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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Angel? Stargate SG-1 was better, though I did prefer Angel over Buffy. You should have joined the Air Force or Navy. Then you could have gotten the Enterpirse series or Legends of the Overfiend.
  2. Depends on where you place worth. Some people say life is precious thing, but how precious something is determined by its rarity and with 6 billion people and more joining each and every day that rarity is not readily seen so human life is loses its glitter, but if you take the scope of the universe we may be just one tiny spec of a world in an otherwise dead reality thusly in truth life is really rare. Okay, I am rambling nonsense. BLAH!
  3. You never know where and when Malaria may struck. Damn bitch.
  4. At least Jade Empire was better than NWN1. Then again, almost anything was better than NWN1.
  5. Point. Everyone plays their games a tad bit different. I tend to listen to all the voice work in a game on my first time through and tend to actually walk, not run, everywhere I go if possible. Most people just walk around going to place to place. How many people here actually run when they go do a store or go to work? Running is good if you are going around the blook or three for exercise but just going down the street to the library?!?!?! RIDICULOUS!
  6. Well, then I guess thats a little better. I do the same thing when I play for the most part.
  7. Well, I consider Jade Empire short for a proper CRPG at 32 hours.
  8. I don't think I would get the Maximus. It seems to have issues with a lot of people.
  9. If Mystra is dead then so is the Weave. No more magic except for the Shadow Weave. It has been clearly established in Forgotten Realms lore that Mystra is what keeps the Weave in existance. No Mystra, no Weave, therefore no magic.
  10. Yeah, sucks doesn't it. Its all legal mumbo-jumbo. For example the Catholic church gives millions of dollars to those that their sicko priests (not the good and healthy priests) sexually abused over the decades yet never once admit guilt nor even give an apology.
  11. I said "at least it wasn't." Sheesh! Read what's there, Llyr, and not your interpretation that isn't there. I don't think Nick looks like a shrubbery either.
  12. 17 hours? That is rather short for a CRPG. Its even shorter than Jade Empire by the sound of it.
  13. Just console games and bugs in general. If the texture pop-in is the only bug in ME then all is good.
  14. Since this is a console game there should be any major bugs in it. A buggy console game is just lame. PC it is understandable because all the various configurations the PC can come in, especially in the video and sound department. But on a console that just isn't the case. Bugs on a console is just shoddy programming and QA on the Devs part.
  15. Keep up with the info, Rose-man. Nice pics too!
  16. Unless they hate the world as much as themselves and want to take out any and everyone they can before they snuff it by either their own hand or by authorities (suicide by cop).
  17. Yeah, they should pay for the property damage, I agree.
  18. When I see a red door I want to paint it purple with yellow and green poka dots.
  19. You are going into what ifs that are irrelevant. A simple falling out is not what happened here. This is an adult man, who specifically targeted a minor. If you are going to make hypotheticals at least have them be similar to what atually happened here.
  20. PArtly to blame, yes, but she would have been an adult and not a child. Remember this guy went after a minor. Makes a world of difference here.
  21. 8 out of 10? That is a B grade. There is nothing wrong with a B.
  22. go go pointless narcissistic self-righteous snobbery! Well at least it isn't a pubescent self-indulgent shrubbery.
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