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Everything posted by fced

  1. Kaylon probably answered this because i asked some help with chanter in general.. On POE i never got Kana in the team, except to do his quest (and after i cleaned every single room under Caed Nua), and after two hour spent with Konstanten. I have really been agreeably surprised by the chanter during Nemnok fight.. (i took the two passives which increase spells speed). My next character will probably be a chanter...
  2. I am in hard mode and i just have finished Nemnok and all his minions as Cipher with Eder (fighter), Konstanten (chanter skald), Tekehu (druid), Serafen (barbarian), and it was done surprisingly well, Konstanten summoned high dragon, i dominated the two Eotans, it was not so easy in my first game as wizard in normal mode... I will reset Konstanten to add the abilities you advised (i only took the base ability +4 heal+4 raw damage and +50% healing). I could be wrong but i have notified, a phrase = 1 enemy/ally/self turn, and the chanter keep its phrases in memory after the fight, so if a new fight occur, he may have several phrases ready. Eld Nary's Curse Spread Through Their Midst is awesome
  3. What ? I bought this to the harbor master in my first game (1.03), i even asked in the game why we should spend 51200 to craft it instead of buying it with the discount ... May be this upgrade is present only in the last act of the game, when you side with a faction (i sided with Huanas)...
  4. Hello, Two minutes ago i recruited Konstanted as chanter (subclass scald) this time, and immediadly started ranking him up while i was at 2nd floor of the tavern (i am level 20), problem is I notified some spells i bought (spent abilities point in) are not appearing in his spell bar ??? Tier I : And Hel-Hyraf Crashed Upon the Shields (remove armor from enemies) Tier II : White Worms Writhed in the Bellies of the Dead (white worms on dead bodies) Tier IV : Oh, but Knock not on the Door of Urdel and Gurdel (Two ogre summon) Is Konstanten bugged as Chanter skald, does anybody know why this is happening ? I ranked him until lv 14, and those are the only spells missing. I will reload a save, and retry to rank him up ... The three abilities missing are upgraded ... Edit : I reloaded a save prior recruiting Konstanten, and recruited him and i directly went out of the tavern, and started to rank him up, no problem abilities were here until i reach lv 5 and upgrade And Hel-Hyraf Crashed Upon the Shields it was removed from Tier 1 spell and appeared in Tier III spells, the same happened with each spells (ability) i upgraded...
  5. You are right, It is a bow problem, i didn't had this problem as wizard with scepters, same with Eder with sword...
  6. Does this mean in turn mode, if a chanter spell cost = 6 phrases, you have to wait without using spells during 6 turn to launch this spell (for a chanter without subclass)? I never played with Kana in POE because all the fights were finished before he launch a spell (normal and hard mode), and today i am trying Konstanten (skald) as chanter. His stats aren't really good for Barbarian or chanter but it is for me the occasion to see what a chanter can do in fight (i am playing in Hard mode as cipher). I have absolutely no idea about which spells and phrases to get, and how this is working, it will be a complete discovery. If you have any advices about spells and phrases i would appreciate (I am Lv 20)....
  7. Try Ninagauth or Concelhaut grimoire, or even Snakeskin , those grimoire have unique spells, and you don't need to kill yourself mean one extra chance if the wizard fall in battle ... Have a look on this topic, i was using Ninagauth and Concelhaut grimoire in POE1 they are veru good, OK Concelhaut hammer got very very nerfed but it is still nice... I prefer Ninagauth btw. Snakeskin unique spell was doing huge damage on my wizard watcher and i tried it on Aloth and it seem it don't work as well as it was working on my wiz. watcher...
  8. With enough diplomacy and understanding (may be bluff - can't remember), you could persuade him to offer the amulet, and then ask him for the lesson for 3000 ... The teacher wait someone he don't know, but the person will recognize the amulet (or something like that)...
  9. Thank you very much for your answers it is clear, About the colors , i will speculate but we can imagine it depend the damage reduction : Green = Pen greatly > to enemy armor Brown = penetration a bit > or = to the enemy armor Red = as you said (25/50/75%) Pen greatly < to enemy armor... Finally after this i wonder if i should have put the point i spend in my Cipher (watcher) : Driving Echoes elsewhere
  10. Great, i was using stone of power in my first game, but never thought i could use it like you said...
  11. Problem on PS4 is if an enemy is immune to piercing (death guard) and you use a bow (pierce/slash), the game still try to use pierce. I don't know if it is the same on PC, but i can't count the number of times i saw 0.0 piercing damage on a squeleton when using a bow... For this reason, i keep crush weapons as backup... It look like if the devs forgot to implement the "immune to xtype of damage" as a variable, if the enemy is 90% resistant to pierce, the bow switch to slash damage, but if completely immune to piercing it continue to attack with piercing. I feel dual weapon damage are broken on PS4.
  12. How do you manage to get those defenses, i would like to see your character out of fight... Could you post a screenshot of your abilities + passives for your Battlemage please.
  13. also how to interpret those numbers (on top of enemy head, not the deflection) i see : 6 "unknown icon" ( 130% Shock) does this mean the magranite champion armor is completely bypassed by the weapon ( he have armor 9 + 5 shock + 5 crush) What does the color on top of enemy head mean (i have see Red, Green, Brown) i was sure if Green my attack will do damage, and if red it will not, but apparently i was wrong. May someone help us to understand once and for all please ? Here Serafen attack with Lord Darryn Voulge (Exceptional -> 11 Penetration - 20-33 Slash/shock - 87 accuracy) against Magranit champion (Steel preacher team) Here he attack Steel preacher and his attack haven't done a lot of damages... i suppose because of the fantastic damage reduction (16 slash/9 elec) i imagine the numbers mean like if he attacked with 2 penetration, i probably should have launched cipher : Driving Echoes ...
  14. Hello, May someone help me to interpret and understand how armor + damage reduction work ? i take for example, Hauani the mega boss (but it is the same with our armors) we see the armor =x + burn/corrode/pierce/slash... x I took Hauani O Whe because i had very hard time when i faced her : Her armor stats are : Armor 14 / Crush 14 Pierce 14 Slash 14 / Burn 8 / Corrode 14 / Freeze 8 / Shock 8. https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Hauani_O_Whe I understand it would be better to attack her with elemental damage (except corrode), but should we add up base Armor 14 + burn 8 = 24 to have the fire damage reduction total or is it only 8 armor against fire ? Thanks
  15. It is very expensive, for a team of 5 characters, each one with distant and melee weapon + backup weapon with different damage type... Edit : I loaded my 1st NG save, and kraken eye was to upgrade a weapon to Superb (3 paths : 1x Sea dragon scale or 2x Kraken eyes or 1 peridot + 1 Ta Ondra Tara + 1 pyrite + 30000) for a dual hand weapon, 15000 for a single hand weapon, and for legendary 60000 DHW/30000 SHW... Arf i wanted to upgrade all my favorite weapons to legendary, not sure it will be possible...
  16. Two years later and still not fixed. Source : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106595-31-perplexing-sap-confuses-everyone/
  17. we are now in 2020, the game is on PS4 and XBOX, and Perplexing SAP is still not FIXED !!
  18. if I recall correctly when I was playing POE (wizard Confusion spell was one of my favorites) as a wizard (main character) it was turning enemies against their allies, I tried Perplexing SAP on 1.03 and 1.04 on PS4, and each time the enemy attacked one of my allies, they went confused... This make me think there is a problem with confused status, i could accept the fact confusion have changed from POE to Deadfire, but in this case why Perplexing SAP description say what it say and do what it do (in its actual state)...?
  19. Hello, In POE a confuse enemy was targetting his allies, i was expecting confuse (wizard confuse spells, and confuse status) in Deadfire doing the same, but with disappointment i notified it don't work like in POE, and this make me https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Perplexing+Sap think Confuse is broken. If we read carefully the description of the Rogue ability (Perplexing Sap), the ability is supposed to return a target against her allies, and make them return against their allies on each hit. But in the actual state, this ability can't be used, because you hit an enemy with Perplexing Sap(Sap Upgrade), and the enemy continue to attack you, and inflict you the confused status https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Confused which mean your own defenses attack your allies (Finality's_Claim for example) ?????? Why would we want to spend an ability point in something which will return against us This need to be properly fixed, because in its actual state (Perplexing sap) do more harm than good, to be clear, it is broken and useless.
  20. agreed, everybody in my team have a crossbow or arbalest, and also some interrupt abilities (or inflict terror), but except for cypher interrupt abilities help only 4 times each maximum, and against enemies like the Giant Ooze which have so much resistance this don't help a lot. https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Hauani_O_Whe Deflection 106 Reflex 152 Fortitude 174 Will 132
  21. When i fighted the mega boss (Ooze), i really had hard time, may be i wasn't correctly prepared, but only thing which was helping against the giant Ooze (before it split) was Cypher Driving Echoes and of course Ancestor's Memory. Serafen was the Cypher, my watcher a Wizard, Xoti as priest, a Kind wayfarer paladin, and Eder as fighter... I also got a lot of problems to generate enough focus for Serafen spells (may be because he was using the two unique portable mortar).. I left the fight ( i spent all my ressources fighting the big one), when the two ooze reunited into the big one,. i didn't realized they could do that. It is this fight which made me realize how penetration was important, and also Brilliant inspiration.
  22. I don't like too much multiclass... most of the best abilities/spells are Tier VIII-IX, but tactician fighter subclass seem interesting. this is why i was looking for gear like "Helm of the white void". source : https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Tactician When they say "Penetration and Accuracy is reduced when attacking a target that is not threatened by an ally." does this mean the Tactician must attack an enemy which already engaged by another (by melee) ? or does it apply if someone is close and attacking the same enemy with a distant weapon or spells ?
  23. You are probably right, so there is nothing which increase/improve cypher abilities in the game, or whip ?
  24. Hello, I found a lot of items for wizard, keywords on items corresponding to keywords on spells, but as a for Cipher without subclass with "draining whip" i haven't found any item to help. i speak of bonus to power level, like those for wizard which increase +2 power level to Illusion or gloves which increase evocation power level), and I have read somewhere White Witch Mask is good for a Cipher, but on the item the keyword is Illusion, and on Cipher spells, the keywords are Shred/Deception/Echo, i haven't found any item corresponding to Cypher keywords. Is there a match of some sort between illusion-> Deception, Evocation->Shred ? or is it useless to use items buffing Illusion on a Cipher ? Any advices ? Thanks.
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