2. Depends on the upgrade. The only way to check is to look at the weapons stats-there is a critical hit chance listed on weapon stats-then install the upgrade and look again. Most weapons have a critical hit chance of something like 19-20, keen weapons have chances like 18-20 or better but this depends on the weapon and the upgrade. Think the average is 17-20 but thats off the top of my head so might be wrong. Keen weapons are, btw, best used with the critical stike feat which increases the chance of a critical strike anyway. Adding keen and stun upgrades and using master critical strike can do some serious damage-not only do you have a great chance of a critical hit but you'll have a good chance of stunning opponents as well....at least thats the theory.

  3. I doubt the developers/writers would look on here, not because there is anything wrong with any of the ideas but because if someone has posted an idea/plotline that is similar to what they end up using they could be accused of stealing the idea. (This, btw, is the same reason why scripts and books are often sent straight back by publishers/studios if they haven't been sent via an agent). It could create a whole host of problems for LA and the developer, so they will be very careful not to look too hard here (or anywere else) where there might be plots posted.


    However, I'm fairly sure that LA (and whoever is/does develop the game) is interested in feedback as the things they got right and wrong in TSL. If I had to make an educated guess I would say that they are aware of general ideas-such as being able to pick Revan and the Exile's alignment etc-without knowing specific details. They probably have someone from marketing glancing though the boards from time to time (or will have) who can pass the information on, but who isn't directly involved (Or will not be) in making the game.

  4. Disiple is the easiest of all to train. all you have to do is question him and give LS responses and after about ten minutes Disiple can be made a Jedi. I made him a Jedi in the acrives room right after he joined my party.


    Ten minutes!? What you made yourself something to eat in the middle? It can be done in two minutes if you skip the annoying diologe.

  5. A twin bladed sabre is held so the blades are pointing to either side of the torso and the fighting style involves moving the body as much, if not more, than the sabre itself. You couldn't do this with two twin blade sabres at the same time, at least not well enough to be dangerous to anyone but yourself. Even the simplest parry would run the risk of waving one of the blades into the face, body or limbs and thats just moving the sabre. If you parried the force of the blow would either send the sabre flying from your hand, or push one of the blades into the moron who was trying to fight this way. The reason is that the hand grip is much longer than normal so you can hold them with both hands, which also reduces the control you would have when using then with a single hand.


    So no, twin duel bladed sabres are not practical unless you turned off one of the blades on each sabre...at which point you'd have to ask why you bothered to build two such sabres when it would be faster and simpler to just build two normal sabres-Dual blade sabres are meant to be very hard to make, far harder than a normal sabre.

  6. Try uninstalling the game, reinstalling and updating before you play the game again. Don't worry about losing the save games-the uninstall program won't remove the save games unless you tell it to.


    Ask if your brother was running any mods of any kind, if it was that might be why it was crashing. I've noticed this problem before-some mods can do strange things. (If he was running a mod chances are his save game is corrupted, and corrupted save games will crash KOTOR).


    I've noticed some problems if you have anti-virus programs and firewalls running in the background, turn them off during play. It also a good idea to turn them off while installing the game. (Remembering, of course, to turn them back on before you update the game or connect to the net)


    Check to make sure you have no spyware or viruses on the computer. (Use two anti-spyware programs one after another, what one misses the other should catch. Ad-Aware is a good anti-spyware program you can download, and its free).


    Check the HD for errors, and made sure there is enough space on it for the game. Don't forget that many games use part of the HD during play as a form of tempory memory, so if the drive is full that might cause a crash.


    Ask your brother where the crashes were taking place. If it was Dantooine it could just be that he was suffereing from a glitch that can occur there with GeForce cards. Look here for common problems and how to solve them.


    Re-load older settings of windows, there should be a saved backup of all the windows settings somewhere on your PC-the windows help files will tell you how to do this.


    Failing all that, and assuming you have the disk, you could always try reinstalling windows. This is the extreme way to try and get your PC working again. Installing windows on top of itself should solve any bootup issues, as the 'newer' version will overwrite the old. Note that this *SHOULD'NT* remove any programs or other information you have on the PC, as windows checks for installed software and will keep them-ie it should notice that you already have the graphics drivers on the computer and use them. I say *SHOULD* because windows can, sometimes, decide to do strange things for no reason. So I'd advise this only as a last resort, after you've backed up anything you don't want to lose-such as passwords and internet id's. I'd also ask you not to start shouting at me if it doesn't work or you lose stuff-I did warn you.

  7. Omelette is correct, the best way to get the repair parts is to breakdown items you don't need-don't forget you'll have a couple of pads from Peragus you can breakdown.


    Me? Well for the repair stuff on Dantooine I put Bao-Dur in my party and switch to him for the droids. Check the wrecked droids in the room, then use Bao-Dur to break down everything you don't need at the workbench, then use him to create more spare-parts, then use him to repair the droids. Even his basic skills (Plus the bonus he gets from Int) are high enough that you'll only need 3 or 4 parts per droid.

  8. I was under the impression that they were working on a Wii starwars game for some reason. (I seem to recall that one of the very first SW games was on a Nintendo system, so I would sort of assume LA and Nintendo would be happy working together). Guess I was wrong *shrugs*

  9. Vader I believe is father not invader. Most resources I have researched this on point toward that, though I cant be sure.

    Nihilus= Nihilism= Feeling of nothingness I believe or something to the extent.


    But what about people like Markos Ragnos and Naga Sadow and Kaan. WHy so many exceptions???


    I got it wrong, Darth translates as 'father' in dutch, wonder if there was a Darth Christmas in SWEU....? Vader could come from 'Invader', although given that most Sith names come from the personality of the Sith-or refer to some aspect of their powers/function that would not fit.


    Anyway, I have no idea what Vader would translate to, if anything.


    Nihius could be derived from the Latin 'nihil', which means nothing, or it could be a derivitate of Annihilate. (Looking at Wilki)


    As to why some Sith Lords use 'Darth' while others do not I can only think that;


    The tradition was, at the time of TSL, relatively new or it was an old tradition that was sometimes ignored.


    Darth *insert name here* was considered a siths 'true' name, while any other name they used was an attempt to hide their identity. This is more likely for Sith lords after Darth Bane since they were in hiding from the Jedi-or at least pretending to be extinct. Going around calling yourself 'Darth' in this context would have stupid.


    Personal preferance-some Sith Lords might have prefered their orignal name to their sith name. Revan and Malak seemed to prefer their own names since they kept them even as Darth's.


    Other Lords of the Sith might not have considered themselves as such, maybe seeing themselves as something else above the Sith, or apart from it. Exar Kun didn't, as far as I know, ever call himself Darth anything, maybe because he considered himself a breed apart from other Sith, even though no one called into question his right to be called a Sith Lord.


    A Sith might only have been allowed to take the prefix 'Darth' after besting a prior Darth. If they never killed a Darth *insert name here* they might not have been entitled to take the prefix themselves. (Doubtful, given that there is no indication Revan bested a Lord of the Sith before becomeing Darth Revan. But then again he could have. It is unclear if Malak was adressed as Darth before he 'killed' Revan).


    Anyway, this is off the topic of the thread...oops I did it again ;)

  10. Darth Tyranus. His name invokes the feeling if tyrant much like other dark lord names have hidden meanings.


    Or in this case not so hidden meanings. Tyrannus is Latin for tyrant.


    :shifty: Who woulda thunk it? (end sarcasm)


    Ah, GL, how blatantly obvious you have become.


    Well, in fairness Darth Vader can translate as 'Dark Father', so GL has been sneeky a few times....ok, maybe just the once.

  11. Canonical things must be made. If in the beginning such a key and important story wasn't chosen as the theme I would agree with you, but this trilogy is what sets up the Republic and forges the future.


    In reference to books and the like you would be correct. In the context of making KOTOR 3 don't be daft. One of the major points (and delights) of the KOTOR games is the ability to pick if you want to play as DS or LS, lose that and you might as well just turn KOTOR into a shoot-them-up. Insisting on only the cannon endings of the first two game would also mean that just about everyone who owns/has played them would be more than a little annoyed and refuse to so much as look at the packaging, let alone buy the game.


    Another point to make is that this game does NOT set up the Republic-it could have fallen apart and been reformed between TSL and Darth Bane several times over regardless of the endings of the games. You are making the mistake of assuming that the Republic in TPM is the same one as in KOTOR 1&2, it could just have the same name.

  12. Its been more then a month that the bug count has been in the 60's (which means that not even 6 bugs have been fixed in a month)



    and considering were in spring break, this is going waaaaaaaay to slow


    The people working on TSLRP are not getting paid, but doing this in their spare time so don't begrudge them a life away from the project. Besides I was expecting the count to rise quite a bit as things went on, new bugs were bound to creep in.

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