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Everything posted by djinnxy

  1. I don't see this influencing the vote either way but it's entertaining so I'll just drop it in here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApsRjedbIBU
  2. Priest of Wael and any cipher multied would be an interesting role play imo. Certainly a wide array of different spell types to choose from and some good dialogue/scripted options in a few places.
  3. Ok. I stand corrected. I consoled a level 20 paladin and full gear to test. Single class paladin is not all that great. If you're looking for something with solo potential I'd move on to another class after 1.2. In a party it's still viable. One of the other melee classes would be a far far superior choice.
  4. Like was just mentioned. Of all the things broken this is the one that bothers someone? If they take those items and several others away there's no point in stealing and far less need for those skills. You can get 3 injuries from traps then rest and rinse repeat. Besides there's always the console if they take the items away. If they take the items' files completely out there's still mods. It's a single player game. You can choose not to steal the items and nobody will know if you don't tell. At this rate of nerfs in six months there will be a lot of different named classes with 0.000000001 behind the skills that will all run around in the buff and get one shot equally.
  5. Paladin is still one of the top classes single or multi. They are moving in the right direction to differentiate between priest and paladin with LoH cost. (Note that I'm never in favor of nerfing a pc for balance unless it's something that is extremely broken. eg. perpetual crit procs.) It should also heal for less. The deflection and armor boost should be buffed slightly. At that point you are moving back in the direction of a stand alone class. It will still tank for a long time on it's own but will require outside heals. That's where priests come in. Either priests need more heals per rest or paladin needs a buff to healing received. Perhaps a bit of both. On a tangent idea the buff to healing received could tie in to faith and conviction. Others have complained that faith and conviction is broken even though it is less of a buff than the first game. It could also depend on how closely the paladin aligns with the priest sub-class. I don't take credit for the ideas. You can blame years of various dnd games.
  6. My opinion is the OP is talking about Corrode PL, not Poison PL. Not every corrode spell has poison keyword, at least wizard ones. I would go one step further and say that is a fact not an opinion and I was only expanding on the previously mention poison keyword items that coincide with some acid spells. The OP is correct there is only one item. I've looked since day one. I'm not sure which helps more, being correct or hearing an alternative.
  7. Mask of the Grotto Deep also add + PL to poison keywords for those acid spells that have them.
  8. Just wow! Can i get a picture of your face when you put that together? Seriously lets move on to another topic.
  9. I don't hear anyone complaining about being called stupid or their ideas stupid so what are you talking about? If I wasn't all that bright I'd probably go for an end game item at the beginning of the game instead of just finishing the game.
  10. Awesome. After I finish my run with nalpazca/wizard with beta off i'll put beta back on and pick up where I left off near end game on my previous streetfighter/illusionist. Good to know that rogues and especially streetfighters rank so high on your lists. I might even go back and finish a couple other games I have saved half way through with rogue.
  11. I ran a Priest of Wael/Bleakwalker on my first play through after release focusing heavily on the summoned rod blast. That was before 1.1. After the recent patches on the rod for penetration and two handed penetration it's worth a second look. The nerf to lash was an unfortunate non-necessity. The time could have been spent on repairing weapons with infinite procs. I did want to add this: Great topic and responses. I hope the devs read topics like this especially after the Patch of Nalpazca Doom.
  12. Ohh! so close. I almost chose paladin as strongest. It was a tough choice there, but in the end offensively the wizard wins by a bunch and defensively the paladin wins by some. I took wizard as the strongest. I took priest as the weakest. By the point in the game priest gets gud ranger is so far ahead in damage the priest can't catch up even if it does have op end game spells. Defensively there is only a minor edge to the priest. So wizard OP and priest UP. Edit: If you add gear into the factor that can be exploited OP is still wizard but tied with barbarian. UP stays the same.
  13. That's it in a nutshell. Everyone is running around with their st. elmos fire helmet, bardatto chest protector, and scooby doo long axe because they saw some video on the internets. Not much about all that got balanced while things that made very little sense took a nerf or were over nerfed.
  14. I don't expect to get any love for this one, but it is an idea. It wouldn't take much to put ranger over the top as the best dps class. Wizard in it's current state is op. Take away meteor shower and give wizard an elemental arrows spell at a lower level that only effects one ally for a moderate duration. Choose one element only on spell selection. Give them a later passive option to make them a small aoe blast.
  15. Honestly after over 450 hrs I'm getting a little burnt out anyway on it. I'm to the point where they can make changes and I won't notice until I pick up the game again in 2 years in a lull time for good game releases. I'll probably finish my now non-beta play through offline and hang up my hat till kingmaker hits the shelves.
  16. And I acknowledged that "useless" was hyperbole in the reply. I think you understand that what I meant was why take a skill that is subpar when I have a better choice. "I think I'm going to take the skill that is effective 25% as much as the one that works all the time equally as effective as the other skill does in that 25%," said no one ever.
  17. Give this one the helm before things get further out of control. If you're a dev I'm buying your game no questions asked. Rational balancing and quality enemies FTW.
  18. I think what you're getting at there is the poison single target damage to the few things vulnerable to poison. I'm not understanding why I would want that when I could take explosives and do a damage type that mobs aren't immune to and do that damage to multiple enemies. That's even after the nerf to explosives. So you are right there is a point. It is a very fine and specialized point useful in some specific instances. It's not really worth spending the precious points on when you can spend points in something useful in every situation and equally as powerful.
  19. What 1.2? I turned beta off after that. With 1.2 no there's point to taking alchemy or nalpazca. They over nerfed it. Poison spells are now next to useless on the few things they effect. Druid took a huge hit for that while wizard gets buffed except for ryngrams length and the very few poison spells they had. I don't think they really care about class balance or distinction at all so the argument of cheesing with skills is pointless. If they are going to make combat skills useless they may as well remove them completely from the game. It takes up file space.
  20. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1420240328 On the character sheet it does show Lunar Heart no matter which godlike, however you can see by the screenshot in the combat log it works as intended on fire godlike.
  21. I never ran PoTD on Pillars 1 so I wouldn't know. Even in beta the most I ran is veteran. There's a definite learning curve as in you can't just rush in and go to dinner till the fight ends. You need to make use of the environment to block ranged and spell attacks where possible or get to them quickly. Yeah endless paths like material would be great. I love deep dungeon delves as long as there's still a world above it in a game.
  22. I took my recent favorite from beta for my first run through. It is a Wood Elf Priest of Wael / Bleakwalker. I'm only 15-20 hours in because it came out early in the work week. So far most fights just involve using the tanks and the environment to herd enemies then using the summoned rod with FoD to blast them to death. If need be there are a bunch of other great skills at my disposal, but usually aren't necessary with the exception of heals. Running PoTD with levels up and not running into much problem. There were about 4 or 5 fights with reloads. I also had 1 ship combat that wasn't feasible.
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