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Everything posted by Khagmas

  1. The twelfth Magran's Fire: Engwithan's Challenge; It is necessary to complete the game and all DLCs in patch 4.0, ignoring errors and crashes. Access to the technical support on Obsidian forum is disabled. Sometimes errors will be generated randomly in the content in which they are not present now.
  2. Will there be a twelfth challenge? Or is there no God for it?
  3. Suppose, I need to create a new subclass for Rogue and localization for it (Only the name of the subclass and its description in all languages), without introducing this subclass into the dialogues. It will be identified in the dialogues as the 'Rogue without Subclass'? P.S: Who can help me? Need guide.
  4. You forgot Tayn Isn't Ninagauth dead? I forgot about Citzal and Ryngrim too. The only constantly dying Archmage is Concelhaut (And maybe one of Llengrath), the fate of the another Archmages is unknown. I don't think Ninagauth is dead - Ninagauth seems that he is mentioned in the quest Bekarna's Folly. That is why this is an interesting topic - it is not revealed.
  5. 1) Сontinuation of a story with Circle of Archmages (Ninagauth, Kalakoth, Maura, Arkemyr, Llengrath, Minoletta and Concelhaut; UPD: Citzal, Ryngrim and Tayn) [There are 10 of them? Or 11 with Caedebald? Or 12 with Adragan? ] 2) Great extension for adventure on Ukaizo in end-game content.
  6. How difficult is create a mod for a new subclass with localization?
  7. Dear Sirs, can you please do not copy 'multiple-quote' posts? Thank.
  8. I do not see in this version any terrible. The only mechanically terrible at this stage is blocking the spells of other schools from Wizard's subclasses. Wizard, The Soultaker: "Soultakers quite well and skillfully use spells in battle, but their combat techniques are very peculiar. Using the power of the surrounding souls to enhance spells, they pay for it with a piece of life force." Rogue, The Adventurer: "The Adventurers are accustomed to be on the road and often fall into various dangers in their travels. They have learned how to inflict the strongest deadly attacks to opponents, but the battle is exhausting them." These are just interesting mechanics, the numbers do not have to be these. Right?
  9. This is a draft, I could not use the Sorcerer, since one of the subclasses has this name (Wizard+Druid).
  10. I am. Ok. First I will write what could be done with the available subclasses. The basic idea is simply that the subclass does not block access to the spells of other schools, but only weakens them. 1) Wizard, The Conjurer: 2) Wizard, The Evoker: 3) Wizard, The Enchanter: 4) Wizard, The Illusionist: 5) Wizard, The Transmuter: Secondly, it is an example of the Wizard's subclass: Wizard, The Soultaker: "Soultakers quite well and skillfully use spells in battle, but their combat techniques are very peculiar. Using the power of the surrounding souls to enhance spells, they pay for it with a piece of life force." Bonus: +1 Power Level for all Wizard Spells; 20% of the Misses convert to Grazes, 15% of the Grazes convert to Hits and 10% of the Hits convert to Crits for all Wizard Spells; (or -20% Recovery Time for all Wizard Spells) Penalty: Every Wizard Spells coasts 5% of Max. Health; Healing spells restore to 20% less health for self.
  11. I would like to see interesting and worthwhile subclasses, not necessarily only one for each class. Hope the Wizard's subclasses will fixed it. They are broken now and better to play without them. For the Rogues, I personally would like to see something like that: Rogue, The Adventurer Subclass - "The Adventurers are accustomed to be on the road and often fall into various dangers in their travels. They have learned how to inflict the strongest deadly attacks to opponents, but the battle is exhausting them." Bonus: +2 Penetration on the Critical Hits; +50% Critical Hit Damage; Penalty: -2 Accuracy and +5% Recovery Time for every outcoming Сritical Hit to the Battle's End. (Not more than -20 and +50% respectively); -2 Deflection, Fortitude, Reflex and Will for every incoming Critical Hit to the Battle's End. (Not more than -20); P.S: I can write my own vision of the subclasses of the Wizards, if anyone is interested.
  12. Ok, another 3-4 months and it will be possible to play the final build. I hope that the subclass for the rogues will not be associated with pirates.
  13. They didn't (not 100% on Olivia Veras, though.) Who wrote Zahua? Maneha and Devil of Caroc was written by Carrie Patel? Durance, Grieving Mother, Hiravias and Kana Rua - they were very well developed.
  14. Xoti was written by Megan Starks Tekēhu and Maia Rua was written by Paul Kirsch Serafen was written by Alex Scokel Did Chris Avellone, Olivia Veras and Matt MacLean participate in making companions of Deadfire? P.S: Sidekicks - the worst thing that happened with POE2...
  15. I think that the destruction of the magnificent combat system from POE1 happened because of the promise to create Multiclass-system. The Developers preferred not to make this Multiclass system on a solid foundation, instead they destroyed the combat system and on its ruins tried to build a new one, which we received in Deadfire. Why am I talking about ruins? Because the total destruction of the Wizards (perfect editable system of Grimoires) is the easiest way to create 1/11 part for the current Multiclass-system. Accordingly, each class suffered more or less because of the creation of 1/11 of this crude and unprocessed system. As a result, we have a mediocre system in which any of the 1/11 parts can be combined with another element. This is called the Multiclass system, and in order for the player to try to understand what is going on combats for a long time, the developers disguised everything with a 'Penetration' veil. I would also like to say at once that the difficulty of the quest in the first part was determined by the character's level that was required to complete it. 1~4 for simple tasks, 5~8 for problems of medium complexity, 9~12 complex tasks by the end of the game. And an intervals of 13~14 and 15~16 for additions. Such intervals made it possible to easily balance the power of the character, because for each level he received few skills. More difficult quests and areas were not available due to the lack of a completely open world. Now we were immediately given 20 levels with a bunch of skills that we can get almost immediately and in large quantities. The places of Deadfire are not divided by complexity as the world is open, in fact here we see only a distant resemblance of this alignment, which was in the first Pillars of eternity. The ending of the main quest, which as if asks for a chapter with events on Ukaizo, for 2-3 hours with a long journey in which you can understand the motivation of the Engwithans (Gods) and Eothas. In fact, we get a 10-minute senseless walk. Cherry on the cake? Everything, the 'Deadfire' dish is ready. Eat it and do not choke. P.S: The Developers were too carried away with promises when collecting funds for the game, as a result, they could not properly implement those basic moments that were so loved by everyone in the first game. One cannot promise to improve co-ordinarily what is already close to the ideal. It was necessary to concentrate on creating Subclasses, completely rejecting the idea of Multi-classes. If each class had 6 or more unique subclasses (Maybe even with adapted abilities of other classes.), then Developers would not have to break the perfect combat system from the first game.
  16. First there were the masterpiece: Gothic and Gothic 2 Die Nacht des Raben. On third part the series slipped. My second unforgettable adventure was Dragon Age: Origins, but I was disappointed by a talentless second and third game. Now I have similar feelings from the Pillars of Eternity. Why Deadfire so superficial? For 200+ hours of playing it, I was constantly haunted by the shadow of the perfect first game. How was it possible to destroy all this? The Deadfire is not terrible, no. It's just worse than the first Pillars of Eternity. P.S: Try to buy, but do not think that you will experience euphoria.
  17. I'll wait for a stable build on April. All DLCs and Patch 4.0X. How soon will the first Pillars of Eternity outstrip the Deadfire in terms of the number of players per day? Until recently, the sequel was ahead of the original, but people can not be deceived. I think it's only a matter of time. (POE1 better then POE2) No offense.
  18. I join, if someone found something from these items (Ragged Cloak, Onepahua's Strength and Fenan's Finery) - I'll be happy to know about it.
  19. P.S: What be with another cut unavailable content? I already saw about The Red Hand in 1.2.0.
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