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Darth Mortis

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Posts posted by Darth Mortis

  1. only planet iv not been to yet is koriban, but i dont think it matters what order u play the game in, so i dont know why im stuck like i am.


    It doesn't matter which order you do the planets in, except in one area-and that is the message from Kavar. Unless Kavar is the last master you need to meet (the part in the cantena not counting) you will not get the message from him until you have found one of the other masters. In your case that means that you need to find Vash on Koriban-eg finish the main quest there-before you'll get the message.




    For example, if you go to Duxn first you will end up doing the following;


    The missions on Duxn to get you to Onderon.


    The missions on Onderon to meet Kavar for the first time.


    Mandolore joins the party.


    You then leave, and go to one of the other planets-say Dantooine.


    You finish all the quests on Dantooine and meet or kill Vrook.


    You return to the Hawk, at which point you will get the message from Kavar and can go back to Duxn to finish the quests to meet or Kill Kavar.




    I'm guessing that you've always left Duxn for last on your other playthroughs, which is why you haven't noticed this before.

  2. I'm kinda stuck with the low DEX. I might pour a few points into it


    Another quick tip-most of the items you can find to increase DEX always increase it in odd numbers; +1, +3 etc. So if you have an odd DEX number wearing one of these items with even the DEX score out. Since only full even numbers in Stats grant any bonus you won't be wasting any points. (Eg; a DEX score of 14 would give you a +2 bonus to all abilities that relate to it-such as AC. A DEX score of 15 still gives you a +2 bonus. Just making that clear for anyone who hasn't worked that out).


    Do you think it's worth bringing my CON up to 16? That was an attribute I didn't put any stock in for KOTOR 1. Are the implants just crap?


    Yes, its worth that. There are some implants that require a CON of 16 that can be quite helpful (as well as the extra HP-think its 3 per level). Its the implants over this that are, by and large, not worth it. There are level 16 implants that can give +3 bonuses to some stats-such as strength and agility-that can be helpful.


    I had heard from some FAQ that you don't really need to invest in the dueling feats, and that the penalty for a short lightsaber is less/not a big deal.


    I guess it depends on your class-Guardiens can take more hits and Consulars are harder to hit anyway. With Sentinals I'd say that it is better to either have two weapons and create as much damage as you can as quickly as you can. Or to do something that makes you harder to hit (which dueling does). Given your low DEX I'd say getting the dueling feats might be a good idea, as it will make you somewhat harder to hit and offset your lower DEX score.


    As to penities using two weapons without the TW feat? Off the top of my head I think the penalty for using a balanced weapon in the off hand is something like -8/-10 (Its -4/-6 with the first level of TW fighting). That is the kind of penalty you are unlikely to be able to make up through boosts and upgrades. (And upgrade bonuses for weapons only affect that weapon, not both of them).

  3. As an interesting bit of useless trivia....The lightsabre fights in Empire and Jedi between Luke and Vader had an expert fencer in the Vader suit-a man called Bob Anderson*. The reason he was in the suit was because the amount of vision wearing it was limited and they realised that there was good chance of someone (Mark Hamill, who had no protection) could get hurt. This is also why the fights in the OT were slower than they were in the prequels-there was far to much chance of someone getting hurt during the fights. (To say nothing of the limited movement in the Vader suit).


    (*Bob Anderson worked on a number of other films, including; Moonraker, Highlander, First Knight, Princess Bride and the 1993 three musketteers film. Just in case you were wondering...which you weren't).

  4. There was a room I'd get stuck in after GOTO's ship, and it was locked from the outside. Meh. It was ****ed, and even when I went to a previous save several hours earlier (and tried to do everything by the books) it still glitched.


    There is a solution to that in the FAQ thread on this board, just in case it happens again (or you still have the savegame in question).


    As to the questions you had;


    My thought's here are that I'd like to have lots of skills, and still balance that with credible fighting skills. I'm usually a DEX guy (in KOTOR 1 those were my best characters) but if I go STR 14 I'll have an easier time being an effective fighter, and can save a feat.


    I'd be wary of having a sentinal with no dex bonus. Don't forget that Dex also affects your AC. With Guardians your higher HP can offset low AC, and consulars get a defense bonus anyway. With sentinals you get trapped between the two-you don't have the HP to take many hits, and lack the natural ability to avoid getting hit. If you want a lower than normal Dex look at a level of 12 (+1 bonus), then you can add extra Dex bonuses from some of the stealth belts you can find.


    Btw, don't forget that their is a new feat called Lightsabre finesse that uses your Dex bonus rather than your strength. I like to go this way with Sentinals and Consulars as high dex means a higher chance to hitting with a sabre as well as increaseing AC-as long as you are using robes once your Dex mod gets over +4 (Dex of 18).


    I've already got cross-class feat for Repair.


    Thats well worth it since you can create better upgrades for yourself on Peragus. After that...I normally use someone else for making upgrades.


    How would you guys upgrade attributes? Should I continue to upgrade STR or WIS?


    If you are playing as a male exile go for wisdom. You can learn a new skill that will allow you to add your wisdom modifyer to your AC. (As well as making your force powers far more effective).


    I've only really played the game once. What can I get with high CON (as far as implants)?


    Mainly a load of crap. Most of the higher level implants (CON 18) are, frankly, not worth the effort of getting your CON to that level given that everything else will suffer and you won't get enough benifits to offset this. Also note that the minimum CON needed for implants does NOT include any bonuses given by items-it only includes the unmodifed number.


    What advantage does high INT give me? Where should I cap it?


    INT does three things; One is it increases the number of skill points you get during Level up. Second is that it (like most Stats) gives you a bonus for some skills. Third is that it can sometimes give you extra options during diologe, as well as extra options at other times. (Trust me, you'll discover this on Peragus >_< ) I normally cap it at 14, thats more than high enough and extra INT doesn't really help that much in the game as it is.


    I didn't think I would in the short term. What would you allot for skills? I want to be a skill-using, sneak-attack machine when it's all said and done, but still be able to use my persuade, security, computer and repair skills as well.


    Persude should be a must-considering that its the only ability that only the Exile has and can use. Other than that stealth sounds helpful. Its worth remembering that many of the other skills can be used by the other members of your party if you switch to them, and by the time your on your own you generally won't need to use skills. In practice a sercurity skill of four (including any stat bonuses) will open all but maybe three things-and then you can often use another party member to open the object for you. Demilitions is in the same boat-a skill of five will allow you to recover all the mines on Peragus, and after that you can get someone else to do it for you.


    Skills that are helpful; Persude, awareness, computer, repair, first aid, stealth (if you want to do the sneek attack thing).


    Also... does "Dominate Mind" still reflect the DS? That's something that always upset me about the first game. It's not always evil to control someone's mind (i.e. Obi-Wan ala "A New Hope").


    No idea, its a totally useless power to get as you can cover most of the options with Persude skill and keep the extra force power for something else. I've never picked it or used it.


    And finally, I wish to use a single saber (maybe add a robust short one for the offhand) and I don't intend to get any Two-Weapon fighting or Dueling feats.


    You'll have trouble then with the harder fights. Fact is you just won't do enough damage or have a good chance of hitting with a sabre without a feat or two. Don't even think of adding a second weapon without two-weapon fighting-you'll incure a penalty to hit that is not offset by the extra damage you *might* do if you hit.....which you won't most of the time. If you intend to use only a single sabre then go for the dueling feats, which increases you're defence as well as your to-hit number, and don't try a second sabre (which negates the dueling feat). If you plan on using a small sabre in the off hand get at least the second level of two-weapon fighting.


    I think *most* people would say that two lightsabres are better than one in the end, if only because you then can carry four crystals and six upgrades to increase stats to hit numbers etc. But you need two-weapon fighting to really make the most of them. Don't worry about losing Feats this way-as far as fighting goes the two best feats seem to be master Flurry and Critical strike.

  5. I'll start by saying that I do like GL, he is the one who created the Starwars universe after all. However I'm wondering if the problem with the prequel films is that he had too much control. GL seems to be very good at ideas and images, but far from great when it comes to direction and diologe. I wonder if it might not have been better for the finished project if GL had stepped back and let someone else handle the direction of the films.


    It is interesting to note that when you ask people which of the films they like best they normally always say Empire Strikes Back-which is the film GL had the least control over. It can be hard to create something and then let go and allow others to run with it, polishing the rough edges over to give something that has the best of everything. Seems George, from what I can tell, just can't-or won't-allow this to happen. Its understandable, but I can't help but feel that it wasn't the best direction to go with the prequels. Maybe, just maybe, GL will relax slightly with future SW projects and we'll get the best of his ideas and images while someone else handles direction and script.


    It is (or might be to some people) interesting to note that GL isn't the only person to fall into this trap. Gene Roddenberry, the creater of StarTrek, fell into the same trap which lead to the first StarTrek film. The difference was that GR could be (And was) pushed to one side by the studio, so while he had creative input he wasn't the one making the films/TV shows. The 'immediate' effect of this was Wrath of Khan, probably the best of the ST films, followed by four TV series which I doubt would have been as popular if GR alone had been control.


    Can you blame the actors in the prequel films for the short-comings? Well not really, even the best actors can only be as good as the script, and they can only rise above that with good directing. Add to this that most actors really don't do it for the money (Which for 95% of actors is dire) but because acting is something they enjoy. If you have a bad script, a director that doesn't allow the actors any leeway in how they act and deliver lines and which takes the fun out of the whole thing for the actors then you can understand why the standard of acting wasn't close to what the actors were and are capable of.


    Does the problem fall on the shoulders of GL? Yes, I'd have to say it does. He was, in my opinion, too controlling of too many things. He was so caught up with the overall picture and what he wanted to convey that he missed the small things, such as appaling diologe and the fact that the actors seemed to be getting board sensless by the whole thing. The problems of the films are GL's problems, and could have been avoided had he been able and willing to hand some measure of control over to others.


    Still, he did create Starwars and for all his faults you have to love him for that........

  6. No modern gun is that inaccurate in real life.


    Acually the accuracy of most firearms depends more on the shooter than on the weapon itself. Even members of the United States police forces will, in general, fail to hit a man sized target at ten feet or more in a real gunfight. Special forces (and Special police units) are more accurate, but they spend a large amount of time training and can still miss targets....and unlike everyone/thing in KOTOR they don't shoot from the hip.

  7. Anyways, the Romans had completely different formations to the phalanx, considering that the Romans lacked in spears in the early years and were based on cohorts consisting of swords and javelin based combat. The Phalanx was spears and only spears with the first 3-4 rows of men with their spears out horizontially, and the next row just higher.. and so on so it formed like a porcupine. Anyways to think off the top of my head one of the Roman formations without acctually researching it, because its late and I cbf, the Testudo was nothing like the Phalanx.


    The phalanx did include shields (heavy round shields) not just long spears. Likewise the Romans also used spears and round shields at points in their history. The romans altered their tactics and equipment over time-the most 'common' visual image of a roman soldier with a long rectangular shield and a throwing spear comes from the later periods, long after the Spartians were gone.


    My guess is that the Roman fasination for the Spartains probably stems from having their backsides kicked by them in battle. The Romans didn't win every battle against the Greeks, I think the Spartains were one of the hardest of the greek city states to subjue. Plus the Romans had a general interest in Greek culture and history that wasn't just confined to the Spartains-Athens was also held in high regard, but for different reasons.

  8. How good are the graphics on your 64mb card?


    They were poor-very basic to say the least. I've since changed to a much more powerful card that runs the game just fine. I would not advice trying to play the game on a 64mb card btw, just saying you could if you really had to.


    by the way what's the glitch on Dantoine?


    GeForce cards can lock up and lagg while you run around the outside areas of Dantooine. This normally happens within a few seconds of entering the Konda area. Its annoying rather than anything else since if you leave it alone for a short time it will clear up, but the char you were controling normally gets stuck so you have to switch to someone else in your party to free them. A fix for the problem is posted in the FAQ section.

  9. on the pc box it recommends an ATI Rederon 9200 or NVDIA GeForce4 Ti or better

    I know that the NVDIA GeForce graphics cards are for AGP slots and the more advanced cards require a power supply.

    sense TSL game out in 2005 those cards are probably 2004 model graphics card. They probably shouldn't be to expensive.


    Also I've heard K2 doesn't run on vista but I havn't looked into it.


    Since all Nvidea GeForce graphics cards use the exact same driver for your version of windows it shouldn't matter how old or new the card is, as long as it has enough memory. (I managed to run the KOTOR games on a 64mb card). The only problem is the glitch that occures on Dantooine.


    From what has been posted before, TSL can prove difficult to run on Vista. But solutions to this can be found on this part of the board in the FAQ thread.

  10. i cannot believe the arguments here. The question was whetehr fighting with 2 dbls is possible, not special sabers, extra adjustments, things like that. straight out, is it possible.


    If you mean wield-as in twirl around then yes, you could do that with two DB sabres. If you mean would it be practical to fight with two DB sabres then the answer, given several times is no. You'd be more dangerous to yourself than your opponent.


    In that case wes it would possible.


    General Grevous would be ideal for duelwielding two DBs (two arm mode) because he has ball and socet wrist joints which allow him better movement than ordinary human wrist. He could use all 6 arms with DBs in a propellr defence but probly wouldn't be able to cordinate an attack.


    He however could use 3DB's one for each pair of his arms, but it probly would look akward and may be too dificult for Grevous to control.


    General Grevous 'only' had four arms, not six. Although he might well have been able to handle a sabre with his feet.

  11. I wonder if TSLRP is trying to stamp out as many of the tweak and feature problems before handling the four remaining 'minor' bugs. As soon as it hits build 0.8b1 there's going to be a sudden upsurge of interest, so they might want to have it nearly ready for release by that time. I don't know - do bug test organisers think like that?


    They could do-I guess it depends on the difficulty of the problems. It could be that one or more of the feature/tweak problems is something that is going to take a while to sort out, and they'd rather deal with them before the increasing interest and the inevitable 'when is is ready?' questions from reaching the next build. Of course it could be that the 'minor' issues are harder to solve, so they are concentrating on the feature/tweak issues so people can see progress is being made.

  12. Given the abilities of many of the actors involved I can only conclude that the defects in the films are down to;


    Poor diologe/scripts; Even the best actors in the world can only do a good job if they have something good to work with. In many cases the scripts just didn't give them enough to work with.


    Poor direction; The directing seemed to be more interested in making sure scenes looked right, instead of pushing the actors to give there all. Watching some of the scenes again it does seem like many of the actors gave up trying to give their best and where just going through the motions. From what I can tell of GL's way of directing the problem was probably that he didn't want the actors to make the roles their own but just do what he told them to do. If the actors seem like cardboard cutouts its probably because they were expected to be nothing more than that. Consider that the best of the fims is generally considered to be Empire Strikes back, which GL didn't direct and in which the actors were allowed to improvise. (Its also worth noticing that the best acting in the new films comes from Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, both of who were played by actors no one was likley to attempt to push around)


    Poor chemisty; The characters who seemed to have any kind of chemisty with other actors were Palpitine and Obi-Wan. The Padme/Anakin chemisty just wasn't there, they seemed more like people who would enjoy going out for coffee than getting married and having kids.

  13. There you go. If this doesn't help, then you can always wait for Mortis, who always happens to have more info than I do. I hope this helps you.


    Why, thankie.


    Other ways to get the exchanges attention;



    In the main area; Side with Greeda (the female Rodian merchant) against the other merchant, who (since I can't remember his name) shall be known as annoying prune face. You have the option of telling Prune-face to meantion you to the exchange-which will get you attention.


    Help the refuges being hassled by the exchange thugs (one you should have run into just after leaving the hawk for the first time). The other is near the enterance to the cantena.


    Getting the ownership of the swoop track changed will gain the exchanges attention.


    In the Cantena;


    Beating the Pizzak champion will get you noticed-either winning ligitametly or by just bribing him.


    Talk to the little gremlin to the right of the enterance way (the same guy who gives you the password to the pazzak den). You can increase/decrease your reputaion with the exchange by giving him money. (You can also ask him what they think of you, to give you a better idea how much you need to do to get their attention)


    Refuge area;


    Wipe out both the exchange thugs and the Serocco (thats the other faction there), and free the girl the exchange was going to sell to the hutts. (Note, you can get the Serrocco to fight you without gaining darkside points by simple saying 'I doubt you can handle the exchange' in conversation).




    I'm not totally sure, but I think you can gain attention two ways-one is to reunite Lootra and Aadia (The latter is in the refuge area). The second is to help Fassa repair the docking pylons, at least I think that gets you noticed-not sure about that.





    These are the LS ways to get attention, if you are playing as DS just do the opposite.

  14. be great maybe ones that are always active lets face it jedi speed is kinda useless i think that the harder we press on the controller the faster we should go Hence The Term (Force Sensitive ) And maybe have a way of kickn in the level of jedi speed you have so you move faster , then have a power like combat awarness where it allows the jedi/or sith to slow downt thier surronding so it they are able to react in combat faster


    They did that, it was called Dark Forces; Jedi Exile. They did a follow up called Jedi Academy. In both cases thats exactly how force speed worked. What you are talking about is the sort of feature in first person shooters, not an RPG like KOTOR.


    (And bloody hellfire, I hope you don't talk like that....*blinks* breathe man breathe.....)

  15. Well I was talking about Gandalf with lightsabers in LoTR not Gandalf in Star Wars


    There are lightsabres in LoTR? Which version did you see......?


    who said the DBs had to be standard issue why not a revised weapon, what about a DB with a longer thiner hilt for better handling with shorter blades for better balance.


    Exar Kun used a lightsabre like that, a standard sabre that was modifyied with duel emmitters-hence a much smaller hilt that is normal on a duel-blade sabre.


    Note I said used A sabre not sabres. Kun was, quite possiably, one of the best Sith swords masters ever with an ability to create a sabre such as you discribe. If he only used a single duel bladed weapon figure that there is a good reason;


    A-using a single duel-blade is effective enough, or more effective than using two duel blades.


    B-he had the strange and un-sithlike urge not to cut his own legs off during a fight.


    Light sabers after all are adjustable, (sarcastic whisper: that's what all the knobs on the hilt do)


    No, not all lightsabres are adjustable only some. It is possible to make a sabre where you can control the blades length and its intensity (Exar Kun's sabre could do both with both blades). However such modifications are difficult and not many Jedi (or Sith) had the time, skills or inclination to add such luxuries to their sabres. (Let alone the skills to alter such things in the middle of a hard fight-Kun was the only Sith who seemed skilled enought to alter the settings right in the middle of a fight). Vaders lightsabre for example (and Anakins) had an ajustable blade, Lukes second lightsabre didn't.


    Now before you start arguing again *sighs* yes, you could create two twin bladed sabres with ajustable settings so one of the blades on each sabre isn't going to lop a leg off if it hits you. But them your basicly left fighting with two normal sabres with flashlights strapped to the bottom.


    So why bother messing around creating two duel bladed lightsabres (Creating a single duel blade is hard enough), then adding extras-such as ajustable blade intensity-(Making the sabres even more complex to construct) which even if you could teach yourself how to use you probably wouldn't. When you could just spend a quarter of all that time and create two normal lightsabres and duel wield.

  16. I agree with both, although in the second case I'd also add (in spoilers to be on the safe side)

    At least twice Kreia gives a good indication as to her beliefs-the first one is on the Hawk just after you escape Peragus, the second is the conversation she has with Atton on Citidel station. To her strength comes from conflict, so if Mira confronts Hanaar and lives she will become stronger for it-and as she is force sensitive she would have proved her potential as a Sith. While Kreia is probably not a typical Sith Lord in many ways, her point of view is in keeping with the way Sith think, so it could also be seen as Sions view as well;


    Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through Passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through Power my chains are broken. The force shall free me-(Code of the Sith as revealed in Knights of the old Republic).


    Kreia might not agree with the last line, but otherwise enganering a conflict with Mira and Hanaar is in keeping with the Sith code.


  17. And I agree with the choosing of hair, because that is the main reason I pick a head. I think a create a face would be good. Because I want a mohawk.


    Think I meantioned this before, but I can't think of a single reason why they couldn't use a creation system like the one used in the SIMS2, where you can pick and alter each facial feature on its own to mix and match. Being stuck with only a limited number of set heads is, now, an outdated feature of a game. Of course they probably won't do anything about it and just add a few more heads.

  18. As far as bracing the staff against his body so it didn't wouldn't be knocked out of his hand. If he was using a lightsaber he wouldn't have to because his saber would cut through everything.


    *insert obnoxious buzzing sound*


    Totally wrong. Lightsabres do not cut through other lightsabres, in fact when lightsabre blades connect it is rather like two normal blades hitting each other-as can be seen in all the films. Nor do lightsabres cut through blaster bolts when deflecting them-seem to recall that there are enough mentions in the EU books etc that deflecting blasters does result in some force being put onto the blade. Enough to knock it out of your hand if your not holding the sabre correctly. (This could also be implied by the fact that it is very unusual for Jedi to deflect blasters while holding a sabre in one hand. They tend to use both hands, probably because it gives better control against the impact).


    Solid weapons in the KOTOR games have cortoisis ore woven into them, this resists lightsabres and prevents them from cuting through the blade-as is meantioned in the training level of KOTOR. Lightsabres can also be deflected/stopped by some types of force fields-as in TPM.


    I presumed Gandalf braced his staff against himself to deliver more damage from his attacks. Bracing the staff against his body would allow him to deliver more energy from his body into his strikes than if he only used is arms.


    Yes, but it also gives him greater control as the staff doesn't wobble around when it hits something.


    Using real world weapons is not a great indicator for the possibility of using two duel blade sabres at once anyway. One of the most obvious differences is that when you use a normal staff you can hold it anywhere-Gandalf wasn't holding his staff right in the middle, but at varying points from it. On a lightsabre you can only hold it on the hilt, as the rest is blade.


    Face it, while it would be technically possible to hold and wave two duel bladed sabres around, attempting to fight with them would be suiside. You wouldn't be able to control them well or fast enough to deflect blasters, and a solid hit from another lightsabre would, at best, knock your weapon out of your hand and leave you open to getting killed. At worst the second sabre blade would end up hitting you.

  19. What about Gandolf in LOTR he fought with a staf in his right hand and Galminng(sp) in his left. So that meens duelwielding with a DB and a single hilt is possible.

    But a staff doesn't have two cutting beams on either end that you have to worry about cutting off your own body parts with as you flail around with the sword.

    I suppose it's technically possible to dual-wield 2 double sabers (in fantasy-lands anyway), but it wouldn't be advisable.


    If you watch you'll notice that Gandalf rests one end of the staff against his body when fighting, so the impact of hitting something doesn't knock it from his hand. You couldn't do that with a lightsabre blade.

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