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Everything posted by JWEBSR

  1. It would be a great idea if someone who wasn't obsessed with muppets, creatures, and poor acting with awful dialog was making them.
  2. First off, actually making the damn game would be an excellent start. I also agree that I would like it to be as long as humanly possible. This, due to the fact that we will be extremely lucky if this one is ever made and I doubt they'll make #4. Next, let's do away with the taking forever to become a lightsaber wielding Jedi. If a start up period is necessary, let it be on Corusant as a freshfaced Jedi recruit and the Taris-Time is spent developing your character and power in the Jedi Temple. Allow your character to develop the hilt of the lightsaber in intracate detail. Wear a rope that the hood actually works on. I would like to heal the galaxy or conquer it, depending on which side I go with. Why do I have to be human? Allow for the character to be an alien species if one desires. How about some dire consequences for the Dark Side option. If I decide to become the all-powerful Sith and rule the galaxy, destroying and conquering worlds that I travel to, developing a loyal, but treacherous following, and even taking on an apprentice,--I am ultimately defeated, because in the Star Wars Universe, good eventually triumphs over evil. And if I choose to be evil, I don't want to be some rogue guy running around, I want to be a key figure that is eventually known as the driving force behind said evil. Just a couple of ideas to kick around. But, if the powers that be only take one of my thoughts, take the one that gets the game made-----I'll take what I can get.
  3. Although I would like to know the fate of the 2, I'd rather not physically encounter them. I'd rather live an independent storyline rather than it being wrapped around whatever paths that they followed. Their current status, or lack there of, could have an influence on what I become, but not much more than that.
  4. It was cool to turn force sensitives into Jedi or Dark Jedi. But it ended there. For light side, where's the continued instruction? For dark, where's the continued manipulation and corruption? Also, if you turn to the dark side, why are the companions staying true to their original ideals? Finally, getting the 3 ladies into my sleep chamber would have been nice.
  5. Corusant, Dagobah, Mandalore Country, any outer rim world, Mustafar, and the original Sith world. While on Corusant, you must have the ability to explore the Jedi Temple in detail---not one or two rooms. Finding forbidden Jedi secrets is intriging. Dagobah was a barren swampland in Empire Strikes Back. Maybe it wasn't always like that. Maybe we caused this. The original Sith planet has to be intricate with alot of dark side secrets to uncover that would either serve to corrupt or save your character. I like alot of the previous ideas also. I just hope that they get it right. If this game gets made(and I'll believe it when I see it), I would bet that it will be the last, judging by the length of time it took to put out. So, I would love for it to be memorable.
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