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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. For every gesture that they do or just a single one for each? I did say in my thread that I understood that PoE2 is MUCH larger than Tyranny is. PoE1 is already significantly larger than Tyranny.
  2. I might have screwed up the animancy hearing choice thing for this, on this run anyway.
  3. I'm wondering myself how to get that third option as well.
  4. I suppose that makes sense considering there are MANY more NPCs you'd be able to talk to than in Tyranny.
  5. I don't know if they're the same team that worked on Tyranny (probably not), but there are certainly lots of UI enhancements that can be learned from there.
  6. Hm, no 'Two-Weapon style' talent? I'm using this (or perhaps a variant) of it for Zahua, going to grab the two-weapon style talent since it seems useful.
  7. If you look in the Fig updates, the ship will be really customizeable. I don't know if this is the unofficial suggestions thread, but here goes: You know the gesturing portraits that you have during conversations (with companions and most NPCs) in Tyranny? That might be something cool to add in.
  8. In Tyranny, when you have a conversation with companions and most NPCs, instead of the static portrait for companions you have in PoE1, you'd see a window showing the companion or NPC doing various gestures. I'm just curious if PoE2 will have that neat feature as it deepens the immersion (though you guys already do it quite well with the descriptions). Then again, I understand that PoE2 is going to be much, MUCH larger in size and scope than Tyranny (which was a joint project between Obsidian and Paradox), so, the assets needed would be much larger and there would be many more interactions than there are in Tyranny. Of course, I'd be totally fine without that since you guys do a good job of it with descriptions already. I just thought that it would be a cool thing to have with the more dynamic and evolving interactions PoE2 is going to have. edit2: I saw a suggestions thread back a bit, maybe I could post in there actually, or could have in the first place.
  9. Even if he knows what he's doing as far as release dates, it may not be wise to give a specific month this far out, otherwise they might have to face disappointed fans.
  10. Besides, the 'Rule of Cool' demands that there be a dragon.
  11. Belt buckler looks kind of like an interpretation of Ondra's symbol, too. OEIwaffles said that he isn't a Moon godlike... They do not. He's not a Moon godlike - We'll be sharing some more information on him in the future! ... But that doesn't mean he won't have some connection to Ondra.
  12. I'd probably expect the companions first class level to be locked in place and unchangeable, if only for story reasons. But yes, Eder could easily have one rank in fighter or rogue and the rest in whatever else the player chooses. edit: Quoting https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire?update=243#updates (yes, I'm reading them now, heh) "In our companion write-ups, you will see some characters described as class a/class b. This does not mean that they are forced to be multiclassed, but that the character's 1st level must be from one of those classes. For example, Edér's class is fighter/rogue. From level 2 on, you may advance Edér as you see fit, but his first class must be either fighter or rogue. This gives you the ability to customize your party companions while not fundamentally deviating heavily from their core character concept. Note that some other characters, like Aloth, must always start from a single class because it is more central to their concept. You may multiclass Aloth as a wizard/fighter, a wizard/barbarian, or a wizard/cipher, but his first class will always be wizard." Just putting that up there.
  13. Dragons are always cool, so, I'm sure there will be a few. As for meeting that particular dragon again, it's unknown, but they've definetly left the door open for that one reappearing.
  14. Huh, Maia is Kana's sister? Okay. Also, Eder has to be a fighter, because that's what he was. I've heard people saying that they want to multiclass him as a ranger so that he has something to pet, heh. As for Pallegina, in three of her endings, she was booted from her paladin order. However, while she rejoins an order in two of them (pardoned and rejoins her old one, or joins Kind Wayfarers), but in one of them, it's not clear if she is still a paladin or not. So, whether she is still a paladin might depend on her ending.
  15. Same. Not a fan of the plutonium-irradiated grass in the "color corrected" screenshot. The other one looks more realistic. They're saying that it's more of an experiment and not the final product. I agree on the grass. Also, that torch brightness seems rather bright for full daylight in the second one. Seems like that would be more appropriate for nighttime rather than daytime. Though, again, I get that it's more of an experiment and not the final product.
  16. I dunno, Iselmyr seems more the rogueish type, in attitude at least. Though I suppose we might get to choose to what to multiclass him as. And no, I didn't read the fig updates and twitch transcripts etc. I was also going to ask if any class can multiclass as anything, but sounds like that got answered, thanks Boeroer. I thought this was the case as well. I think everybody is expecting him to remain as a wizard, else Obsidian would have to explain to fans how he suddenly stopped being a wizard. Not to mention having to explain him breaking from his previous history. Anyways, I'm suddenly finding myself wondering about how to plan my current cipher character to make him as a save that goes on to PoE2 and I'm also wanting to make an Aumaua character because I like my idea of having a native Huana also be a pirate. However, I've got time to explore the different classes, which is probably what I should do before finalizing on a main (or a few) that will go to PoE2.
  17. Waiiit, if Serafen (female Orlan? Thought that one was male, hard to tell) is a cipher/barbarian, then we might see a subclass in either involving firearms. Also, dual weilding pistols. That's a discussion for the thread on subclasses though.
  18. Lol you guys. Anyways, as for the 'three characters talking over each other', it seems like theres two different conversations. The blue guy seems to be talking to Aloth (who seems to be sort of looking at blue guy), presumably about magic stuff. While the Wild Orlan (rogue maybe? He's the dual weilding pistol firing Orlan in the banner above) and Maia (ranger I think?) are arguing over something. Also, anybody notice the hawk (Maia's I think?) giving Pallegina the Hylea blessed paladin a look? heh.
  19. Technically, under Vailian law, she's genderless because godless can't reproduce, despite whatever shape their lower bits take. Though she still thinks of herself as a female.
  20. I was under the impression that Ciphers are basically psychics (or Psionics), with telepathy (or a very directed form of it) to boot. There isn't a whole lot of Cipher related stuff outside of combat. Seems like there could be more things to do with the Ciphers. Although they'll want to have all classes have equal content to be fair.
  21. I have a question, do the new Deadfire variant of the Moon godlike have fin thingies on their forearms? Maybe the blue companion is one of those new Moon godlikes.
  22. Yes, same character as the first game and they have talked about how the Watcher stuff is gonna work in the new game (more emphasis on the ethereal world is the impression I got). Huh, only thing though is that at the end, the awakened stuff goes away.... buuuuttt, it doesn't say anything about the Watchers powers going away, Somehow I thought being awakened was a requirement for being a Watcher. Sounds like being a Cipher (or at least having one in the party) would be an asset.
  23. He certainly looks like an oceanic godlike, though they've said that there are no new playable godlikes..... but the blue guy seems like a new type of godlike. Connected to whatever the heck god is awakening in Deadfire?
  24. Do we even know if the main character is even going to BE a Watcher? I'll probably try and use everybody the first runthrough, basically just explore things.
  25. Blue companion? You mean Boeroer? j/k In all seriousness though, I'm not sure what you mean. In the banner, the only bluish character is the one between Eder and the arquebus firing Aumaua, and it looks like Eder is attacking that one.
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