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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. I name all of my pets Gabrielle.
  2. I went back and checked my math. No, no, nothing about this adds up at all.
  3. But that would mean I could buy four $5 cards and get 3200 points, instead of one $20 card for 1900. One of you is wrong.
  4. So to get some X-Box points, is there some sort of card I can buy?
  5. Man, someone with a a system as good as that must have some pretty good stuff hiding in there.
  6. Yeah, Hungarians can be gypsie's too.
  7. You didn't spell potato right. Master.
  8. I could write Obsidian Forums.
  9. I don't know, Hades usually doesn't get the irony. But he'll say he got it after this.
  10. Went to get CoD4 today. I found one copy. They wouldn't sell it to me because they didn't have a case for it. So I still don't have it
  11. TOP SOIL
  12. Nature has easily reclaimed the land previously devastated by Chernobyl. And that was only about, what, 20 years ago? But what about all the missing top soil? Top soil just doesn't grow on trees!
  13. I wish this game was on X-Box Live.
  14. I missed you Wals.
  15. Maybe there is radiation all over the place in the top soil or something. Or maybe there isn't any top soil anymore because all the construction companies used it back before the bombs went off, so now all the top soil is under all the houses and buildings, and plants can't grow under buildings and houses.
  16. So yeah, they deffinetely added a lot of stuff to the labs on Noveria the second playthrough.
  17. I actually own the game you're looking for. It didn't rate too well, but don't let those false prophets at Gamespot make up your mind for you.
  18. Nicole Atkins - The Way It Is
  19. That's so cute.
  20. I'm listening to all the music, and these are like the funniest song names ever.
  21. Pixies - Dead
  22. One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.
  23. Yeah, I've come to hate everything about the Mako. I hate climbing mountins with it. I hate driving it, especially sometimes when I try to drive backwards away from enemies and it does this turnaround that and I sit there for a minutes trying to turn around while I get shot by rockets. OH yeah, I loathe combat in the Mako. I hate it with a super passion. There are two ways combat can work with the Mako. The first way is to act in a way that the name implies, and circle and keep moving around your target, while shooting your guns and heavy artillery cannons, like a real shark. This is the way that works the best. Unfortunetely, and I assume I'm not the only one here, but me having to do that is like me going to a party and picking up women. Sure, I'll get in one or two lucky shots, but at the end of the night, I'm going to strike out, and be all alone. Except, in Mass Effect, at the end of the night after you've struck out and not hit anything, you're not all alone, you're surrounded by roocket troopers and Geth Armetures. So really, the analogy doesn't make any sense and you die. The second way is to stay stationary while you aim and shoot. Unfortunetely what inevitabaly happens is that by the time you manage to fire off a round or two from your heavy artillery, you end up having sustained a ridiculous ammount of damage and are forced to retreat over the mountainside and heal, all the while the emasculating shame of running away from a few Geth while Ashley decides she could never be with a sissy like you and starts making out with Carth right in front of you, eats away at you, initially only inflicting one wound leaving you to flail around in your own blood and entrails until you are too weak to fight back, like a shark. Like a Mako shark. So you continue to shoot cover and heal over and over again, each time allowing the enemies sheilds to regenerate only prolonging the torture. Sometimes you'll get fed up and just ram into them, and that works sometimes. But sometimes like when you're surrounded by three armetures, four rocket turrets, and seven geth soldiers, it doesn't work.
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