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Everything posted by Sand

  1. We need complete and total pull out of Iraq and focus on the people who actually attacked us on 9/11. Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
  2. I hated the lock picking minigame. I simply hit the auto button till I either ran out of lock picks or open the lock.
  3. Hmm, Obsidian has created a Star Wars game and a FR game. Now they are working on Aliens. Do you feel the same way about them? There is a difference here. Obsidian needs "established" settings because they are a starting company when they took KotOR2 and NWN2. With Aliens it is just a movie tie in which there is no previous Aliens CRPG done before so they are in fresh territory. Bethesda on the other hand have been around for years, been doing their own thing for years, and have been very successful. Now all of a suddent they are taking the work of others instead of making their own settings? If Bethesda continued with the PotC based off the Disney franchise that would be okay because the game series would be their own, but Fallout is not their own game. Neither would Thief. They don't have the same excuse as Obsidian has because they are not a brand new starting company. They should be doing what Bioware is doing, making original games. Both companies have been around for years and are coontemparies of each other. Bethesda is doing Fallout 3, while Bioware is doing Mass Effect and Dragon Age. 2 original games out do one "blast from the past."
  4. What does hating freedom and letting the Iraqis have the freedom to decide their own fate have anything to do with each other, Kaft? We should pull out to. After all, we only invaded Iraq based on the Bush Administration's lies about WMDs and Al Qaeda links.
  5. If Beth does another "blast from the past" instead of their own games or make an original series I think that would be just bad form. It has nothing to do with them "tainting" the originals but them not having enough creativity to make their own game and setting.
  6. GROBNAR THE BARDINATOR! Who can't help but love that gnome!
  7. I liked that episode. Logopolis and Block Transfer Computation, using math to save the universe from entropic collapse. A fine episode that marked the end of Tom Baker's role as the Doctor.
  8. The romances in NWN2 were kind of lame but what can you expect a game with a Teenie rating. I wish we had romance options for Neeshka, Elanee, Qara, Grobnar, Casavir, Sand, and Bishop, and on top of that have them be with either gender. Yeah, that would be really interesting...
  9. Hate to say it but Icewind Dale series were my least favorite of the Infinity Engine games. Mind you every IE game is in my top 20 list of favorite games of all time.
  10. True, but this game is suppose to be the contiunation of Fallout and not Oblivion, thusly it should be judged as such. I wouldn't judge the worth of Oblivion based on if I liked Baldur's Gate, but if I liked Morrowind.
  11. What they should do for IWD3 is make it a stand alone game using the NWN2 engine but make its assets available to be used in NWN2 tools set.
  12. DAMN YOU, DAAAVE! DAMN YOU ALL THE WAY TO SLAHYTHER! To give such hope then to rip it to shreds, laughing mockingly at us poor miserable mortals! DAMN YOU, DAAAVE! *whew!*
  13. The best science fiction film ever made is Blade Runner. 2001 was okay but Blade Runner was superior in nearly every way except for its lack of bone flinging monkeys. Speaking of monkeys 12 Monkeys is also a very well done science fiction movie.
  14. Well, as seriously as any other computer game website.
  15. Um... I would go and live on Mars.
  16. I would spend that much money on it though.
  17. If you liked IWD1 I would say it would be a good buy, but it is more combat driven and tactical than actual role playing, but what little role playing there is in the game it is decently done.
  18. Fallout 2 would be a good choice because there is a lot of role playing opportunity but the easter eggs in that game are tiresome. Another oldie but a real goodie, especially if you liked BG2, is Planescape Torment. If you haven't played that it is definitely one to have.
  19. I will trust the guys who know Fallout. NMA and DAC.
  20. Nah. If the Premium or Elite edition of the console was a $100 or less I would consider it but its not and I am not going spend several hundreds of dollars for one game. When it comes to the PC, if it comes to the PC, I will most certainly will get it.
  21. Well first off he needs to accept that he is gay. Next he needs to get out of the marriage. All it will do is cause further frustration for himself and his wife. Once that is done he should find a more suitable and respectable methods to find a mate than a public restroom
  22. To bad you can't pick your own name otherwise you can be... SPECTRE GADGET! GO GO GADGET DEATH STAR!
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