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Everything posted by Purgatorio

  1. Evil can't be defeated completely. It's people that are evil or have evilness inside of them, so the only way to end evil is to destroy all sentient life. Seems like a good idea to me. I don't see how this "balance" was achieved when Vader killed the Emperor. Did the font change whilst I was becoming a Necromancer? It looks a little squished.
  2. I can understand what you are saying here-Humans are physically weaker than most species. Just about everything else that lives on the planet has some form of natural defence-claws, teeth, physical size and strength, poison/fangs, armour plates, good senses to detect threats and so on. In that regards you are quite correct, a human who attempts to have a one on one fight against a bear is going to die....unless said bear gets so excited at the thought of a free meal it has a heart attack. On a purely physical level we should never have managed to avoid being eaten on a daily basis....but we changed the rules. Human defences come from our intelligence, or given human history maybe I should say that our defence comes from the ability to invent and create tools. The tools that we can create provide us with the power to not only protect ourselves, but also to alter the enviroment we live in and control it to some degree. Control the enviroment and you also gain power as some species that would normally threaten you will not always be able (or want to) live there. It is not weakness to rely on technology as such, it is our strength and without it we wouldn't be here. While the word technology often brings up a mental image of cars, computers and cell phones it is worth noting that technology simply means tools. A simple rock used to hit someone with is a tool, its also a bit of technology, it allows you to hit something harder than you could with your bare hands.....although against something like a bear you would need one hell of a large rock. That is part of what a tool does-it allows you to do things that normally you would be unable to do, or do things better than you could do unaided. Using the internet I can talk to someone 6000 miles away, and I quite often do, something I could not manage by shouting. This is power, it is just a different type of power than almost all other species on the planet have. Of course while technology/tools are our greatest strength, they are also our greatest weakness when we rely on them so much we forget how to live without them. (I wonder how many people on this board would be able to go a month without using a computer or cell phone at all). Power always comes at a price however, and tools are no exception. The price of us getting power from tools is twofold; It can be too easy to get, and therefore misused or we fail to understand how dangerous using that tool can be-nuclear weapons being a prime example. They can be used by almost anyone. As you pointed out a child could pick up and use a gun, and a trawl through police reports will tell you that happens more than we'd like in some places. That is the duel nature of power from tools-if you can use it so could someone else, which is why the military guards its armouries so well and tries not to let on exactly how their latest equipment works. In simple terms whoever holds the tool has the power, as long as they choose to use that power. Having the power and using it are not the same thing. Just because I have a gun does not mean I have to use it....although a charging bear would tend to settle matters for most people...and even if I do decide to use it I don't have to shoot the bear, I could always fire into the air and hope the bear runs off at the noise. (If it doesn't I then have to hope I haven't just run out of bullets or the gun jambs, knowing my luck both would happen). Being able to choose how I use a tool involves being able to control it, and being able to control something means you have power over it. In the case of a monkey or baby with a gun the water is muddy here, since it could be argued that they are incapable of choosing to fire the gun and therefore have no real power as you said.(A monkey wouldn't know how to use a gun without being trained, in which case the monkey becomes a tool of the trainer. An untrained monkey, or a human baby, wouldn't be deliberatly firing the gun but doing so accidently, which again means they had no choice, therefore no control, therefore no power). You also said it was a weakness to rely on others, again there is a small amount of truth in that, but this is over shadowed by the fact that humans are pre-programed to work in groups and rely on each other. This is the second way we survived. A single human with a stone axe is unlikely to be able to tackle a bear. But a group of humans armed the same way will make short work of it. True, there is a good chance that at least some of the humans are going to get hurt or killed, unless the know exactly what they are doing, so from the prospective of those individuals this is not a great stratagy. But from the view point of the species working together allows them to handle situations where an individual would fail, or finish a task in a shorter space of time. From an invididuals view point groups are a good thing too. To start with instead of being a single target, you are just one of several potential targets-hence the odds of you being picked out by a potential predator are lower making you less likely to be attacked and, therefore, less likely to need to defend yourself. Even if you are attacked if the group has a strong bond (and human groups, or at least the smaller ones, tend to be very strong in this area) then you are more likely to have someone else turning up to help you defend yourself against an attacker. Anyway, the only part of this that is directly applicable to the thread is that about control and power. In order to have power over something you have to be able to choose to use that power-not for good or ill, just the ability to use it when you want to. Nilhus couldn't choose to use his power to drain life, he had to use his power to drain life-if he didn't he grew weaker, and as was mentioned in the game he would eventally have died regardless of what the Exile did-In fact he would have been dead even if the Exile had decided to stay away....That he had no control over his ability means that it did not make him powerful, in fact it means the opposite. Needed repeating.
  3. You're not alone. OPG, .... how difficult is it to understand the concept of slavery? If Nihilus was in control of his power (force Slurp) he would be the master of his power and since it's so.... powerful, (such eloquence) he would be the most powerful. However, he isn't, as has been explained countless times by Architect and Darth Mortis. You have ignored logic, which makes it difficult to explain in the simplest manner possible why Nihilus is weak. I wont bother with quotes, because you have this odd habit of thinking they're false even if it's an official source. Or that it's got lots of body piercing and a mohawk or something. So instead I will suggest you look at the conversations betwixt Exile and Kriea in regards to Nihilus. Here is my very brief explanation, on the off chance that this makes sense to you. Slavery is to be stripped of control. Nihilus doesn't control his power. It is the hunger that controls him. Therefore he is weak. There simple, and repetitive.
  4. Spam away oh great and flattened eggy breakfast food thing with sugar atop.

  5. OMGOPG Nihilus was not power was RULED by his hunger, that IS weakness.
  6. Thanks. I thought it might have been one of those cheats where you press all buttons and triggers whilst making figure of eight motions with the thumb stick.
  7. I've never heard of an action replay, how is it done?
  8. I would get one if it translates from Trollish to English, language barriers can be problematic when you're trying to be insulting. But on topic....
  9. Deutchbag? Isn't the avatar the same?

  10. Cmramirez02@hotmail.com For those that missed it. Meaning don't post your email unless you want to be spammed. Not that I would. Yes I realize the ironic hypocrisy of copying and highlighting something then saying it shouldn't be done.
  11. I read the above and was reminded how cold it is, it was supposed to snow. But I have had a wonderful day despite the cold bones and chattering teeths. I think it's the coffee and the shivering that's making me jittery and jumpy, all the endorphins being released is making me happy. Odd. I will now go listen to Bajazet. Then rescue some farm girl so I can bleed her. :bliss:
  12. Freyr 100% Bragi 90% Hel 60% Loki 60% Sif 40% Odin 40% Tyr 40% Skadi 40% Balder 40% Freya 40% Frigg 20% Thor 20% Heimdall 20% Njord 20%
  13. Whining romantic violinists. My week consisted of working, looting, and killing zombies. I will now go into the tomb of the betrayers and rummage through sarcophagi.... It's very difficult to remain lawful in such a chaotic world.
  14. Technically. The prequels are set in the past, the ship designs (all shiny silver) were supposed to show how nice, and advanced everything was in the past.... Personally, I hate retro. The prequels have an over polished facade.... and I doubt George was intending to use the technology as a metaphor about the Emperor wearing a mask like an 18th Century Venetian, or that the past is often looked at with a heaving bosom and a languid heart. So instead of using the technology for dramatic re-enforcement, it ended up as an exercise in excess, instead of dramatic truth through virtuosity he made a shallow work of excessive ornament.... To put it in an even geekya way. Last three= Vivaldi in all his operatic glory. Prequels = The crap of Neapolitan opera seria.... Do I have to post links?
  15. That's because it sucks like a big sucky thing. You didn't think the special effects looked fake?
  16. rofl. Much better than "Teh Arse" >_< and "Purgadorkio" It's my comment box so I can expect some standards. Can't I? No. :(

  17. I'll try that one when I get a lightsaber.
  18. No that's right. But really it's because there is a character limit so I can't do long insults. And insulting people isn't nice 0_0 or funny. *Remark drawing comparisons to you and a peasants donkey in the middle ages that was found to be having an unholy relation with said peasants wife*

  19. That was supposed to be what you were thinking. The thoughts she pulled from your mind. I've never thought about her like that. Couldn't she be fishing for a reaction? Or projecting her own experiences? It could just be her way of warning you as well.
  20. I caught Teh Stupied from... well lets just say a regular irregularity.


  21. One of the perks of being a moderator is that you can have Multiple Alts. Which would just be 'Alts' without the 'Multiple'. What if I have no alts? Does that mean I just have multiples? Yes, everyone have multiples? I know I do. There's the countless other mes that exist in the minds of those who I've met, and the me that I perceive as myself. But I doubt the multi-yous are digital manifestations that go about erecting statues. No matter how heroic you are, or perceive yourself to be.
  22. Exile: "I'd be more impressed if there wasn't so many holes"
  23. The echo is that which makes it difficult to hear the force, so it can be compared to the darkness shrouding everything. It was the many deaths and all that Jedi not acting stuff that caused the echo, so you could surmise the unbalancing was the cumulative effect from thousands of wars. One Sith and one Jedi, the Jedi kills the Sith, that is not balance there is supposed to be a middle in a see-saw. So how could one death bring balance to the force? It couldn't, it's a load of crap.
  24. Joke votes should be removed for the sake of democracy. Ed: Ep 1 has a vote?!? That's just sick!
  25. ^Do you really believe that Sand? Technically, the Sun does orbit around the Earth: just not to the exclusion of the Earth orbiting around the Sun, which can be clearly demonstrated via extra-terrestrial observations as well as being the simplest explanation for terrestrially-observable phenomena. Rofl. I see, since the Sun's gas is part of the Sun and effects the Earth's atmosphere, (Aurora Australis) that counts as the Sun orbiting around the Earth. As a slip of the tongue, or was he/she really trying to persuade you of that? Both excellent games. Honestly I don't know, I was not present when my maths teacher said it, but I can remember when my class mates told our science teacher. His reaction was as if he knew this already and didn't want to undermine his college. Apparently he'd had debates with him in the past. It's one of the few things I remember. It wasn't like some grand college with grassy spaces, just a high school... and not a very good one either. Ugly concrete modular design, like a prison. For the games; I trust the taste of the members of this forum... mostly.
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