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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. I just want to have sex with them both, why can't they understand!
  2. I'll have this game this weekend
  3. So I killed Benezia, and I just picked up her daughter. When do I get to have sex?
  4. I got this game the day it came out, but every time I went to play it I couldn't get past character creation. I couldn't decide what I wanted to be. So now I'm a Air Genasi monk. I don't play super often though, because it's being awfully laggy, and I have all the settings turned to minimum. Maybe it's a vista problem.
  5. Vote for me!
  6. Tasers aren't toys.
  7. You can almost feel the embarassed shame in each one of those poor, imasculated trees.
  8. You mean tea-bagging you.
  9. Yeah, last night I mentioned how I was ecited to see the next Batman movie, and how sweet Heath Ledger is, and my friend didn't believe that it was Heath Ledger in the trailer he had seen, and I bet him a dollar that it was him. Then today he knocks on my door and tells me Heath died, and I didn't believe him, and so he tried to bet me a dollar that he did die. I didn't take the bet. I can't help but feel it's all my friends fault that Heath died. He didn't believe. He didn't believe. Have they stated if it was suicide or accidental yet?
  10. An American car spends much more than an equivalently sized European or Japanese car. It's a question of market demands. For some reason I thought someone said something about them not being made very well.
  11. Yeah, let's make it so you can't buy an SUV unless you can prove that you will need to use it every day. Also, the part about all American cars being worse than European and Japanese cars is completely ridiculous in this day and age. Half the freaking car companies are in some sort of partnership with eachother, for example Diamler Chrysler, or they've got parts made by other companies. It's just a stupid stereotype that started years ago.
  12. It's about time everyone else caught up to Michigan.
  13. The B-52's - Planet Claire
  14. Regina Spektor - Apres Moi
  15. Regina Spektor - Lady
  16. No please, don't
  17. It looks like he's wearing a poofy sleeved shirt. Looks like he's running awfully fast, must be on his way to some tea party.
  18. Funniest show on T.V.
  19. I don't know, she's all gothy and stuff, maybe hoping someone will rot is meant in some sort of endearing way in backwards goth culture.
  20. Black Eyed Peas - On My Own
  21. Wait, so you thought the movie's was good compared to the book?
  22. How did you do on his mid-term? I totally bombed it. I guess I'll just have to evolve the way I take notes! Extra-credit!
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