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Everything posted by Fiach

  1. I've seen him shirtless a couple of times since Ghost Protocol, his torso looks really weird tbh.
  2. What gets me the closest to both Salma Hayek and Jennifer Connelly? Antonio Banderas maybe?What's he doing these days? He's made some cool movies last couple of years, he has really grown as an actor, first comeback bit I remembered as a great cameo in Expendables 2 Gentle but fun comedy Gun Shy http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3910736/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_8 Dark writers block author movie Black Butterfly http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2090465/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_10
  3. I hope you just found that now and it's not part of your private collection!
  4. I'd even bang Tom Cruise cos it's as close as I'm gonna get to banging Sofia Boutella tbh!
  5. Ozark I suppose it would be like Breaking Bad, from a money laundering perspective. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5071412/ https://youtu.be/5hAXVqrljbs
  6. Protests can have repercussions, that's always been true. When you protest you need to go into it with the knowledge that there may be consequences. Some people take great offense to people disrespecting the national anthem and I'm not going to say they are wrong to feel that way. People have a right to protest and others have a right to protest their protests. In this case, the protest (to the protest) came in the form of a denial of contract. Saw a video of some woman, owns a Steelers paraphernalia shop , now she is being boycotted and getting alot of abuse on social media, all she sells is Steeler stuff, she is well screwed over this.
  7. Cool! Looking forward to what your thoughts are on it!
  8. I liked Cryptonomicon tbh, Seveneves though....that was one of the worst books I ever read.
  9. A conversation today reminded me of this book, REAMDE, by Neal Stephenson https://www.amazon.com/Reamde-Neal-Stephenson-ebook/dp/B005IPRQGS/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1506537379&sr=1-1&keywords=Reamde Excellent globe trotting cyber thriller!
  10. The average reviews aren't really great here, PKD stuff is hard to pull off visually imo BR would be the exception rather than the rule, I'll check it out though, cheers!
  11. The story behind the writing of The Star Spangled Banner, https://youtu.be/YaxGNQE5ZLA
  12. I think (and am no expert) that a true Toby Jug would need to be a jug (ie have a spout designed for pouring, often in the form of a tricorn hat) and be designed with a seated figure (or alternatively, the head of a king).I think the monk would just be a "character mug".I have no idea, I'm sure neither did she tbh, it's just what she called it, but what you say makes sense, it would need a jug-like spout I would imagine. I do seem to remember another one she had, dunno where it is now, but it may have been where she got the Toby Jug appellation, it did have a spout and handle, it had a deep orange rim and a very deep dark blue enamel type paint with cream detail. Maybe she though they were all Toby jugs Kinda like the attachment, but no lid.
  13. My whiskey tipple is Bushmills Black Bush It's distilled in N Ireland, beside The Giants Causeway (claim to fame as the cover of Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy album). http://www.bushmills.com/whiskey/
  14. Some heads down mindless boogie for y'all https://youtu.be/gM7IBrszcl4
  15. We have a (imo) good whiskey saying here. "Whiskey when you’re sick makes you well; whiskey when you’re well makes you sick." - Irish Proverb
  16. Thanks for the insights, I was looking forward to this, but now, not so much, cheers!
  17. Currently watching Hap and Leonard, liking it so far http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3729898/ https://youtu.be/vmuCgGcZydY[
  18. The privilege of actually having a national anthem is bigger than just one man, the memory of the people that suffered and died to give these players the freedom to protest, is sullied by these players protesting against the symbol of freedom that was granted by the bravery of the fallen.
  19. I don't get it. It's the NATIONAL anthem, it's the NATIONAL Football League, , they should respect the NATIONAL anthem. I can't think of any Irish person contemplating disrespect for our anthem. I'm pretty sure if an irish person didn't stand up for the National Anthem in Ireland, they would probably not be standing up for quite awhile. Maybe its because we remember what had to be ensured to actually achieve having our own flag and anthem and appreciate it much more, as it's less than 100 years old and America's is much older.
  20. Excellent point! Thought all Catholics were trad though
  21. Haven't watched it yet, but I'm guessing the people dressed as priests are representing traditional values Vs the leftists on campus. The "cats" is a kind of 50's reference to cool guys.
  22. That looked great until I had to look up what Clamato was, I had made a successful stab at it, just looking at the name, but once the clam was confirmed, it kinda put me off, does it tasted fishy? (I hate da fishys ), could you suggest a non fishy alternative, cos I'd love to give it a try! Clamato doesn't taste fishy at all IMHO, the clam juice is barely noticeable, it's just enough to give tomato juice (which is the dominant flavor but kind of bland on its own) some tang and make it less bland. As an alternative you can us a Bloody Mary mix. Then you'll also need lime juice (use an actual fresh lime, thy're cheap and much better than bottled juice), salt, and beer of your choice, of course. The proportions are up to you, experiment until you find the right juice, spices, and proportions to suit your taste. For example, I add a couple dashes of FYM original hot sauce and a little bit of dill weed to my Micheladas, besides Rolling Rock, Clamato, salt, and lime. I probably use roughly 3 ounces of Clamato with a 12 ounce beer (which conveniently fits a pint glass or stein perfectly. Speaking of Steins, when my dad sold our old house in Connecticut and completed the move down to Florida recently (just in time for Irma ) he passed down my late grandfather's stein collection down to me: Some of the steins have some small cracks or chips in them, but some of them are well over 100 years old too. I had one just like the wee monk guy, my mom gave it to me, she called it a Toby Jug for some reason. Awesome collection, the cracks mean nothing, it's the memories that fit in them Definitely giving that Clamato Concoction a try, cheers!
  23. That looked great until I had to look up what Clamato was, I had made a successful stab at it, just looking at the name, but once the clam was confirmed, it kinda put me off, does it tasted fishy? (I hate da fishys ), could you suggest a non fishy alternative, cos I'd love to give it a try!
  24. A pint of rum isn't hard to finish, granted I normally drink it from smaller glasses, but a 70cl bottle is normally gone in about 4-5 hours when I'm thirsty. (And in the mood to get really, really, really drunk... ) It's not really my tipple, my dad used to drink ...guessing the name....Old Jamaica Sea Dog rum....with a drop of blackcurrant, I've tried it with a tiny dash of coke, but it's just too sweet for my taste. We used to have an old ex British army pensioner come into the bar and drink it neat.... I can still smell his poop stink from when he went to the toilet lol!
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