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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I just don't feel comfortable around people. If I get around too many people I get anxious and an inescapble need to flee. If I can't I get nauseous and well, that can become unpleasant real quick. Hell, when I did go to church as a kid more often than not I had to leave because being around that many people made me physically ill. Same thing happened when I was in a crowded classroom.
  2. I don't mind one bit if they deem the US as a permanent threat because I consider them a permenant and hostile threat against us. There is nothing you can say that will make me change my mind on that. The only way I will no longer consider China a threat is when they have a complete and total change in their government and economic policies that is more democratic and capitalistic in nature.
  3. I think the Tibetans and the Taiwanese may differ on that opinion, Azarkan.
  4. You have a point there. I guess we just have to wait and see. Hopefully I will have a 8800GT SLI video cards by then.
  5. NWN2 will probably be my last DnD CRPG. I have no interest in 4e so I won't be getting the books and I will not be buying any 4e DnD CRPGs either.
  6. From what I have heard the Texture pop up is a limitation of the engine itself and will be inthe PC version, unfortunately.
  7. Get over what? I think this is a good thing. When MEPC is released I'll buy it. Its not like I am going to get rid of my XBox 360 over it. I still need to get Lost Odyssey.
  8. I do not see China reducing their military strength nor economic agression at all. Even if we reduce our "threat" to them I see them using that as an advantage over us. If they see a weakness in the US they will use it against us. If you don't believe me take a good look at what has gone down in Tibet and Taiwan.
  9. That is sily. When I think of exclusive when it comes to games I think that the game is on only one platform. Such as NWN2 is a Windows exclusive. That sort of thing. Looks like ME is going to need to labeling on their boxes. "Only on Xbox 360" is soon going to be a lie.
  10. Don't know but according to Microsoft the game is still a XBox 360 Exclusive and it will remain so. Someone here isn't communicating with the rest of the buggers involved in this.
  11. One of my friends got so pissed off at his old motherboard he attacked it with his cheap mock katana. The motherboard split in half but the blade snapped.
  12. The game runs on the XBox 360. It can't have that big of system requirements.
  13. I almost did something I have never done in my entire life. I almost got the nerve to go to a bar to order a drink. Then I chickened out. I am one sad individual. Aside from work and my gaming group, I get most of my social interaction here at these forums. How pathetic is that.
  14. Here's hoping they don't forget about their XBoxers with Dragon Age.
  15. Its been officially announced that Mass Effect is coming to the PC in May. Hopefully that means that Dragon Age will come to the XBox 360.
  16. Its 5 degrees with snow flurries.
  17. Not really, unless you count our nuclear arsenal which I don't. Militarily speaking, this would be an optimal time to invade the United States.
  18. Proof that it is indeed his fault.
  19. I am not into forcing other countries to our view, but against other countries trying to force theirs on us. I am very much against us openly attacking another nation, like what we did in Iraq, but we need to be ready when other nations decide to attack us. I doubt that China will one day be nicey to everyone within and out of their borders. That is just naive. As Krezy said, to hope so surmounts to burying one's head in the sand. Appeasement never works. If a country is a threat to us, attacks us, then we need to face that threat head on and remove it.
  20. I like to keep things rather simple. Freedom good. Tyranny bad. I don't particularly care who started what. Only thing I care about is when it is all said and done that any threats to our way of living is removed.
  21. That is a rather naive view of the world, Azarkon. Being all nicey nicey to other countries will not change them either. The strong will always prey on the weak and if we appear weak we will be attacked and invaded.
  22. I don't care if they become democratic or not. I am for perserving our democracy and doing what is right. They are a threat to the US. Unless they change, which I doubt they will, we should prepare ourselves to face that threat.
  23. The threat is this: If China is willing to do that to their own people just think what they would be willing to do to those who aren't Chinese citizens if given the chance. Also, I would rather have a good ol' apocalypse than live under a dictatorship. It is better to die free than live in a cage.
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