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Everything posted by Fiach

  1. I came to Firefly quite late, I was telling a friend about this really cool movie I saw I the cinema called Serenity. He told me about Firefly and loaned me his boxset....instabuy, loved the series!
  2. Ok, interpretive dance....yeah I guess I'll pass on that, cheers!
  3. On the off-chance that I commit some Irish heresy now: Because I'd rather have a Kilkenny? Yeah, Kilkenny is really good, I'm sure there is some form of absolution available for drinking it
  4. Because it's not rum? Jeepers! How thirsty would have to be to drink that much rum??? You are definitely the pirateiest of pirates and you get my vote!
  5. Stopped listening to their BS when they lambasted her just because she falteringly read The Lords Prayer in a language that wasn't her native tongue.
  6. It's amazing the amount of permutations of this story. Was the hacking of the DNC Russia or Seth Rich who was murdered shortly after furnishing Wikileaks with info. Was it anything to do with DW Schultz and her erstwhile employee Imran Awans HD or her laptop over which she threatened the cops over, when it was siezed as evidence. Anything to do with DNC crying HACK! But won't hand over the servers for examination? Or Hillary's unprotected illegal private servers. The most compelling thing I've heard is John McAfee saying, if Russia hacked your servers they wouldn't be dumb enough to leave any evidence. The whiff of BS in all of this is overwhelming.
  7. I've never seen it, is it any good?
  8. Currently watching Babylon on Netflix. A cop show set in London based around the Head of PR for the cops, the beat cops, armed response units and the top cop trying to avoid the political fallout from the council. https://youtu.be/fwh090tct6I http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3138900/ Great characters, cracking dialogue.
  9. It would appear that video isn't available on Netflix here, but I'll link below to an interesting video on Irish pubs, a potted history of the country and a visit to the Guinness store. Irish pubs are very weird at times. In the country rural areas, a pub wouldn't be just a pub, the owner would also likely be the undertaker,. Real estate seller, grocery store etc. It wouldn't be unusual to sit in a rural bar surrounded by funeral wreaths for example, although that would be quite rare nowadays. I grew up in a pub in the west of Ireland, it would have been my grandfather's pub, so it would have been third generational, while the pub across the road would also have been an undertakers, my father used to be a horse trainer, so, while the other pub would have funeral stuff, the outside of our place was kinda like the old wild west, with horses tethered outside. Cool memories, so thanks for bringing them back! https://youtu.be/e_RoD_HMCMY
  10. That's very cool! Do you have a link to any of your performances?And I also cant believe youre one of the few people on this board older than me! Nah, the guy with the chisel and rock couldn't keep up I'll be 57 on oct 1st
  11. How could you not want to drink this????
  12. Nah, I'm a lover not a fighter. Right up until someone forces me to be a fighter. I remember talking about the "car bombs" but that's a lot more recent. "Black and Tan" as a paramilitary force only existed from 1920-21, so that was like 97 years ago. There probably isn't a living Irish person that was alive during that time. I wonder why the 20-30 somethings are still so upset about it. 700 years of occupation imbues people with an incredible ability to hold the grudgiest of grudges Nah, seriously, people nowadays wouldn't bat an eyelid, I was just messing with you, since the good Friday agreement, things have progressed significantly, it's only in the more entrenched areas of Belfast of either persuasion, where the wounds are more recent and still raw, from the depredations of each side. I used to play guitar in Belfast in the late 70s and had to have a bodyguard (NO! it wasn't because I was so crap!) , but that would be unheard of now, I would have no hesitation recommending Belfast as a holiday destination...as long as lounging in the sun wasnt on your agenda
  13. Why You Should Never Order A Black And Tan In Ireland. Jeez, now THATS how to hold a grudge! I take that you won't accept the dare then?
  14. Yeah? Assuming it's brewed there, it doesn't travel well as an exported product, but again it could be storage or inept barstaff, not judging correctly the mix of cream and stout as they pull the drink, it is a bit of an art.I once worked in a pub in Dublin, it was so busy, they didn't serve Guinness, as it took so long to pull and serve correctly. Probably the only pub in Ireland that didn't.
  15. I dare ya to walk into an Irish bar and order a Black and Tan....I double dares ya! FTR Guinness's should be creamy with a sort of slightly dark chocolate-ish bitter after taste. If it tastes bad, you probably had a bad pint, either due to storage or a bad barman, unused to pulling a pint.....or you drink. ... heaven forbid...Bud..Wei..ugh....can't say the full name without throwing up slightly in my mouth
  16. Were they out of good stouts? I'm kidding, a bit. But really, there are a ton of different types of Guinness, and depending on which ones and where you are drinking it, you will get a different experience. So more should be said. https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/209/ Yes, there are many different Guinness brews available, mostly they are brewed to different country's taste buds, eg. Nigeria, traditional African beer is fiercely potent in taste and strength, so a special one is brewed there, likewise India, where their taste buds are burnt to a crisp from hot spiced curry etc. They need a particularly strong tasting brew and so forth. In Ireland there is only one Guinness, though you may get some variants in the more poncey establishments. There is also Murphy's Stout, brewed and immensely popular in the southern part of the republic, particularly Cork, which is lovely
  17. Basic Lasagne, the only difference being that I marinate the pasta sheets in green pesto (olive oil, basil, parmesan reggiano) for a day, prior to cooking. Nice Shiraz (Syrah).
  18. Ok. I thought it was me. The load time seems to have tripled for me after playing it since release, so much so., that I've stopped playing now. Moving through places like Defiance bay is beyond annoying.
  19. More freebies sept 21st- Oct 6th https://www.instafreebie.com/gg/rohDRW50MzJHtM9iGXr1
  20. I loved the first game the second not so much, I also preferred Jolie lookswise as Lara. I'm a big TR can so I'll definitely go and see it.
  21. Didn't something like that bugger up the hd release of Buffy, the tried to convert the original 4:3 to 16:9 and messed up the scene structure, plus the original effects were over compensated digitally.
  22. I never knew that, very interesting find! The openings my scene of LoaA is worth the price of admission alone.
  23. GWTW was quite a bit before my time, but they had a Cinema showing on one of its anniversaries...maybe 50th, I found it an incredibly impressive piece of cinema, it's not my sort of movie, the nearest I would normally get to this would be John Wayne movies, or even closer would be Dancing with Wolves. But, for sheer spectacle,I thought it was a great movie the acid test is the 4 hour running time, it flew by as I was so engrossed in it.
  24. I have Casablanca on Blu-ray and it is an astounding feat of restoration. The lighting, hd sharpness and sound quality makes it nearly an essential purchase for anybody that considers themselves a film fan, to see what could be produced visually as far back as 1942 that can go toe to toe with anything filmed today on modern equipment. Even if the subject matter doesn't appeal, it is a visual feast
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