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Everything posted by JWEBSR

  1. Why oh why did I trade in my xbox?!!! The flaws are completely magnified on the 360. Any combat has so many bugs that the game is not fun to operate. Has anyone been able to remedy this?
  2. KOTOR III: We are finally are giving you what you want
  3. When I read the book, I thought that the transition was well done. It was a long process that was intricate and it tore Anakin apart. Thus, when he killed the children, it was accepted. That part of the movie, in my opinion, was done poorly. It was rushed and as you said, he agrees to be Vader, the light switch is flipped, and he's killing kids.
  4. I would die and leave the saga and all of it's creative material to those with real vision who weren't obsessed with gay plotlines and fuzzy muppet creatures.
  5. Luke gets married, has a kid, gives in to emotion, allows himself to have anger. He does suppress his humanity, he allows himself to be human.
  6. My take is this. Anakin was the chosen one. He brought balance to the force in more ways than one. First, the obvious: 2 Jedi & 2 Sith. Second: He kills Sidious and dies himself leaving Luke at the helm. And third and ultimately: Created Luke Skywalker who, while on the side of what is right and good, is the whole package with both light and dark in his being. Luke is the epitome of balance in the force, thus Anakin(with some help from Padme)brought balance to the force.
  7. Xard My god, that was long. I'm not sure if I calmed down due to your points or if the length of your post lulled me into serenity. Only joking. Your point is taken. However, mine is unclear. I am not one who wants everything---right here right now. If the they simply put the wheels in motion and stated that the process is rolling and it will be available on xx/xx/20xx, I'd be satified. I don't mind waiting if it's worth it. However, we are 3 years from the last one and still nothing. What kind of company doesn't plan years in advance? Even if they were going to start development in 2009 for a 2011 release, that would be in their business plan and it could be made public. My point, and here is where my frustration lies, is that I believe that it's not coming. But why all of the secrecy? They have a monopoly on all of this creative material and they'll just get to it if/when it's convenient. If they aren't making it then they should say as much so i and many others can stop checking to see if their are any blips of news regarding the subject. And if they are, say "We are! Look for it on July 9, 2013." Then I'll just circle the date and play som THRILLVILLE!!!!!! Addressing your other topic, I like K2 better as a whole than K1----and I only have an XBOX. I'm considering going PC because all of your restoration talk intrigues me. But, as is, I really enjoy it.
  8. Oh, how nice, just because someone doesn't completely agree with you, you come up with rubbish like that? As a matter of fact, apart from the KOTORs I haven't bought anything from LucasArts in the last few years. It's just that I don't feel the need to bash LucasArts for everything they do. If you make an assumption which has no basis whatsoever, I have every right to correct you without you overreacting in return. (Edited for language by SteveThaiBinh) Yeah, I guess every company should bring out their top products all at the same time, spending boatloads of money on them, instead of concentrating on one big game and some smaller ones, that definately makes sense. Perhaps George Lucas should have released all three new Star Wars movies at the same date, he surely would have made more money that way... Well, if you haven't purchased anything from LucsasArts, then you must certainly agree with me. And I'm not bashing them for everything they do, I'm bashing them for what they have not done. And the movie analogy makes no sense. You had release dates and time frames for all three ahead of time(wow, how courteous). But please, forgive my sarcasm. It just comes out when and apologist tries to correct me by creating excuses. But even if I did upset you, is that any reason for profanity----there are children who read these things! I will agree to disagree with you.
  9. Let me get this straight, Thrillville isn't garbage, but Kotor 2 is? And as far as outsiders developing the game, that does make things easier on LA. If, in fact, they are going to shop out the game(like the last 2), they are not using their own resources(other than funding) or time on the project----so what's the holdup? And I'm curious, what is your big problem with Kotor 2? From the sounds of your comments, you really hate it. No wonder you could care a less about #3. Maybe it was too dark for your tastes-----I guess that's why you thought Thrillville was "really neat". Since you like the happy cute games, try Candy Land----it's really exciting!
  10. First off, I have never and will never critisize them for the quick release of Kotor 2. It may not be perfect, but at least I can play it instead of guessing whether or not it will ever be made. Next, while drinking the LucasArts Kool Aid, tell me what would constitute being "too long" to you---5, 10 years? Thirdly, I can critisize all day long when I see games like Thrillville taking priority over Kotor 3. Boy, they ceratinly hold you and I in high regard when they release a piece of garbage like that. But hey, if all of that is alright with you, then god bless you. You are much more tolerant than me. Just sit back, be patient, build a roller coaster park, and accept whatever they decide to give you.
  11. Translation; *Meeting of LA's computer games department* Suit one; "Next on the list, Knights of the old republic 3. When do we start to make it?" Suit Two; "Well we could get a team together and start by the end of the week, of course we might have to hire a few more people" Suit three; "Bugger that, lets wait until we have more people free" Suit one; "And when will that be?" Suit three; "Ohh, around 2010 if we rush the delelopment of games already being worked on. Of course we'd never do such a thing" *Room laughs* Suit one; "Ok, so 2010 it is, unless something more important comes up" You hit it right on the head---that's exactly what's going on. But to continue, when Public Relations asks " What do we tell the fans who are clamouring for release/development news?" CEO: " Tell them that we won't leave the series behind. It means nothing, answers nothing, but will give them hope for the timebeing."
  12. It's funny. In my mind, I have this love for the first and certain things about it. But, I play 2 about 4xs as much. If the first was longer, with more flexible plot lines, the ability to turn your companions into Jedi, and the ability to create upgrades for weaponry, I think that I would like it better. But it doesn't so I like #2 better. I also like the fact that I could find different items in different places from game to game----rather than knowing where everything is ahead of time. Also, the fighting is better in So, for replay, I guess I prefer 2. On the flip side however, the first moves along quicker with les as well as the pazaak. Plus, I don't have to keep shooting down Sith fighters just because I want to travel to another planet. On the flip side, #1 moves along quicker without slowing down for discussion and movie clips, which to me can be annoying. I don't have to tolerate dreary Peragus and watch all of the holovids. I also can open a container without breaking something. I don't have to go in and out and in and out of a cantina to get someone off of a murder rap. Waiting for the machine to load over and over when you want to fight someone drives me crazy. And then the bottom line is that Darth Malak was a more compelling foe who is harder to face than any of the enemies in #2. But why can't I go over level 20? I'm going back and forth, aren't I? Well, here's my conclusion: For the first time playing, Kotor 1 was the most compelling game that I've ever played. I was sucked in to the story and saving the galaxy. And, when I figured out that I was Revan(this was before it was revealed), I was blown away! This may have something to do with the fact that I never played any of these games before. I only got an XBox to play the 2 Kotor games because I'm a Star Wars fan and they looked intriguing. Maybe for veterans of RPG games, it seemed predictable and repetitive. I recently played Jade Empire and immediately saw the parellel with Kotor 1. But still, you never forget your first. For replay value, as I mentioned before, it's Kotor #2. I play it over and over again trying to complete it differently each time(because you get that option). Hopefully, LucasArts will get their heads out of their rear ends and combine the finer points of the 2 games and give us fans a megagame that blows the first 2 away. But I won't hold my breath.
  13. It's a really tough question to answer. At some points, I believed that Palpatine was tanking it, example: When he was saying "I'm too weak", and "Please don't kill me". Also, when he devilishly smiled when Windu and Skywalker debated a trial. But then, Mace pulls the saber up and the Emporer looked terrified. Was it because he was powerless or was it absolute shock at possibly being wrong because Anakin hadn't saved him yet. If I had to go one way or the other, I would say that the Emporer threw the fight because it was all part of his elaborate conversion plan of Skywalker.
  14. I understood every word he said. Translation: I look extremely cool, but I'm going to disappoint in this fight.
  15. With me, it depends on what day it is. K1: I like the Han Solo-like ball-breaking that Revan pulls on Bastilla. I loved infiltrating the Sith Academy as a student. I dig Jolee. I liked cutting up Sand People. I really enjoyed the Star Forge. And the story line answered all of my questions and the ending was definitive and left me wanting more. PS: I have never felt so completely thrilled as I did when I played for the first time and figured out that I was Revan. I was beside myself. I can do without all of the court nonsense on Manaan. I can do without not being able to transport in Kashyyk(Wookieworld....I should know how to spell that by now). I hated having to shoot the Sith starships down over-and-over-and-over-and-over.....you get the picture. Walking under water at that pathetic speed is just unbearable!!!! I can't stand that I can only power up to level 20. I hate the stupid looking Jedi/Sith robes. I despise Juhani. I want to kill Carth. (I'm leaving out other stuff pro and con but this is looking long enough already) K2: I like converting my peeps. I like breaking down things and building upgrades. I loved Nar Shaada. The pazaak is cooler. You are much more powerful. The force powers are improved. The lightsaber action is improved. There are more quality items. More things are upgradeable. The Dxun/Onderon sequence was cool. Your companions look darkside as they follow you down that path---very cool. The chicks are hot. My companions may look dark side, but they're still talking light side as they disaprove of my ruthless methods. Koribban sucks. Dantooine sucks. Malachor sucks when you are outside the Trayus Academy. Why do I have to waste my time with the stupid remote?! You have to wait too long to get a lightsaber. There is not even a semi-cool looking male to use as your character. The final battles with Nilhlus & Kreia were extremely disappointing. If you put the advanced stuff into the 1st, it's better hands down. But, as it stands now, the better one is the one that hits my mood at that particular moment.
  16. What is this hssiss glitch that i've been reading about? I play the xbox versionand best level that i've been able to muster is 29. Now that's more than enough, but when I see that people are at level 50, I have to admit.......my curiosity heightens . I would like to play a character that powerful.
  17. I had that happen before and unfortunately, I had to start over.
  18. I have aquired Exar Kun's Armor in the Shyrack Caves on Korriban, also some of Jolee Bindo's armor accessories, Dark Jedi Master robes, some of Carth Onasi' accessories also, there has got to be more out there. What have you guys found? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I usually get Ullic's or Exar's amour there. I also get Jolee's headband in the cave, but I have been level 50 and I still got the Dark master robe off Sion. I haven't had any Historical robes but I have had. Some items that are useful others that aren't but stand out are. Armour. The 2nd level Jalshey armour that gives a wisdom bonus. Zeison Sha Sunwarrior Armour: Both found on the Ravager but in two different games. Krath Holy Armour: I like them because they are the most suitable for Bao-Dur. Jamon Horgrath Amour x2....useless in K2. Implants. Highest level implants Con18: Physical Boost Strength, Constitution and Dexterity all +3. Con18 Skills Implant. Weaponry and Miscellaneous. Freedon Nadd Blasters: x2 in 1, and I was a Sith lord at that time.... one was on G0T0's yacht, the other was on Dxun somewhere, but not in the tomb. The Ultima Perl:..... One of my favourites, never had two of them in 1 game One was bought from Joran, and I got a silver crystal and a Double-Bladed Light-saber with it. :joy: The other game it was on a corpse at the beginning of the Onderon battle. Ankerras Sapphire: x2 in 1 game, Kavar had one and the other was in a locker in the room where the Onderonian soldiers are pinned down. I also found one on the corpse on the bridge on Malachore. The Solari Crystal: x2 in 1 game. One was in a container where the Basalisk is, the other bought from Joran. I have found it on a Sith Assassin after Duxn compound battle. :crazy: Head Gear. Circlet of Saresh: The first game I played it was in a container in the Trayes Academy. To the left in the curving corridor (I think), before entering the 2nd section. Once it was on a corpse at the beginning of the Onderon Battle.... I was Dark during that game.... It's fairly useless anyway, because the... Force Focusing Visor: Is much more useful, I have also found that on, probably the very same corpse on Onderon at beginning of previously mentioned battle, and various other places. I have had three of them at once. :D Those are what I can remember....and see below. I sometimes get that, but from the "I don't need your junk to make me strong cretin" on Onderon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How do you possibly get to level 50?! I usually finish the game off at around 28 or 29----nad that's after wasting time rebuilding droids that I don't want or need and wasting spikes on computers just to get the exp. As far as robes go, I must've completed this game over 40 times and have never seen any of these crazy-rare jedi robes. I didn't even know they existed. I just assumed that I would get the Matuki robes sometimes, the Ossus Keeper robe in the Queen's Palace, the Jedi Master Rober from Dead Vrook, and the Sith Master robe from Dead Sion. This is all being done on XBOX. Are these other robes something that's on the PC version and not XBOX?
  19. I agree. But don't blame the concept, blame the burn out who blew it when he wrote the prequel. Lucas was so absorbed with his cartoon creatures and muppets that he left the story out. By far, the prequel Star Wars movies have less imigination and drama in the dialog than an adult video does(with the exception of Palpatine, who was written for very well). He made some poor decisions in his casting, maybe. It's hard to tell because the lines are so uninteresting and robotic. In other casting decisions, such as Mace Windu, he casts a great actor and completely neutered him. I didn't think that Sam Jackson had the ability to be so lifeless. That could've been such a great and memorial character, but we had to spend time on what the 4 armed diner owner was going to look like. I really believe that had Lucas did 1-3 first and 4-6 now, the young, not so full of himself Lucas would have made them just as memorable as the first series. Meanwhile, films 4-6 made with the current out-of-touch creature freak would have been a huge disappointment.
  20. Thanks for all of the feedback. I picked up Jade Empire yesterday and I am completely hooked------great game so far!! I'm making note of all of the other titles and I'll check them out as well. So far, the Knight's fans are batting 1.000. Thanks again!
  21. The problem is rebelling doesn't bother George Lucas. Even though he was critisized extensively, he still spent all of his time on what his cartoon creatures and muppets were going to look like and no time on the actual dialog of the movies. He did it because that's what he wanted to do and he won't be swayed. It's the same mindset that makes a ridiculous Lego Star Wars game and not the game that everyone who is a Star Wars nut wants. I had no idea that so many people were this passionate about the game. I just thought that I really liked them. But these posts are endless. It's a shame that it's being ignored.
  22. I am someone who has had an xbox for less than a year. I only got it to play the 2 kotor games. I play them consecutively, beat them, and start again, hoping to do it differently enough to discover something new. Quite frankly, I've played all of the "new" out of these games. I not a video game guy because trying to figure out that I have to hit A+B+left+right+white button+left to throw a punch just isn't fun to me. That's why I loved the kotor games. I liked, especially playing for the first time, developing a story. I liked being able to do amazing things without having to be a joystick wiz to complete them. And I really liked being able to leave reality for a little while and step into a world that you dream about as a child. So what now? I don't really believe that a 3rd installment of the game is going to happen and that's a real shame. I'm not just feeling sorry for myself, but after browsing all the suggestions and wish lists and game discussions posted in this forum, I see many other people who are being let down as well. But hey, that's George Lucas-----always delivering what his diehards need(sarcasm). The point of this is, we have similar interests in this area. What games would you suggest that are along the lines of the 2 kotor games?
  23. Alright, I've read so many posts and so many searches and so many rumors that my head is going to explode!!! What's really happening? No rumors, no threads that lead to other forums-----real evidence that something's going on. You can say that I'm a glass is half empty kind of guy and I'd say that you are right, but I kinda get the feeling that this will never be made. Just because it makes sense doesn't mean that it's a guarantee. Hell, George Lucas is so out of touch with what his die-hards want, that the Kotor franchise ending at 2 would not surprize me one bit. Come on people, make me a believer, I really want to believe. But, it's time for some legitimate proof. This is a continuation of the topic that I posted on the Star Wars Empire Forum that was closed out somehow. A lot of people read but were not able to respond. Please reply if you have anything as far as information. Maybe I missed something while researching. It's possible, I'm hardly a capable computer guy. I absolutely want this game to be made but am pessimistic because of all of the time that has passed with no real word and countless ridiculously lousy Star Wars games that have hit the market in the meantime. I'm not even a gamer. I only got the XBOX last December when I came across the KOTOR games and really wanted to play them. I'm not a video game guy. I just play these two. A third would be great because I'm running out of things to do on I & II.
  24. Alright, I've read so many posts and so many searches and so many rumors that my head is going to explode!!! What's really happening? No rumors, no threads that lead to other forums-----real evidence that something's going on. You can say that I'm a glass is half empty kind of guy and I'd say that you are right, but I kinda get the feeling that this will never be made. Just because it makes sense doesn't mean that it's a guarentee. Hell, George Lucas is so out of touch with what his die-hards want, that the Kotor franchise ending at 2 would not surprize me one bit. Come on people, make me a believer, I really want to believe. But, it's time for some legitimate proof.
  25. Hey ...... have you checked out nitwit.com lately? They're really close to inventing the force!!
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