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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. I don't disagree about him having valid points. I'm not saying that because he's entertaining that his points aren't valid. I'm not taking Hell Kitty's stance and saying that there isn't enough to the arguments he's making. I'm saying that I don't think the way he presents his points is a good way to present the points he is making if his goal was to actually change something in the gaming market. As in, you'll catch more flies with honey than with vinnegar. I agree, saying he's just an entertainer and as a result his points don't hold water is dismissive, and that's why I don't think more reviews should be like his, because it's easy for people to dismiss it. So if someone wanted to change something in the market, they would have to do so in a way that wouldn't outright offend the people making the games, by comparing the game to a diaper filled with whatever clever game related one-liner he comes up with. That's all I meant.
  2. Crap, someone posted before me and now my post looks like it is saying something it isn't.
  3. I agree with that, I'm just saying that it's understandable for some people to disregard his reviews as a whole, and that if there really was some sort of intent to change something about games as a whole, then his approach cerainly isn't helping to make his case. I don't disagree with the notion that he is correct in his assesments of games. I might be getting a little off track from what I was originally trying to say, which was in response to Pop seemingly saying something elitist about how the reason people shrug off what this Yahtzee guy says is because he's being funny, and how people who don't agree with Yahtzee do so because they can't understand that comedy can say something worthwhile. I'm saying that I'm more inclined to believe he is exagerating things, for the purpose of entertainment, and as such, he may have some basis for his complaints, but on a whole he exagerates, and throws in some swear words and allusion's to poop to get more views. I'm just saying, I could understand why his reviews wouldn't hold a lot in the way of being constructive.
  4. So I finished the game last Sunday, as the biotic/fighter class. Sentinal? Anyway, I was only level 33, and probably had less than 20 hours invested. So I started a new game as an Adept, and I'm trying to do EVERYTHING. I might go out and buy a game guide just to be sure. I'm really getting sick of visiting planets on the Mako though.
  5. It isn't him being funny that keeps people from taking it seriously, I think it's just that fact that almost all of his reviews show the games negatively, and how much he throws ****+word in to the review, that makes it seem more like gimmiky entertainment, and less like a review.
  6. From the looks of it, so will Fallout 3.
  7. Only on rated M games.
  8. Pixies - No. 13 Baby
  9. And if you elect me, I promise that all sex scenes will have no less than three penetration shots. That's a Lou Gutman promise! Vote for me!
  10. So you don't even play career mode? You should really try it. It's really fun to customize your cars. I should show you some of the stuff I've done. I even made an Obsidian Entertainment car.
  11. What racer level are you? And how many cars are in your garage?
  12. Too bad Mass Effect doesn't have online co-op. Too bad nobody here has Forza Motorsport 2. I urge you all to get Forza Motorsport 2.
  13. I meant to say now instead of no
  14. I thought Call of Duty four would only be fifty dollars, but it was sixty, and I've only got seventy in cash, so I'm waiting until I get some more money, at least eighty.
  15. No here in Michigan, core temperature isn't as cold, but boy, that wind'll kill you.
  16. That's how it is for me.
  17. The B-52s - Party Out of Bounds
  18. I assume she'll still do me, I just stopped playing after the point in the game that I mentioned, and haven't had a chance to continue playing.
  19. The way I see it, the money is going towards me getting through school. The individual classes are irrelevent to me as long as I get through the classes in the end. Plus, it isn't something I do often.
  20. I'm so distraught right now. I had to choose between saving Ashley, or saving Carth. It was a tough choice, but in the end I decided to save Ashley, because she was closer and she was a girl. But it was by no means an easy decision. I stuck with it though, and saved Ashely. The crew took it hard, but none of them took it as hard as me. I mean, he wasn't just a soldier, Carth was my friend dammit! I mean, sure, I never took him off the ship, but I assume there was a deep backstory between us. So I spent some time on the Normandy to grieve. I couldn't bring myself to talk to Ashely for a while, because it only reminded me of the choice I made. I loved Ashely though, so when the time was right, I decided to speak to her. However, when I was on my way over, Liara and Ash both confronted me. They wanted me to choose between the two of them. I couldn't believe it, first, I had to choose between Ash and Carth, and now they expected me to make another choice? I couldn't handle it, so I broke down and cried. As they both tried to console me, and argue with eachother, I inocently offered the idea of a threesome. Why must we fight like this? You both love me, and I love both of you. Couldn't you just see past your differences? Aparently not, and I ended up offending Ashley. I knew it was a mistake. I should have just saved Carth. HE would have had a threesome with me.
  21. Skipping class
  22. What do you mean by that?
  23. Hey guys, we need to get together and do something about these sex scenes in Mass Effect. I think we should all sign a petition calling for some action to be taken, and for them to rectify the situtation. The sex scenes in Mass Effect just aren't graphic enough. I demand better sex scenes!
  24. I skipped a class this morning, and am considering skipping my next class.
  25. Score!
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