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Big Bottom

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Everything posted by Big Bottom

  1. There's a post release interview for MotB up at GameBanshee. Kevin Saunders seems to be giving himself a hard time about the review scores being worse than NWN2s...I wouldn't worry too much Kevin, expansion packs have to be completely mind blowingly amazingly awesome to get a score above 90. I can only think of a couple. http://www.gamebanshee.com/interviews/mask...betrayer2-1.php
  2. It's pretty much Heroes 3 in different clothes, the demo had EXACTLY the same effect on me as HOMM3. Same one-more-turn moreishness. Edit - It says $20 for me...strange.
  3. Uuuh...it takes a while?
  4. Hmm to buy or not to buy...I'm gonna hold off till I've played some more of the games I already have.
  5. Yes, I am a rabid fanboy, but Homeworld still stands in my estimation as one of the greatest games ever made, despite its shortcomings. The last mission still sits very high on my list of the greatest moments in gaming. <3<3 Angus Dei. The expansion pack 'Cataclysm' by Barking Dog, which completely reinterprited the gameplay in a positive way was also a stroke of genius in what was otherwise a pretty dull time for gaming, generally.Though it was too bad about the lack of good music in this ittiration. Homeworld 2 was actually a real letdown due to it's insistance on 'RTSing' the combat and it's completely schitzophenic narrative. A pity, considering how strong the narrative was from the first game and its addon. Agreed on all counts, though I did like the music in Cataclysm. Homeworld 2 I barely touched...it just didn't feel the same which was disappointing given how much I loved the others. Pity Relic didn't keep the rights to Homeworld, we're due a proper sequel.
  6. Thanks! Got horribly drunk last night and ranted to people in the pub then came home and went 'ooh' at the Crysis demo. All in all a good day.
  7. Yeah, I just spent
  8. It's been up for ages AFAIK, though the discount is just from today.
  9. I just noticed that Vampire: Bloodlines is only 10 bucks on Steam....10 bucks! I've bought it even though I have a copy on disc just because I find Steam very handy since I can download onto any machine and I don't need to bother with CDs or game cracks and I can give my boxed copy to someone else now. You could call that a waste of money, and I guess you're right, but I'm drunk and it's my birfhday.
  10. Right, everyone who has joined so far is now an officer so you can do what you like with the page. Shall we schedule a TF2 game?
  11. And it's a song from Spinal Tap.

  12. Yeah I'm working on that, wish I'd saved it in it's original state.
  13. It'll probably run, but I'd guess it'll be pretty slow. NWN2 doesn't support mult-core (unless they've changed it) so you're basically running with one processor there. I was running on an Athlon 3000+ with an x1950 and it was still pretty sluggish in areas. Now I have a nice new rig and it's like a different game, much more enjoyable...especially with the excellent AI tweaks and the party buffing rod (I'd recommend this to anyone, it rocks).
  14. OK, new group is at http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SODOFF/ for now...
  15. I could make it Fanatical Forumites for the complete SODOFF experience!
  16. Copy your Steamapps folder somewhere and just reinstall, putting your folder back afterwards.
  17. By the way, in case nobody got it, 'sod off' is a slang term used in Britain to tell someone to, well, sod off. If you guys want me to change anything, including the name, just say so, Steam's pretty good for changing everything.
  18. Right on. Zoma it's a public group you just invite yourself.
  19. Well I've gone and bloody done it now. The group I made is called Society of Dangerous Obsidian Forumites (SODOF) and I've even made a logo. You can join up at http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Sodof Seems like Tale has a nice Steam name there though, we could use it if you guys want.
  20. Well...once I've finished this can of juice and sat here for another hour, I may well consider it. I hope you appreciate the superhuman lengths I'm going to here.
  21. So does anyone fancy making a group for the Obsidian forumites? *tumbleweed rolls past*
  22. Company of Heroes NWN2/MotB Team Fortress 2 All awesome
  23. Holy crap! When did that happen? Oh...it's an invite only thing. Do we qualify?
  24. I almost made that list. In fact they shut the board down just as I was hitting my stride. <---Jumjalum
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