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Everything posted by Fiach

  1. I guess Silver is metal https://youtu.be/Yp7Dz4bh5UE
  2. Pure awesomesauce! I'll never be able to listen to Grieg again with a straight face!
  3. I haven't seen the original since it's release, I wasn't particularly bowled over by it enough to remember more than the basic premise, would I need to rewatch it, or could I go into the new one with just the basic knowledge? Do not watch the theatrical cut then. There have been a few different Directors Cut editions released. They are much better. Ridley Scott didn't have the juice to tell the studio heads to bugger off when they were screwing up his movie in 1986. Cool, have it on Blu-ray in the attic, think there's a couple of versions on it, cheers!
  4. I haven't seen the original since it's release, I wasn't particularly bowled over by it enough to remember more than the basic premise, would I need to rewatch it, or could I go into the new one with just the basic knowledge?
  5. IRISH CURFEW JOKE A Sergeant and a Private were patrolling the streets in a Irish town near the Northern Irish border. There was a 9.00PM curfew in place. Suddenly private Slattery shoots a man walking down a lane. The sergeant screams, Slattery its only 8.45, why did you shoot him. Slattery replied, well I know where he lives and he would never have made home it by 9.00.
  6. Got halfway through ep2 and realised I didn't give a toss who painted the **** on the cars, I found my lack of civic engagement extremely disheartening and turned it off.
  7. I don't get the point of this Apres Match thing they have after each episode, wth is the point? I kinda gave up after ep2, may dip in and out as boredom strikes, but ToS is on Netflix now, so that won't happen anytime soon.
  8. Tried to get into HELLBLADE SENUAS Sacrifice, but got fed up with the Needle/Haystack nature of the "puzzles". It's supposed to be great, might be worth a punt for someone https://youtu.be/HVWigiK4NTs
  9. Into the Badlands. Currently watching this on Amazon Prime, 2 X 6 episode seasons, season 3 will be 15 episodes, but won't be out until 2018. It's post apocalyptic style, the areas in which it is filmed are standard stuff though, like what you see in TWD or Revolution etc. The territory is divided up into feudal regions, governed by Barons, the first season it's mostly about Baron Quinn and The Widow (I want to have her babies!) and the story is mostly about a young boy, who, if he gets cut, turns into an awesome Kung Fu killing machine. Lots of Chop Socky and sword-fu, great wire work, excellent actors and lots and lots of CLARET! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3865236/?ref_=ttep_ep_tt https://youtu.be/eB9dABjwa9o
  10. Loved The Unit!...."fired up!" I'll definitely check this out, cheers!
  11. Dammit, he is still alive!! Apparently he was a victim of a similar hoax 2 years ago. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  12. http://actionnews3.com/legendary-actor-morgan-freeman-dead/ Wow, didn't see this coming, Morgan Freeman.
  13. Free Book, Aim True my Brother's, decent thriller, middle East terrorist plots to kill US president. You will need Book Funnel, you will get a code number, enter it into Book Funnel and choose your ereader type, it will download to your Kindle or whatever you choose. https://books.bookfunnel.com/spiesandterrorists?utm_source=Instafreebie+List&utm_campaign=a1643fb5f5-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_10_05&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8e1609f340-a1643fb5f5-72309181 Most of the books listed are novellas, but Aim True is a full novel.
  14. Yes indeed, love Michelle Yeoh, she was why I gave it a shot, but yeah 2 episodes and she's gone unfortunately. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000706/
  15. 2 pubs of note in Ireland, Brazen Head is the oldest est 1198 and Johnny Fox the highest pub in Ireland....it's not that high really though
  16. Can't make up my mind about ST Discovery, not liking main character, she comes across as an a**hole, also, a girl called Michael is kinda jarring, is she gender fluid? Is she a SJW catch all, gender fluid, woman of colour that experiences alot of anti Vulcan racism? Halfway through epi 3, hope it gets better.
  17. Loved Fields of fire and Dispatches , looking forward to checking out the others, cheers!
  18. The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated
  19. Thanks for the insights, I was looking forward to this, but now, not so much, cheers! On the whole I pretty much enjoyed this, yes I had to park along of star trek opinions I had, but I can see how they had a dilemma of tarting it up for a new modern audience , but try not to alienate TOS fans. It was fun seeing the old communicators again.
  20. Cladhaliath enchantment screen for Exceptional is bugged for me, its like 2 images superimposed on each other. Can anyone tell me what the red stone is, that's required for Exceptional please. It's indecipherable for me. Cheers!
  21. Chilli con Carne with brown rice and nachos, few bottles of miller draft to wash it down. I serve the chili in a bowl with layers of grated cheese, chopped raw onion and cream fraiche, (soured cream) all mixed together sandwiched between layers of chili. With Cream fraiche on the side for dipping and scooping with the nachos. I don't go for Mad hot chili, where you can only taste heat, so I guess it would be medium spicy, I think it's much more tasty like that.
  22. I think the point is that particular degree isn't much use for getting a job?
  23. Basically it's like B/Bad, insofar as it's about a civilian family, out of their depth, getting inadvertently involved with the Mexican cartel, when they become money launderers for the cartel, they have to move to Ozark and set up a new life and launder 500kk for the cartel. It's quite violent, produced and directed by Bateman. I like it, YMMV
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