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Everything posted by Scarnet

  1. how many times have you all completed it i think this must be my 15 time lol getting pritty bored of it lol hope they bring out kotor3 soon
  2. cool it looks nice
  3. arnt there Serroco people on nar shaddar stealing the refugies money or trapping them
  4. cool videos on that website but i doubt that they will make real lightsabers as the ones they had there had a skinny peice of glass proberly with a mirror on the end to double the light beam to makeit apper thicker
  5. if they put more heros in they should have qui gon jin cos he was pritty good a proper battle would be good like thousands of troops,clones,robots and rebals fighting...not at the same time but you get the idea lol and you should be able to stay as the hero as long as you want and if you could pick other peoples wepons up and use them would be rater funky
  6. ye thats well sucky it would be awesome if he had all his proggramming
  7. i found one in the cantina on onderon i was talking to a twelek well it was one of those people who just says things not in a convo thing but he told me he had his thingys on his head waxed and asked if i wanted to touch them (w00t) haha ive never noticed before hes sitting near the entrance by the duros who wants an open visa have any of you seen this or any other thing like this?
  8. ye and he could have arms all over his body so if he gets nocked over he can just roll around
  9. hey dont forget korriban....it is deserted remember well apart from sion but im sure he wouldnt mind =p
  10. Revan: yey!! my new washing machine is finnished HK : please insert washing power and select spin cycle Malak: I HATE BEING CLEAN!!! (smashes Hk the washing machine) Revan: eeekkkk....(Wispers)i'll get you malak and your hair.... Revan: (after making hk into an assasin hair dresser) HK: is there a hair cut you want master? Revan: no go and shave malaks head with a flame thrower HK: very well master! (flame throws malaks hair off and melts all the follicals together) Malak : you stupid droid, ill never have hair again (lightsaers HK into few peices that cant be put back together) a few months later Revan : finaly ive finnished my new assasin droid after the other 46 got destroyed or exploded finaly my HK47 is ready HK: Ready to serve master Revan: Yey!!! HK: Are there any meat bags you want termanated master? Revan : theres a few..... Malak aprochese[sp?] Malak: oh no ! not a another one of those inferiour assasain droids HK: Die!! meatbag chases malak around the ship while revan giggles and makes jokes to the crew meh kinda weak but still lol
  11. i just like fighting the randon jedi and carlo nord or w/e his name was in ranom places where u least expect them
  12. If they did they must have been realy good cos k1 was an amazing game
  13. waw thats an amazing thingy lol i wish that would happen to me....
  14. i think peragus was a waste of time realy
  15. i like making fun of the madilorian quater master
  16. I would have to go with human cos when ever you see them there either slaves or facing death or in debt to the exchange
  17. The bit when the trooper hits the fighter was the best
  18. *dribbles* oh god yes please i hope it looks like that
  19. lol i made that topic haha anyway i think a film about sion would be stupid hteres no point lol
  20. wasnt there a cartoon series for a while that was good even tho it was only on for 5 mins at a time
  21. i say go for it it would look well cooler as well=]
  22. Thats awesome made me laugh =D
  23. i think goto is good i like the whole built in stealth thing
  24. having like 5 mins convo with boa dur ruined it for me and all the unclompleted areas it was annoying
  25. money money money thats what its all about in my books lol
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