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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Did they expire? I was going to post mine here ladt minute and I forgot all about it :/
  2. Anthem's gameplay looks highly inspired by Capcom/Sega games of the early 2000's. Gun Valkrye and Lost Planet come to mind and then some Destiny into the mix. The game's gonna sell like crazy and it will probably compete directly with Destiny 2 since one is going to be exclusive to Origin and the other to Steam. I think it will be interesting to watch. EA and Bungie are very smart with marketing but I'm curious to see what the quality of Anthem will be - given the track record of EA games.
  3. Trading cards have been added to Steam versions of Baldurs Gate, Baldurs Gate II, and Icewind Dale. It's pretty important since this includes wallpapers, badge access, emoticons and more. Worth a mention
  4. I got a bunch of trading cards on Steam today from Baldurs Gate, Baldurs Gate II and Icewind Dale. Not everyone cares but since this involves badge access and wallpapers of art never before seen, well yeah I thought I should post about just how cool it was for them to update for trading card support!
  5. No hope now. Valve finally closed Greenlight and now Valve Direct is happening which is going to be amazing for pc gaming. Think of it as Nintendo's seal of quality approval <3
  6. No, this has nothing to do with that. This is my fault, I should have never made the comment of optimization on consoles vs pc. I am clearly the only one to blame here...... That's what I get for posting something positive about E3, consoles, or console exclusives I guess. In a whirlwind of people who dislike all three, that's forum suicide and I should have known better. Really, I apologize. It's not you, it's me lol This is my burden, it is my curse. Therefore it shall be my cross to bare, and mine alone. You are not to blame, I have wronged the community. It is a Crpg community after all. If it helps your peace of mind, please note that I was never planning nor do I plan on buying the Xbox One X. I don't see the point if I already have a pc that's more powerful already. Perhaps that will help my cause to be in some alignment with yours.
  7. He does have a point, when your game is so optimized that you only have to render 4 pixels of environment that aren't covered by HUD, oversized weapon, black borders of 5 degrees FOV, it'll run on pretty much anything(Edit: It's also rendered in cinematic 24 frames per second, naturally)Where's the hud? Where's the black bars? Where's the fog? Where's the smoke and mirrors? https://youtu.be/ts2am8WRBXQ And why does this year old console game have better texture work and animation than anything we've seen on pc lately? Why does Digital Foundry call it a technical masterpiece? Oh wait, you're talking about Deus Ex: Mankind Divided on pc... nvm, I get the joke now.
  8. I already posted the link for Forza. Forza 7 will be native 4k at 60fps, as I said before, at the beginning its mainly first party games that will run at true 60fps and actual 4K resolution. Mainly because in-house studios have the best toolkits before everyone else. If we look at games like Forza, which is much more demanding than AC Origins, then we know that this is true. Same thing goes for PS4 and why their exclusives look and run better than multi-plats. Now wait 2 or 3 years and you'll see these "so called" 4K resolution third party games actually become native 4k resolution games because of more experience with the hardware and toolkits and on top of that, they'll look twice as good (this is what always happens when devs get more experienced with the console).
  9. From all the hints of Fallout 4, the next Fallout game will most likely be an MMO game with pvp and pve.
  10. The sad thing is that it doesn't have to do with the Xbox One X not being able to handle it, but being on an even playing field with the other consoles. Sad but also wise on theor part, to avoid butthurt from owners of the other 3 consoles it eill be on. Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2017/06/13/destiny-2-will-run-at-30-fps-on-xbox-one-x/
  11. Downplaying the worth of optimization by saying "Optimization literally is not magic" is a silly thing. I'm afraid the fact remains the same, good optimization lets you squeeze out 200% more performance out of a console's hardware. So in other words, the car analogy wasn't a very valid one. I mean, it's not like you can tweak a car's speed reverse engineering the programming of your XM radio's software. I mean, if we're going to get all the way technical here than the car analogy was a bad comparison to optimization of pc vs console. The developer toolkits and console software don't cost anything but they are doing real upgrades to the console. PC games are never nor have ever been optimized to take advantage of Quad SLi Titans because they are not the average of the pc gaming community. If they were, we'd be seeing alot more graphically intensive games. The standard is a 970gtx and an i5 right now, some games are optimized for more cpu usage, some games are optimized for more gpu usage. Any developer will tell you that in pc gaming, it's either one or the other and that's yet another thing that seperates pc's ways from consoles. Since the memory is unified on the XB1/PS4, the cpu and gpu recieve equal treatment per instructions so the usage is balanced evenly throughout. That's the magic of console optimization that pc does not have. I don't think that Microsoft is going to release a new console that won't be able to do 4K 60fps (we've already seen it do 4k 60fps), after they lost sales to PS4 for not having a console that could do 1080p 60fps at launch? The thing about technology is that sometimes things don't make sense, like John Carmack said, not everything on paper is as. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-2017-forza-7-revealed-runs-at-native-4k60fps-on/1100-6450745/ Again, the balance of cpu and gpu usage is totally different on a console than it is on a pc. The unified structure is the magic of optimization which the pc will never be able to achieve.
  12. That's not a fact, just because pc has poor optimization, that doesn't automatically void the truth that optimization can do wonders. Bad optimization can literally kill a system or a car, good optimization can let you squeeze 200% the performance out of your hardware. And I'm not talking about tweaking the hardware with overclocking but just straight up software development tools through coding. Optimization is everything, hardware is secondary, without optimization your hardware can overheat, or might not even turn on. True, you can't turn a Toyota GT into a Porsche but you can always modify that Toyota to beat that stock Porshe and that's the affect of greater optimization. Even John Carmack once said "For the same given paper spec, a console will deliver 2x's the performance of a pc, as a pc will deliver 2x's the performance of a mobile part. Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/id_aa_carmack/status/436012673243693056?lang=en
  13. You're ignoring the fact that console optimization is continuing a good path while pc optimization is getting worse when it comes to AAA titles. It's easy to bring up irrelevant points from past downgrades or faulty engines but that doesn't forsake that which is being done by first party developers. While pc players can point and laugh at the cons of console gaming, console players are pointing and laughing at inferior points. I'm neutral here but I feel like these things should be said as members here are mainly pc gamers so there may be a bit of an unbalance. And I think that what you mean is that nobody can sue them because they didn't say "This is the release build."so it's not false advertizment. It's more like a glorified tech demo. Also I don't think it has nothing to do with marketing, it's more of how stupid Ubisoft was to dig their own hole at that time. Now though, they've redeemed theirselves pretty well even with the failure that was AC Unity, they re-did the who game of AC Unity a couple months after being released, issuing a huge update that was over 40gb, if I remember correctly. That said, PC has had plenty of downgrades from other AAA games over the years but nobody likes to talk about that https://youtu.be/mmSmkBu4Xxg Hell man, even Witcher 3 has had downgrades. https://youtu.be/c6ZU6yEThU8 But I guess that's not false advertizement to anyone because it's not Ubisoft. At least Ubisoft keep the options in the game so that you can unlock it to pkay the game exactly like the E3 demo looked.
  14. What makes you say that? Is it because I only mentioned one generation of console? Of course this has happened with every generation of console over time from their arrival the the end of their shelf-life, as I said before we saw Dreamcast running Soul Reaver with much better graphics than pc's high end gpu. But what is new is that developers have even more techniques and tricks than they did last generation and the generation before that. The extent now is even greater. That's the thing, it wasn't that Ubisoft "Lied", it was that the engine was unstable and they locked the settings. You can actully manually go in the pc version and enable all the settings that the pc E3 demo was runnng, they are actually in the game so it's more of a matter that you have to look for it. Or you can mod it to look better but not even today's mid high-end pc can't handle that at acceptable framerates - again this is because of bad optimization of the engine and coding so the assumptions of the gaming community bit them in the arse. Bare in mind that this isn't defending Ubi, they did a horrible job, very much like they did with AC Unity. By making a new engine, they screwed up the game's fate. Dunia engine for Far Cry on the other hand, is an absolute masterpiece in optimization and graphically goes beyond Crytek's efforts. They just made bad decisions over the years when it comes to Watch Dogs and AC franchise. Yes, it's a 2 year old video in which had the early development tools, drivers, etc. This what at the time when the XB1 and PS4 were not taken full advantage of. As I said before, fast forward to present day and it's a different thing altogether. The framerates have been fixed while the pc versions of Dark Souls still suffer. But my point is from a low-end laptop gpu, that's still a lot better than when you're getting from a mid-range gpu and also, you're not mentioning that Bloodborne is much more graphically demanding. From Software "always" having bad optimization for their games isn't an excuse. If we keep using excuses to defend poor quality ports and optimization on pc as a platform then we will never see improvements for them. But those are just a couple examples, I could go on naming as there are alot more ports that play better on console and less well on a pc with much better gpu and other hardware. Notably, it's amazing what we're getting from both the lower models of XB1/PS4. Those are proving to be mighty potatoes, just as Nintendo's Switch is proving to be by milking that nVidia Tegra.
  15. Well I will put it this way, although what I state in the following is very true, I don't expect all that great of a reaction from it (probably because of where I am)... I remember a certain ignoanace from a certain E3 going around that featured a major graphics downgrade. Watch Dogs demo by Ubisoft running on a pc, I remember how big of the reaction there was following the game's release where people were saying how "Ubisoft had to downgrade the game due to the low-end laptop gpu'z in the new consoles".... Fast forward a few years and we have the a regular PS4 model running games like Uncharted 4 which is twice more graphically demanding than that E3 High-end pc demo of Watch Dogs was, all with stable framerates, and in case that's thought to be some coincidence, both XB1/PS4 older models have ran much more graphically demanding games since that high-end pc demo of Watch Dogs was shown. What does it all mean? It means that the gpu's of the consoles are not the problems this time around. It means that the dev's programming kits were undeveloped in the first two years and now we're starting to see some real potential in the games being shown. I mean, if we stopped and we took a look at the console exclusives and how much they have changed over the past 3 years, it would indeed be bigger than anything we've seen on pc in terms of graphics and performance. And it will only keep on because the tools are constanly improving. It also means that Ubisoft didn't sacrifice the pc version for parity's sake but because the game engine was unstable. The game engine wasn't optimized for nVidia or amd cards so there was alot of issues, somehow confused people started blaming consoles or rather Ubusoft focusing more on consoles than pc, which wasn't true. The problem with pc as a platform is that the optimization is crap. Just look at how Dark Souls 3 performs on a 970gtx, and how it doesn't look or run as nearly as good as Bloodbourne does on a PS4. Dishonored 2 is another example. That's just two examples of many, I'm going to exclude the Arkham Knight fiasco because the team that coded the pc version was not the same team that coded the pc version is not the same team who worked on the console version so that wouldn't be fair. It's probably the reason why pc gamers are so skeptic of AAA games now days, but it's hard to optimize a game for every hardware variation and on top of that who knows what bloat ware and other type of ware the user might have installed on the pc but won't admit to. I realize that pc does have Crysis 1, 2 and 3 but the engine was so horribly optimized that it can't even run properly maxed out on today's top end gpu's without frame-skips... compare that to Killzone Shadowfall on PS4 at 30fps but consider the hardware - while someone may say "It took consoles this many years to catch up when we had Crysis xamount of years ago" but then when you look at the ancient hardware that PS4 is running, this is truly impressive just what a lowend gpu can do when all the right things are done. In the end though, there is no use for all that horsepower if your alignment is so off that you cannot stay on the track. I think the PS5 just might be the first module console. Meaning it will probably allow you to swap out the gpu without opening the whole system and voiding the warranty (similar to what the hdd is now on the PS4), maybe the ram and cpu as well. It could happen. Now days, the key is to make everything as effortless for the console gamer and accessible to the console gamer so propierty indivual plug and play hardware parts may be the future. On a side note, I'm still very impressed with the graphics and animation that the nVidia Tegra was able to squeeze out in those Switch games. Maybe it's just the bright colors that nobody else is using but the visuals of Mario Oddesy look right up there with a mid-range pc. Crisp, clean graphics and nice rendering. Then again, Nintendo's been masters of optimization since the 80's lol If anyone knows how to milk hardware, it's them.
  16. Ehhh... I'll just post this here so it proves that I'm not making this stuff up. If you guys won't acknowledge the fact if console optimization being better than pc optimization from me, maybe you'll acknowledge it from a credible pc enthusiasts and trusted site: Source here: http://www.pcgamer.com/heres-how-microsofts-xbox-one-x-compares-to-a-pc/ I just like to do my research on optimization, as I have noticed even with my 4k gaming pc, that consoles are and have always been one step ahead.
  17. Well you know, like I said before, optimazation for console is a different beast than pc. The creation tools and development is quite different. Consoles have always been able to do more than less. I'm lookimg back to the early 2000's when games like Soul Reaver looked better on a Dreacast than they did on a top of the line nVidia gpu. I'm sure if these games were running on pc's, it would have already been exposed by now considering how quickly it was fiund out back then. I highly doubt any company would make that mistake again after the social media craze. You guys do realize that this is a 12gb gpu able to do 6tf's at 326gb/s, don't you? Xbox One X is native 4k while the PS4 Pro and Xbox One S are upscaled, I know that much.
  18. Why do you think that? Just because it happened with PS4 and Xbox One models when they were aiming for 1080p and 60fps, doesn't mean that they will fail the Xbox One X. It certainly has the power to upscale any game from now and the future in 4k/60fps but most pc gamers tend to forget that the development tools and building softwares are evolving every month, hence the rapid updates. It's just another reason why optimization has and always be much better for console games this generation than on pc. The game play for Destiny 2, Metro Exodus, Forza 7, Need For Speed and Assassins Creed: Origins were all running in 4k @60fps both in the trailers and in the playable demo booths. Point being that the coding for consoles is still more convenient than pc's as it has always been. I'm talking about this in the wrong forum though, I already know thay the majority of gamers here prefer pc over consoles, I just hope nobody takes this the wrong way as me saying that consoles are better than pc. The coding is different, so are the optimization attributes, consoles are not pc and with good reason, even if they use pc parts. We are mid-generation so optimization is far better now. If you're talking about games in 3 years from now, then I guess I can see your point. By then, the PS5 and neXtBox will have made way.
  19. The value you get with the Xbox One X is impressive no matter how you look at it... You're essentially getting the first console that streams in 4k, plays 4k blu-ray discs, plays games in 4k at 60fps without frame drops, better optimization than pc, I mean... the advantages of the Xbox One X are endless and as it becomes obsolete, the price will become cheaper. I suppose the fact that it's tiny doesn't matter to anyone, but it should. It comes out on November 7th for $499. You can bet that it will have a special sale on Black Friday and cyber monday, don't think it won't just because it's new, it will. Concerning upgrades... nobody really cares if you can upgrade the console (unless its the hdd) because toolkits get better overtime for developers to do more with less. That's also why games like Uncharted and Spiderman look better on PS4 than anything we've seen on pc. That all said, I prefer my pc but that's mainly because my love for indies and versatility. Not for mods or hardware comparisons and things like that. Hardware advantages don't mean what they used to in this era, it's more about the software and optimization which proves to trump horsepower.
  20. I see this thread has become a war between pc and console lol This is why I own both Anyways... Besides presentations, each game at E3 had a press panel similar to Comic Con on that respect. Which is awesome. One of my favorite is: Travellers Tales showing off how they've created one of the biggest Open World's ever... for Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2. Imagine that! Also...
  21. Believe me when I say, the Xbox One X will sell like hot cakes. Yes, you can trade in or sell your old console for a good price these days and use that money to get a new console, just as you would with a gpu. When I traded in my Xbox One a year after I got it, I got $299 for it (from $399). I look at how well the PS4 Pro is doing, people would be surprised at how good it's doing but should they be surprised? Not really. I mean, there are better AAA games on consoles (won't ever be on pc) and better ports on consoles. Optimization has become the new essence so with all that, the Xbox One X is pretty much an unstoppable force.
  22. That looks phenomenonal. And the fact that we have 2 Metroid games on the way is huge too! :D
  23. It was an active chat, with developers and I was on my phone on a messenger app the whole time, meaning the more windows I have open, the more things get jumbled up. Nearly every second was crucial for me so making a thread would costs alot more time than simply commenting on one already made. Hopefully now that I explained further, everyone can understand.
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