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guybrush threepwood

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Everything posted by guybrush threepwood

  1. I thought that kreia led us to believe there was a bond, when there actually wasn't. One of the jedi masters says something about whether there was a bond or whether we thought there was a bond
  2. Kotor focuses mainly on lightsaber melee combat, which would suck through first person. Though a first person option wouldn't be bad, and if the combat wasn't turn based it could be good for the shooting aspect. I guess it would be good if kotor 3 had chronicles of riddick shooting and stealth, and kotor saber combat
  3. i'm sure the pal version won't be changed much in terms of bugs/framerates
  4. i put this in the 'bloopers' thread on the bioware forums a while back when i was bored and inspired by the rest of the bloopers and after reading some fanfics on www.kotorfanfic.com This is what i think happened IMMEDIATELY AFTER DARK SIDE ENDING (kotor 1) A soldier walks up to bastilla and revan on the temple, with the crowds still cheering solider: Lord Revan. The star forge is operating at 10000% capacity Revan uses force 'blender' on the man, he dies painfully. Revan: Bastilla i thought i told you to fire Malak's mathematics department Bastilla: I did my lord, but if you took into account the theories stating the impossibility of inter-galactic flight, as the speed of light can never be reached due to the asymptotic increase in mass as c is approached, and that nobody really knows how the hyperdrive works, you would know that the galaxy uses an impossibility probability function to achieve what is against the laws of physics Revan:.....Ok. Anyway, last time we were here you said something about being my 'lover and apprentice' Bastilla: You won't be getting ANY if you don't let me wear some less revealing clothes Revan shakes in anger, then calms down. As he does so, an incredibly handsome noble jedi, one of best and most heroic of the jedi order, jumps from the crowd onto the temple next to revan with his lightsaber drawn. Noble Jedi: Though shalt repent thine sins! The force shall forgive thee! draw upon the light unbeliever! Let the force forgive you for your sins! Revan: Ahahahaha. You crack me up. Who is this guy bastilla? Bastilla: This is Jedi Knight Sion. (Bastilla spits in disgust). He tried to come on to me once back in the acadamy.(A lie, bastilla smirks knowing what revan will do to him) Revan: WHAT! Goddamn it i can't belive you SOB! I'm gonna rip your throat out! Revan starts work on sion with a non fatal amount of force blender. He then uses a combination of force internal organ implode, and force internal organ explode, whilst using force rip da ****en skin of his body then force poorly paste it back on, finishing up with force storm, force crush, and force lukemia. Revan lastly draws upon sions own force power to create a force bond within sions body that held his body together. Revan: Goddamn it, lets go on a holiday. I can't stand these people. I think i left my travel book on korriban. Lets go Revan and bastilla get lost in space for one year, and have various misadventures with a mischievous robot, before finally finding korriban. He searches for his travel book, and takes a long holiday with bastilla, but leaves t3 and hk-47 to do some killin for him. Anyone got any other theories?
  5. i think it will be rpg of the year....i'm not huge into rpg's so i don't know the competition but i gather the year has been relatively lackluster. especially with fable turning out as average as it was. Though HALO 2 will most likely win most xbox GOTY's. And the PC version won't be out till febuary, and it will be game sites will probably be over it by end 2005. For OVERALL GOTY i think it's a battle between HALO 2, GTA SA and HALF LIFE 2. It will be interesting to see how that turns out. Though kotor 2 could well win a few GOTY from some sites
  6. tyrell, the position of the 'most popular' game on gamespot largely depends on any new features...ie previews, news etc. Expect it to jump to no 1 or 2 when the coverage hits
  7. Jade Empire will be better looking graphically, but then again i don't have a high end pc and i played kotor on my xbox. But i want kotor more because it's not set it boring mythical china
  8. Well lucas scrapped their in house kotor 3 development, and i think bioware has moved on, so either obsidian, or some random company.
  9. Nurab don't you like anti-heroes? Oh and when i read your posts they seem angry and intelligent, but i'm not sure if it's the writing or your avatar. On that note. Ghostofanakin's posts seem wise, however opinionated they may be.....must not be affected by avatar
  10. ob1. Not only is he soley keeping my interest in the prequels, but he also ruled in the originals. (and revan for me is EVIL)
  11. i personally wouldn't trust a magazine score as far as i could throw a magazine score. Since a magazine score isn't really an object, i couldn't throw it very far. Sure i could throw the entire magazine, but that would be cheating. I could cut out the score, but is that really the score or has the score transcended materialism. And if i could cut out the score, then it wouldn't go very far if i threw it ....i drifted off point i apologise
  12. i guess 'small battle group' sounds like more than 1 ship. It just seems like they were alone because that's what they showed
  13. Bastilla did try to use her battle meditation but i don't think there was enough time, she says that the battle meditation exhausted her force powers so that after her crash, with the added problem of losing her lightsaber, she was caught. I would say that the spire was not expecting a large sith fleet. They probably were trying to be stealthy and pass through the system but the sith knew they were coming, and attacked. Not sure why they would be so close to taris though- reconnaisance?
  14. one problem with that theory, taris was under sith occupation for atleast several months. As sarna said, She had been stuck on this backwater planet for months-implying they had control
  15. I don't think redemption necessarily requires sacrifice....it just makes it seem more tanglible. Revan changed his ways if you went light side, saved the galaxy, there is redemption in that.
  16. what's all these choices? i click on the opening image and thats it for choices or am i missing something
  17. why is redemption without sacrifice bad writing? i think it's bad writing to include sacrifice for the sake of including it. It also makes it different from generic unoriginal movie plots
  18. i wouldn't overestimate the effect of the release date lies. Maybe 10 people on this board got their feelings hurt and think they won't buy the game, but probably will, or were going to pirate it anyway. And you can bet your ass it won't affect the purchasing decisions of the great great great majority
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