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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Those screen shots do suck when compared to Mass Effect.
  2. In my ever so humble opinion it is everything that is Fallout that makes it Fallout. Rules System, artwork, Story, camera view, and so forth. I wouldn't want a 2D game today, but I still expect Fallout 3 to play and feel like Fallout even with 3D graphics.
  3. Unless, of course, they are taking great pains to hide the fact that time travel is possible or that this era is just not important enough to visit.
  4. I will judge Fallout 3 based on the series past games of Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. So far I haven't really seen anything that I liked. It makes no difference to me if it is on console or PC, or even both, but if this game is to be part of the series it needs to look and play like it. Fallout 1 to Fallout 2, BG1 to BG2, NWN1 to NWN2, KotOR 1 to KotOR 2, and so forth have all done this. Fallout 3, it appears, will not.
  5. It depends on the how you view temporal changes. Some say that time will change in an instant at the present whenever you change the past. In other works of science fiction when you introduce changes to the past it creates a tangent timeline which is splintered from the original. While other authors view time has to "catch up" whenever changes are done in the past so those in the present have moments to reacts before the changes are permanent. "Circular temporal physics makes me dizzy."
  6. Those aren't super mutants. They are super duper mutants!
  7. Well, someone had to say and it might as well be me. HAHAHAHA! Somedays I wish I had a cupboard full of C4 plastique explosives so I can take care of minor annoyances like cars without working mufflers or to use on cellphones of people who drive while on the phone. A little plastique can go a long way in solving the day to day problems of modern living. A storm is coming and I have no caffiene! HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  8. Sometimes Best Buy has sales on games. I got my CoD4 for about $40.
  9. Pretty much. Remember, these guys come off an assembly line then dipped in a cloning vat. The T1000 was a prototype as was the Terminatrix in the third movie. The ones that Arnold played and the ones in the television series are the basic generic T101 endoskeleton terminator with cloned fleshy covering.
  10. When does 3.5e ever needed a freaking calculator?!?!?! Hell, I have had newbies join the group and they caught on pretty damn quickly to the rules. So, according to what you said 3.5e is not broken, so why fix it.
  11. The new Terminator series is pretty decent. I have seen better, but I have seen worse. Also Hurlie, Willow is from Buffy. River is from Firefly/Serenity.
  12. Okay, what weird alternate universe did that Jack come from and where is his goatee?!?!?!
  13. The point is that there needs to be a happy medium in which we have good rule mechanics that are clear and concise, powerful enough to handle various genres and settings, and allows a degree of complexity that lets players to make unique but balanced characters within its system. d20/3.5e does that very well, so why try to fix it when it is not broken? I won't change my mind of WotC, though. That video clearly shows what they think of their players.
  14. I think a lot of people over use ADHD and ADD as the blame for dumbing down games, may it be table top or PC/Console. I think it is because the designers think their target audience is just too stupid to figure out mre complex rules. Did anyone here see that 4e promo video that WotC made? Man, that ticked me off to no end that WotC thinks that their player base is actually that idiotic.
  15. I'm a DRAGON! You're a dragon. You're smart and cunning, and enjoy taking risks. Your need for independence is an advantage, but sometimes it alienates you from others. As far as *good* and *evil*, you're pretty neutral--but you may have something of a wicked streak.
  16. I never thought I would ever be cheering EA on.
  17. This is a tech demo, not a game demo.
  18. Update. It appears that Fox News basically told EA to shove it. http://kotaku.com/348692/ea-fighting-mad-a...l-no-correction It is time for EA to fight the conservatives of Faux Noobz. HA!
  19. 4e's "to hit" roll is just reworked saving throws, ML. No more and no less. A fireball, in 3.5e, allows a Reflex save. A fireball in 4e needs to hit the Reflex Armor Class. So instead of the defender making the d20 roll, it is the caster. Same basic mechanic, just a different roller. Real innovative... NOT!
  20. I don't count a wand +5 as a step forward in the right direction.
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