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Everything posted by Aram

  1. The original OFP was one of my favorite gaming experiences. Especially the commando levels where you can improvise stealing various tanks and helicopters, mowing down all the pilots before they have a chance to reach theirs.
  2. don't get that dust pneumony, pneumony in your lung
  3. The question is how much did it cost.
  4. I received my certification as an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church today. You can all call me Reverend Aram from now on.
  5. Seriously why did you just link me an obnoxious video by...Glenn Beck? Oh my god why. I have no idea what you're telling me and it's like the worst thing.
  6. I'd probably vote for him again in 2012.
  7. http://www.amazon.com/SWEET-SUE-WHOLE-CHIC...0004&sr=8-1 Look at those pictures.
  8. I see Icewind Dale as Black Isle's ultimate refinement of RPG combat and gameplay elements, Torment as the ultimate refinement of story and moral elements, and Baldur's Gate II as a balance of the two and probably the masterpiece. Torment, however, is something very special in that no game had ever, and maybe no game ever will again, do what it did best quite as well. Other studios can probably offer the rest, but Torment was something truly special.
  9. I didn't mean casual in the Peggle sense.
  10. didn't say you did yo
  11. This... You can't compare Picasso with Van Gogh, can you? Well I'm thinking more you can't compare Van Gogh with someone's fur fetish doodles on deviantart--both art, but in widely, widely different degrees.
  12. There are different degrees of art. It's not just art/notart
  13. The "obviously" alone kills it for me.
  14. Anyway I'm talking about this thing. http://www.amazon.com/Planescape-Torment-R...e/dp/0786915277 Why, honestly? Whose idea even was this?
  15. Oh god that is horrible writing.
  16. Christ. It's been ten years, hasn't it. I remember the first time I brought it home and installed it. It's truly a wonder that Torment ever got made if you think about it. It seems to me a game designed for a few true fans and not to maximize sales. I mean just look at that cover. No casual gamer with no prior knowledge of the game is going to pick that up instead of Freespace 2, Half-Life, or...(shudder) Everquest. No casual gamer is going to even get through the mortuary, wandering confused through tables of dissected corpses reading pages and pages of macabre dialogue, before asking for his money back. Torment is a game that knows what it wants to be and doesn't give up a thing be it. I haven't played anything quite like it since. Incidentally I seem to remember seeing a novelization of it in Barnes and Noble those same ten years ago. What was up with that?
  17. I got really bored of doing the same puzzles about half way in.
  18. I used to be against universal health care for the same reason I'm against things like the death penalty--the government tends to muck a lot of things up. I envisioned waiting for medicine and xrays and doctors to become as painfully slow as waiting at the DMV. Then I spent 3 years on the brink of death and realized it's already far, far worse than that. My admittedly few experiences with the British health care system were at least as satisfactory. The only real difference is that if I had not had the resources, which I in fact would not have had ten years ago and may not have ten years from now, my experience in the US most likely would have been many times worse.
  19. Since I guessed correctly, I'll go next. Which one of these quotes is by Mark Twain, and which is by Godzilla. "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." ""Nyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeerrrrhhheegghhh!"
  20. Trick question. They're both quotes from Caddyshack.
  21. By the way if you have never played the excellent Another World, the 15th anniversary is well worth the price and still holds up as an excellent game. Even as a trial-and-error based puzzle/platformer, which might doom it for a modern audience, this is probably one of the greatest achievements in video gaming.
  22. Also the ending of the Last Express was really tragic. I'm pimping this game again go buy it.
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