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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. But I didn't tell you the twist though. The twist is his ass.

  2. I saw Watchmen the other day. Everytime I saw Dr. Manhattan's **** I thought of you.

  3. The same thing goes for friends you jerk. I hate your guts!
  4. I talked to Rosb about what happaned to me last night, and he made me feel better about myself.
  5. girls are dumb ; (

  6. I ****ing hate girls. I'm going to be venting for days.
  7. It's usually always the scrapyard. And yeah as I'm running through the wilderness he usually like, runs off and gets into a fight with something while I'm not watching him and ends up dying. So I'm sure if I payed more attention to what he was doing he wouldn't die so easily.
  8. I'm rolling my eyes at you No that actually did happen. There are instances with army and air force volunteers that are public knowledge, and it's highly unlikely that there haven't been tests performed on domestic and foreign civilian individuals or populations that are not public knowledge. That's how the world works. Leave me be! Actually many folks complained on the official and community forums that dogmeat was fodder. I never used him so I don't know, just making the point most of the feedback I have read about him has been the opposite of your travels. Several mods are out there that make him a bit tougher and smarter. That's nice, you read about people that had a different experience than I did. I never had a problem keeping dogmeat alive. I didn't find him until later in the game, so maybe that was why? Maybe if I went balls to the wall and ensured I was always in combat. He helped me raid several military bases. Yeah Dogmeat always dies really easily with me
  9. Well I mean, we have a government and social structure that is different than what it is in the post war Fallout game world. Also I'm pretty sure part of the reason people aren't stealing money from fort knox is because of how heavily guarded it is. I mean we have laws, and repercussions of certain actions. In fallout you can walk around with an assault rifle and just shoot people, and it's a lot harder to be tracked down. In fallout there are a lot less repurcussions for actions. In fallout if you break into a vault and kill a bunch of people it's going to be easier to get away with than robbing fort knox. I mean, yeah I'm sure they can't get into the Vault, but the reason they aren't robbing the vault isn't the same reason people aren't robbing Fort Knox right now. I just think it's a ridiculous comparison. I'm rolling my eyes at you
  10. Yeah like, by the time it starts working I don't really want to play anymore
  11. Yeah I'm pretty sure it's like a per (second?) rating. Not necessarily seconds, but per certain amount of time rating. So in the ammount of time you fire one hunting rifle bullet you could have fired 10 assault rifle bullets.
  12. Yeah this sucks I don't want to send it in
  13. Well yeah of course. Trainer tip for the rest of us, a good idea is to just agree with the vampire game players. It's best to avoid confrontation with these types.
  14. Yeah like really, there are two kinds of people on these forums. People who play vampire games and people who don't. Which kind do you want to be?
  15. Best song ever? Yes. Yes it is.
  16. Shut up you jerk my disks aren't dirty.
  17. So my 360 isn't reading my game disks or something. Like, when I put a game in it doesn't register that I have a game in or something, and I have to keep trying like, a bunch of times to get it to work. What gives?
  18. If god didn't want girls to do girls he would have made men better looking. I completely agree with that.
  19. You beat your game systems?
  20. I forgot it was you for a second.
  21. Or just create a new image periodicaly like Hades does.
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