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Everything posted by Fiach

  1. A blonde contestant on 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' had reached the final plateau. 'Which of the following species of birds does not build its own nest but instead lays its eggs in the nests of other birds? Is it: the condor the buzzard the cuckoo the vulture The blonde responded unhesitatingly: 'That's easy. The answer is C: the cuckoo, everybody knows cuckoos live in clocks!
  2. Lots of great stuff there, now for something completely different
  3. Must check that out, it sounds interesting. The first Bond movie I was able to watch the whole way through was Goldeneye and that was because of the game on N64, I liked the Daniel Craig Casino Royale, but was never bothered to watch any of the others all the way through.
  4. It's a fabulous story with great characters, it's a pretty weighty tome, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  5. Currently reading The Haj by Leon Uris. https://www.amazon.com/Haj-Leon-Uris-ebook/dp/B01B0UYPOK/ref=la_B000APTIWQ_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1512070927&sr=1-5 Not alot of his books are available as ebooks unfortunately, I would like to recommend another book by this author, called Trinity, not available as an ebook though, but if you have any interest in Ireland, it's a novel spanning over 100 years of Irish history, from the famine in 1840s to the Easter Rising 1916, a truly astounding book. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_(novel)
  6. Great to see so many John Wayne fans! Yes, there are many movies much better than Silverado and I totally agree with everybody's list...even Deadwood, of which I have the boxset, been a McShane fan since Lovejoy! But I did choose Silverado very subjectively We should have a sub thread for best John Wayne movie!
  7. There's so many to choose from, you could make a whole top ten with John Wayne movies for example. I'm going to go with what I would recommend to somebody who wasn't familiar with westerns, one that would tick all the boxes.. Silverado, with Kevin Costner and Brian Dennehy , Scott Glenn, Danny Glover. John Fleece. It has so many traits, gathering a group together (like Magnificent Seven), range war, wagon train, kidnapping (like in Big Jake), corrupt Sherrie but it also has some great humour permeating it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090022/
  8. Probably go with Prey or FF XV. The other best games would all be reissues like Yakuza 0, Star Ocean TLH, FF XII Zodiac.
  9. I use both. I never used Galaxy, I see alot of people bitching about it on the forum though. GOG updates games regularly which is great and the DRM free aspect is great. Steam gets games first and gog gets sloppy seconds alot of the time. Steam gets patches first. GOG patches iirc have weird names that are different from the steam patch names. GOG forums are toxic at times. I have more games on Steam, most of my gog library is made up of digital versions of discs that I already have.
  10. Godless, a western told over 7 episodes, words like epic and elegiac are fitting descriptions, superb photography and acting. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5516154/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_1 "Mister, the only way you're getting off that horse, is if I shoot you off!" https://youtu.be/mMUiRYoc76A
  11. That is a pretty accurate description, it's not in the same league as the main games, no heart.
  12. UC: The Lost Legacy was one of my impulse buys. It was on sale during Black Friday, so it's the first game I popped in when I got my new PS4 Pro up and running. I'm very early in, though, so I don't really have an opinion on it yet. I'd say it'll look great on a pro. I have a standard and a really old TV and it looks great on that!
  13. Tried Uncharted The Lost Legacy, by the time I got to the main tomb, I'd given up the will to live. Great gfx and acting though, but TR is still the king/queen. Star Ocean The Last Hope Remastered dropped yesterday so I've been playing that again (played it on 360 originally), it's pretty sweet, really enjoying it.
  14. Going to Justice League tonight with my two sons, really looking forward to it.
  15. Salvation, TV show about an asteroid on collision course with earth, should they shoot it down or build a humanity ark and go to Mars. Pretty good so far http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6170874/"]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6170874/ https://youtu.be/VvJRTIRzW2E
  16. Yakuza Kiwani on sale on PSN, couldn't resist, yummy.
  17. Salvation http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6170874/ 1 episode in, it's decent so far, seems like low budget, insofar as one of the main characters a Whitehouse PR guru can only afford one skirt per week. Astoroid heading towards earth for a planet extinction event, should they use their resources to save the earth or evacuate as many people as possible. https://youtu.be/VvJRTIRzW2E
  18. I love John Wayne movies, Maureen O'Hara paid a beautiful tribute to him on the occasion of wanting a medal struck in his honour http://alamosports.proboards.com/thread/570/john-waynes-commemorative-gold-medal
  19. It was interesting in its way, they switched some of the feel for the second season and moved it to Europe, and then it got cancelled. So be wary of getting too deep into the arcing storyline. I'm about 8 episodes in, it's decent enough and I'm a Sean Bean fan, so it's all good, I got over the cancellation of Firefly, i cant imagine the cancellation of this will be too traumatic
  20. Currently watching Legends with Sean Bean, legends are cover names with a back story for agents. Sean is an undercover FBI agent, who's legends are starting to merge, bit of a Bourne Identity feel to it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2402137/
  21. Hope to see Justice League at the weekend, not a big superhero movie fan, but I'm looking forward to this one.
  22. MCU has made Thor a comedy relief, which is strange because he never really was in the comics or any of the cartoons... well unless we're talking about Throg (Frog version of Thor). MCU has pretty much given Thor the "All brawns, no brain" element which makes him not unlike Hercules or Conan The Barbarian. I guess it makes sense that they would do that on the screen though, it seems to tranlate well.I can't wait for Black Panther. I only hope they introdce some more hero movies (with different heroes). But yes, Marvel movies squash the DC movies... the same can't be said for the tv shows. Marvel tv shows aren't doing so well while DC tv series such as Smallville, Arrow, etc remain top rated. Strange but that's just the way things work I guess. Indeed! They had the BP Trailer on before Thor, can't wait for that!
  23. Thor Ragnarok While I watched it, I thought it was pretty good, but on reflection, not much depth, it felt more like a parody, with all the comedy, great SFX, Blanchette is very good in it too, but overall, a bit meh.
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