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Everything posted by Tarlonniel

  1. That's weird. I better to get to checking/updating the one I posted.
  2. Why does your Watcher go sailing away from the Deadfire in the ending slides then, huh?
  3. The queen is totally against slavery! Unless it's the slavery of ancient sea dragons in order to power her watershapers. That's another thing entirely.
  4. Honestly, I can't see any reason for my Watchers not to go on home after Ashen Maw. They got their soul back and, as I think Atsura points out, there's no way to stop Eothas from doing what he's doing - might as well go on about your own business. Ukaizo can stay lost. But then the in-born curiosity of an adventurer kicks in and it's off into the storm... It's a good thing the Watcher does go, though, because Eothas really needed someone to turn off the storms and report what happened at Ukaizo for his plan to have a good chance of working.
  5. This is a very useful page which lists all the conversation checks for various classes/races/backgrounds/etc. throughout the second game.
  6. Shades of Dragon Age II... I loved having that last talk with your companions just before climbing Ondra's Spire. It's a fine capstone to the journey you've made with them and, of course, a call back to many classic games. Talking with the guardian is also a lot of fun - getting all that lore from its perspective is fascinating. And, uh, some of the ending slides are cool, and... um... you can go back and start the game all over again as a new character! Those are the things I liked.
  7. I would have liked to bring it up just once. Even if their reaction was the same as Governor Clario's when you tell him the statue is Eothas - "Uh, yeah Watcher, sure" - at least the option would exist.
  8. According to the in-game codex, the gods exist in the Beyond, not the In-Between; in fact, IIRC, they can't see into and have no influence over the In-Between, which is weird. But interesting.
  9. You may need to exit completely and restart the game after changing the variable, not sure on that front. There are four ways to check if it worked: - click on his "talk" button and see what his dialogue response is (with the romance flag at two, he should walk up so close that his hand brushes yours, which I think is darling) - click on him a million times and see if any of his romance-specific barks trigger ("Anything," and two which are basically "Not in public!" - also darling) - go to one of the spots where he has romance-specific ambient barks (Luminous Bathhouse is the easiest, he should say he'd like to spend more time there with you) - wait until endgame at Ukaizo and see if you get his romance-specific convo (with an option to kiss him) Activating the romance won't add any additional options when you talk to him or any additional conversations, so you can't check that way. The stage of his main conversation and quest shouldn't affect anything either; the romance stuff is independent.
  10. If you have the latest update installed, go to the journal screen and bring up the mod window. It will have the option to list globals. Click that, then click on the find/search option and type in n_aloth_p2_player_romance. When you find it, set it to 2. It's the conversation starting at 10:00 in the video you posted. I've never had a problem with it triggering, but as you said, there are so many little bugs it feels like an anthill in here sometimes... (still love the game!)
  11. Goudicans have occasionally been known to ally with the followers of Wensleywael, when their purposes coincide, and rumors abound of an alliance with Skaedam.
  12. Horses. Seriously, my Watchers are tired of running everywhere. And then airships.
  13. So that's what Eothas has been up to for the last 15 years. Looking forward to the Eothas godlike chickens, imps, xaurips...
  14. Sounds like you didn't choose the right path through the +2 rep conversation. If you still have a save before the convo, you could go back and try again (or use the Unity mod to cheat and set his romance flag anyway ). But keep in mind that the Aloth romance, like Aloth, is very restrained and low key. If Tekehu is more your idea of fun, definitely go for Tekehu - you're liable to be disappointed in how the Aloth romance develops.
  15. That sounds ominous. I am dreading this if they haven't fixed Aloth by then. I am so looking forward to this.
  16. I get that bug in almost every single game. Dunno what I'm doing wrong, but my Aloth rivalmance is on hold until it gets fixed.
  17. It depends on what you mean by "interfere directly." Ondra sure loves to throw moons, tsunamis and the like at folks. Magran erupts volcanoes and creates Rathun, who attack passing ships. Rymrgand was toying with those pale elves and will flat out murder the Watcher if provoked. They all seem to be interfering at some level.
  18. The only explanation I can come up with requires a significant time gap between the creation of the gods and the cataclysm. Ondra comes into being, talks to the Huana as Ngati and gives them knowledge and a bit of her power in exchange for them becoming the Glanfathans of the Deadfire. Then the gods decide that isn't enough and cause mass destruction too. This has the side effect of weakening the watershapers, but Ondra/Ngati doesn't seem to care because her purpose has been accomplished. I'm a little hazy on the guardians. I believe the watershaper dragon says it wasn't even born when the cataclysm happened. The guardian of Ukaizo has a lot of knowledge about what happened before the gods came into existence, but is that because it was created before the gods, or was it given the knowledge afterwards, when it was put there as a guard after the destruction?
  19. Right, but the covenant is... well... if you ever see Tekehu's little scene, you'll get a better idea of the situation. The Huana have forgotten a lot. I just tried it on a game where I'd set free the dragon without siphoning its soul and the Tekehu scene triggered as usual. Not sure what's going on in your game.
  20. They can't shape water because they've forgotten their ancestral forms - which are exactly what Tekehu re-learns at Ukaizo. They don't even need the dragon anymore if Tekehu brings that knowledge back.
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