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Everything posted by Bass-GameMaster

  1. How can you hate the mando's? without them most of the galaxy wouldn't be the same. They were fierce battle ready warrior's whats not to like about them?
  2. I agree with Quality > Quantity. But yes JediPhile is right, most of the characters were either not used, or hardly. I never used T3,Mission, or GO-T0. But gaining your party members, is just so limited. You go darkside, you get 2 party members, you go Light Side... you get 2 party members. There should be parts in the game when you lose a party member because of a choice you made, and potentially gain another. I didn't think their was enough "bad" characters in both KOTOR's. And im clueless on who the PRotaginist is going to be.. some apprentice... some washed up jedi, or some powerfull dude..
  3. Ok, people have complained about KOTOR's combat system, when most of those people are Episode 3 or Battle Front. Now those games are about as fun as you can throw them. they dont last long, thats what seperates the KOTORs apart. People have been talking about how cool The Force Unleashed will be, which I don't doubt will be fun. For aslong as the game lasts on the first play through. I sense NO replayabillity at all, A KOTOR 3 would have been much more appreciated. KOTOR 3 would blow away any competition, and I dont sense it coming anytime this year or the beginning of next year. Why? Cause George is smart, he will release a game... and wait to release another. Why hasn't he taken the time to read a forum or 2. Because obviously people have been dying for KOTOR 3... and he sits backs and releases a hack/and slash. The Force Unleashed will be fun, but it won't satisfy everyones apetite for a RPG. Hack and Slashes are so one sided, they have like 2 possible endings... and are fairly easy to beat. But I Would like to hear everyones thoughts and ideas...
  4. Im not going to make this a poll, but I would like to hear everyones ideas. People have said on lucas forums, that they hate the combat system for KOTOR, when thats what sets the game apart, and personally I love it. And others say that TFU will unleash the force more than any other game could. But the majority of people I have spoken to say, "I'd rather see a KOTOR 3". That is exactly what I think, TFU will be a hack and slash. And sorry to say, those games are never good. It will be fun to throw stormies and fight General Jedi's, but the game will last only as long as it takes to beat the game. I doubt there will be ANY replayabillity on it. Which is why a KOTOR 3 would be much more appreciated. Lucas needs to wake up and smell the coffee, before someone dressed in black shows up on his door. Which im surprised no one has, there is some pretty die hard fans out there, including me. So share with me your thought's and ideas..
  5. Bad as RP females to, but then again I beat the game with different sex's for each class and almost all of the different faces.
  6. RPG's thrive on romances... this is obvious, when kotor 3 is release game critics are going to fly through to beat the game. If their isn't good romance, like a repeat of number 2 then they will most likely laugh and throw the game away. Just add more dialogue+Deep Romances+Consequences+and ETC.
  7. Not just fools, the force is in everyone and everything. And Atton has a remarkbly good connection to it, considering how he killed jedi. Atton, he was my strongest jedi besides me of course
  8. Maybe it doesn't "seem" like a ranking issue, it clearly is. When a master takes a padawan, the padawan is completely new (most of the time) he is somewhat scared in a since of awe of his masters powers. So I still think of it as a ranking issue, few Padawans ... are granted master robes..
  9. I love kashyyk.... with yoda. But I hate Dagobah to dark and trees not spaced enough
  10. Bull crap. People got mad the game made it easier to level... not everyone is good at games... sheesh thats false
  11. Never was a big fan of pazaak im more of a dominate you with the force kind of guy
  12. Sucks those are the only ones
  13. Join Star Wars Galaxies... can use all of these listed ships in space combat. Also free roam with hyperspace travel... Sorry trying to get Star Wars fans to join my guild there...
  14. Thats not a joke..... But is pretty funny
  15. I only got into Battle Front because of the Galactic Conquest.... after that storyline sucked and gameplay was repetive
  16. YOuve got it all wrong... anyone can roleplay you dont need to be the highest level (im not I joined a month ago... Im just really famillar with guilds and MMORPGS). I play on the starsider server my name is Exiie if you want to join my guild or need any help whatsoever mail me.... click ESC the go to Mail and type my name in.
  17. Sorry I didnt reply sooner... was outta town using Iphone to check up on this. But go to http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com thats a link... watch or skip intro movie and click Choose Path... it will explain all of the classes including jedi go dark or light or be a famed bounty hunter hunting down real life players... just to name a few. The roleplay is pretty fun like when my guild goes into space.. (im a dark lord in my guild) and I go to the top floor of are ship.. Dark Defender and are surrounded by players using their TIE fighters... its pretty fun to watch them battle
  18. If you read the topic from the end you would think the title will be different
  19. palpatine gave him comfort that anakin scarcly had, and twisted it into turning him to hate the Jedi and crush his trust from his master
  20. I enjoy this game especially the roleplay what do you guys think of it?
  21. sorry let my two sense come into play. Rargh! I am man! I think exile and revan should be male
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