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Everything posted by Fiach

  1. You might find these interestinghttps://www.amazon.com/Zeitoun-Dave-Eggers-ebook/dp/B004TRQAMC/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1508255512&sr=1-1&keywords=Zeitounhttps://www.amazon.com/Blackwater-Rise-Worlds-Powerful-Mercenary-ebook/dp/B00505SX36/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1508255644&sr=1-3&keywords=blackwater+book I've read Zeitoun! It's a great story. The other does look interesting. Yeah apparently BW were the first paramilitary organisation to enter NO to "help" after Katrina, but 8ts a very interesting read.
  2. You might find these interesting https://www.amazon.com/Zeitoun-Dave-Eggers-ebook/dp/B004TRQAMC/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1508255512&sr=1-1&keywords=Zeitoun https://www.amazon.com/Blackwater-Rise-Worlds-Powerful-Mercenary-ebook/dp/B00505SX36/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1508255644&sr=1-3&keywords=blackwater+book
  3. Finished fairly quickly when everybody actually committed to it, great news though!
  4. Apparently we are getting a visit from Hurricane Ophelia tomorrow, should be fun!
  5. Trek is on Netflix Not in the US. For that you need CBS All Access or whatever the name is. Which is pretty awesome because then you can watch Discovery and... a whole lot of NCIS. And the only thing fans of NCIS have in common with Trek is the age. That unusual, here we just usually get the dregs of Netflix, very limited catalogue compared to even other EU countries, let alone the US.
  6. Indeed! I like The Rock, but only ever saw him in his usual action man mode, he is given the ability to show more depth in this!
  7. Ballers a TV show from the people that did Entourage. Whereas Entourage was set in the Hollywood environment, Ballers is based in the NFL. I was attracted to it because of Entourage and the current NFL controversy cos I know bugger all about US Football other than what I saw in Friday Night Lights (highly recommended) Anyway i like it alot! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2891574/
  8. American Made. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3532216/ I really enjoyed it, it's not a comedy, but there was some well judged humour. The story was very interesting, insofar as it is supposed to be true, with some added touches of an actor played "cameo" of George The Shrub Bush, old footage of Reagan in his movies and televised speeches. The double wheeler dealing is quite manic as he aquires more pilots to help him keep up with his commitments.. I would have loved to see it as maybe a 5 part mini series, because it covers so much ground from the period, I think it wouldn't feel so cramped, even at its 2 hour running length. As it is, it rattles along briskly and is very entertaining.
  9. Rick and Morty is really good, my son is a huge fan, so I tend to watch it when he has it on the TV. It's well worth checking out.
  10. Go hunt up the mini-series Ultraviolet It's a down and gritty 6 parter revolving around creatures with fangs who drink blood and the cop who discovers them and gets pulled into a secret government organisation to deal with the threat. Idris Elba plays one of the team involved. Plus its fun in that the word "Vampire" is never mentioned once in the entire show. It's basically a very British gritty mix of police drama, thriller, mystery and vampire chasing. That's really interesting! I saw UV When it first aired, I remember the character, but never associated him with Idris, I have it in the attic, so I can watch it again easily, thanks for the heads up!
  11. Anyone got any pets ? My two dogs, Spock and Kirk, Spock is the guy with the pointy ear looking at the camera. They are very like their namesakes in temperament, Spock hangs back and Susses things out, Kirk just buggers off and does what he feels like doing. They are half Siberian Husky and half Rhodesian Ridgeback, they are about the size of a big Labrador.
  12. An IRA man shows up at the pearly gates and St. Peter comes out to greet him. St. Peter knows he was in the IRA and says "I don't think you can get in here. The IRA man says" I don't want to get in, You've got twenty minutes to get the out!"
  13. Well, at least it's something that can be easily remedied. I'm also pretty slow on watching TV shows so I still haven't seen The Wire. Whoever hasn't seen The Wire needs to stop wasting their time on whatever other inferior shows they are watching and start with The Wire right now. It literally is the best television ever created. The only bad thing I can say about it is that no other show afterwards will ever compare. I still can't believe why Breaking Bad rates higher at imdb (well actually I can, it's because of people downvoting The Wire even though they've never even seen it, just so their favorite BB would rate higher). I thought BB was fun for sure, but The Wire is on a whole other level. It's reality disguised as fiction. It's an indepth social analysis of the struggle between the individual and the system. It's absolutely essential for anyone with half a brain. The Wire is awesome, first time I ever saw Idris Elba, made me a huge fan (check out Luther)I never understood the popularity of Breaking Bad, the average Street thug in Dublin would have picked them and the family up and kept hammering nails in them until they got the recepie, BB kind of reminded me 9f America's Dumbest Criminals, but without the laughs . Case in point, 8f you can get a hold of an Irish TV crime drama called LOVE/HATE, its well worth a watch. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1625724/ https://youtu.be/TfheHH6iDrc My favourite cop show was The Shield, dirty cops with a conscience....kinda... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0286486/?ref_=nv_sr_1 https://youtu.be/dvLOlSMtxQE
  14. Lol a new Deicide album came out here a few years ago and I was in the record store, it was full of pre pube girls buying it in droves and I was like ....wtf??? I asked the guy behind the counter what was going on. Apparently there was a boy band here called Decide who released their album here the same day and all the wee girls were buying the wrong album and the guy CBA telling them of their mistake
  15. Met these two young ladies while the were conducting tours of The Irish Rock N Roll Museum and what lovely hosts they were. Not exactly Metal, but more rocky than the regular music thread, but I can move them if needed Elevation Falls https://youtu.be/X4qac6nkoyo Hypno Puppet https://youtu.be/3iqT2uJyYKA
  16. An Irishman declares war on Saddam Hussein! Saddam Hussein is sitting at home when the phone rings. He picks it up and says "Hello". The voice at the end of the phone says "Hello Mr. Hussein, it's Paddy here. I'm just ringing to let you know that we've declared war on your country." SH smiles to himself, "Come on Paddy", he says, "there's no point you declaring war on us, you wouldn't stand a chance." Paddy replies, "No, no,we've had ourselves a meeting, and we've decided to declare war on you." So SH says, "OK Paddy, now listen, I've got an air force of over a thousand planes, what kind of air force have you got to match that? It'd be over in no time." So Paddy says, "Well my lad's got himself a hot-air balloon, and my brother used to work at an airport." Hussein laughs, "Oh come on, you've not got a hope". "Hold on a sec, Mr.Hussein, ", Paddy says, "we'll just have a quick meeting." So off he goes and has a quick meeting. "Are you still there Mr. Hussein? Yes, well we've had our meeting, and we've decided that we're still going to declare war." So SH says, "Right then Paddy, well you know, as well as the air force, we've also got about a thousand tanks. How are you going to match that.""Well," Paddy says, "I've got an old JCB, and my cousin down the road has got a tractor." "Get real, " says SH, "that's no match at all." So Paddy says, "Hold on, I'll just go and have another meeting.""Are you still there Mr. Hussein? Yes, well we've had our meeting, and we've decided that we're still going to declare war." SH thinks this is just amazing, "Well how many soldiers have you got Paddy?". "Well," says Paddy, "there's me, my kid, me 4 cousins, and they all had sons, and there's Bill down the road..along with the local Darts team.. I reckon I could get together about 30." Laughing openly now SH replies, "Come on Paddy, I've got 10,000 highly trained fighting men at my disposal. I think you'd better go and have another meeting." "I will", says Paddy, ""Are you still there Mr. Hussein? Yes, well we've had our meeting, and we've decided that we're not going to declare war on you after all." "At last, " replies SH, "What made you change your mind?"" Well, it's those 10 thousand soldiers you see. We can't declare war on you because we've not got the facilities to keep all those prisoners!"
  17. Bullets and Rails are metal https://youtu.be/A26xR_7DkY8
  18. Steel qualifies I guess? Dunno about metal butts though https://youtu.be/yfB7vF7nCdA
  19. Love this one https://youtu.be/jUIELsVpv4M
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