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Everything posted by Epaminondas

  1. I'll keep that in mind when I find it. I managed to find a different way. The sbility to interact with the environment so far is impressive. Overall, the game feels like a cross between Half Life and Portal. Creepy as hell, but not really survival horror yet. Addictive gameplay.
  2. Took a break from Pathfinder for a while in order to explore Prey. I've gotten back past the test rooms. I swear there's an area up above that I can see after I climb the stairs, but I can't seem to figure out how to get there. I'm going to keep trying for a while when I get back home.
  3. As tradition for over 40 years, steak. Made a huge sweet potato that the wife and I shared and grilled bell peppers and mushrooms.
  4. Hey, Bruce, I just signed on to create a Happy Christmas thread! Noice! Merry Christmas, lad. You're a good sort. Tonight Christmas Vigil. My father-in-law died earlier this year so we're going to church with my mother-in-law. Wrapping, baking, cooking, and listening to Christmas music. Although Christmas is no longer quiet as magical a time for me as it was, it remains hopeful and contemplative. Whatever your faith and whatever your traditions, I hope and pray for your continued health and happiness, you glorious mob of mythical misfits. God bless you all.
  5. My take was that they didn't want to put in romances. I don't think they cited lack of resources. Is it so hard to believe that the designers might not want to have romances in their game?
  6. Sorry to double post, but there was no way I was going to add this to my previous one. My "happened today" actually happened yesterday. My wife agreed to dive me to my monthly Pathfinder game and visit a little. We had a small gift exchange. The hosts, who are always gracious made two huge prime ribs for dinner. Mrs. Epaminondas got on with everyone so well, she decided to join our gaming group every months. I let her take over my cleric (Eric, the generic cleric, son of Deric from the village of Meric) since she likes playing clerics. I made up an elf transmuter which is what I'd really wanted to play in the first place. Life. is. Grand!
  7. I've been there with you, brother. Almost exactly the same situation. God bless you and your family and may the Great Lord of Healing reach out His saving hand and make you all whole again.
  8. Ah, I see Foxy. We were out real world gaming yesterday and it was quite late when we got home. So I might have bought some DLCs that I won't use as much? :grin and shrug: No biggie. I've really had pretty good luck with reading suggestions on this particular board.
  9. Being a sucker, I bought the Prey trilogy pack. I noticed that the first Prey is rated much higher than the sequels, but in for a penny, in for a pound. EDIT: a little late here and I'm a tad tired. Had to clean up the post.
  10. You Prey folks have convinced me. When I get home, I'll buy it and take it for a spin.
  11. I agree that rpgs are all about choice, but the boundaries of choice are always in the hands of the creators. It's natural that people might want to leave the village, go to a peaceful land, and become a barmaid. The number of conceivable choice are immense, and even the best rpg, and especially Crpg, offers a tiny fraction. I just want the designers to follow a creative vision. Generally, I prefer that their vision not include romances, but I respect the decision either way.
  12. I'm thinking about picking up Prey, but I'm in the same boat as Tale. Probably not as bad, but similar at least.
  13. Thanks for the tip, Hawke. I suspect I've gotten to the end game. At least there are no other road branching that I've found and I've scoured the whole map. I have to head back to It's kind of cool to have an entirely pacifistic quest line. EDIT: I don't know what happens in the endgame, but you've pretty much sold me. Quick question: blind fighting on gear/feat or will echolocation as a spell work? EDIT2: Yeah, you weren't kidding. I went into that battle thinking I should shake up my spell selection but figuring I'd just try it fresh with my standard list. It was tough. I got to the last group, but I was pretty much down mostly from will save crap. I changed up my spell selection and the battle was trivial. Still dished out a lot of damage, though. Fun times. I can imagine these battles would be 12 shades of ugly on hard or unfair or whatever they call it. EDIT3: Hmm, speaking of Pitax Great fun, though. Mind fog comes in hand in some of these fights with bad guys and ridiculously high saves. EDIT4: This thread is the Flying Dutchman of the Obsidian forum. :glancing around to find out he's alone: Anyway, I laughed out loud at this dialogue option: 3. (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "Pigs! I'll burn you!" I mean, not the line I'm going to choose, and I don't want to burn down what are now my own buildings either, but it's pretty funny.
  14. I've been shamed into using spoilers like I should have the whole time. It's just that it seemed everyone else had already played the game before me. I ran into that fight after That immunity to poison and cloudkill is pretty clever. It wouldn't have worked on the undead horde, but it would have knocked out the flock of winged demon things. I wish I'd screenshotted it. Maybe I'll see if I can get a save around there.
  15. Well, at least he knows how to handle his... lightsaber.
  16. Holy ****, I've run into the hardest battle since the Thundervine thing. I got bum rushed by about a million ghostly guards and a whole slew of some winged ****ers. It took me... five tries? More? I had to reload several times. It might actually be the hardest normal battle in the whole game. Even the early game didn't require as much actual planning. Thanks for the heads up, aksrasjel. I think I will wait but only because I get the impression it can't be *that* long before I end my current run. EDIT: I will say this, I'd gone through the whole area without resting and so my spells were depleted and I didn't rest to get the spells that would have made a big difference. Hell, even something as simple as preventing fear effects would have been good. My mage still had that hope thing that removes fear, which helped, but it's hard to remove fear from folks who're running away from you. while you cast.
  17. I didn't read the spoilers (thanks, bud), but I read the rest of your post. I'm thinking about buying the DLC. I'm in Chapter 6 and there's not much map I don't see at this point, so it's probably better to wait until I'm done with the first run?
  18. Good Thread. Brief.
  19. Exactly the way I describe LOST to people. A wonderful 4 (maybe 4.5) season tv series that got milked into 6 seasons. There was an American reporter a couple of years ago who'd made some obscure statements on social media that some folks saw and, what do you know, tracked down all the info and it came out that she had indeed had an affair with a congressman. I think he was a committee chair. People even said that it was right of the tv series. Nope. The other way around. lol House of Cards (at least at first) isn't fantasy. There really are a lot of unseemly and downright corrupt people in Washington. In any government anywhere, really.
  20. This probably belongs in the political thread, but I've been binge watching Designated Survivor for about a week. I'm on episode 16 and it's a fun show, but absolute fantasy that has started to become farce. The entire congress, senate, and supreme court are wiped out in an attack with overwhelming evidence of conspiracy within the government and the Prez wants to start his own 100 first days agenda? Then he takes on gun control? If anyone manages to take out the capitol building during a state of the union address, the scenario depicted in this show would never happen. I mean, House of Cards is a pretty seedy show and sometimes it can strain credulity, but it's pretty much spot on. Hell, some of the things, such as the reporter's fling with congressman Underwood, are all but 'ripped from the headlines.' I've only seen most of the first season of House of Cards, but at least it doesn't devolve into liberal navel gazing non-sense at this point. I'm probably going to finish Designated Survivor. It's only two seasons and if they keep up with shinanigans like this, I know why it didn't get a third.
  21. Because you didn't want to take the time or just weren't jonesin' for it?
  22. I've been on vacation for the past week or so and I decided to brine a chicken for tonight's dinner. The wife ended up going to wine Wednesday with the ladies from work, so I have to come up with another idea. I'm not going to make chicken with stuffing and yams for one person. I've got some brats in the fridge. I typically like to cook more involved meals when I get the chance, but we bought a case of Kraft mac n cheese to give to charity and forgot to put it in with the other food stuffs so it ended up in the garage until it was at its expiration date by the time I discovered it. Since I can't give it to the storehouse any more, I've been slowly cooking them when I needed something quick, so I guess it's brats and boxed mac and cheese. <.< Not exactly a meal fit for a king, but certainly food fit for a chump.
  23. I actually regret having to kill Jaethal. I had hoped to redeem her, but it wasn't meant to be. I'm sure there's some trick to it, but I'll take my lumps on this run. She really wasn't a bad companion for being undead and evil. My evil companions general act out their evil dispositions with some exceptions and my good companions act good with some exceptions. They really managed to do good and evil right with this game. Anyhow, found this door in the middle of nowhere, literally. I went in and did my buff thing and walk around until I met this guy and talked to him. I helped him out, which took hours, only to end up in combat with a good chunk of my buffs gone. lol I did my usual point at the enemy and yell charge and then sat back to have a sip of coffee only to realize that there were three waves of these people. I could probably have finished the fight, but I reloaded and then played out the fight. I think it was definitely tougher than the Ilthuliwhatzits dragon, but only because of the waves. I had a devil of a time convincing these freaks to leave the road to perdition, and they didn't really leave the road so much as get buried under it. I never loot non-evil places, but there was so much stuff I did poke around, which is probably also no lawful good. There was one chest that had some sweet swag in it. : sigh: Aw well, next time I'll play chaotic good. There's more leeway to convince myself I'm not so bad if I filch an item or two. EDIT: I also have to admit I laughed out loud at your comment, dog days.
  24. ...And I had to kill Jaethal. I get the impression I could have done something different and ended better, but that's life for ya. If I play again, I'll tinker with the quest to see what I can do. Too bad, though. She's a pretty good companion.
  25. Manveru, you glorious bastard! I'm almost positive you pointed me toward making Octavia an arcane trickster. That's been great. Okay, I actually feel more sympathy for the goblin than Linzi. Linzi betrayed me. Like you, I didn't send her packing because I wanted to see her companion quests, but my instinct was to send her away as a traitor. She literally betrayed my trust rather than asking from me something I would have given in the first place. I tell you now, brother, after that I never trusted the little cheat again. ...And her dialogue is mostly uninspired also.
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