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Everything posted by SenSx

  1. Sorry I have an other question Lets just say I want to try the game with only one or some specific changes from the BPM. Can I delete the unnecessary files from the game data file, and only keep the ones I want ? (and delete the unnecessary translation lines) I tried this way, and it seems it breaks the game, the load and continue game button are not accessible anymore.
  2. Haha ok no problem Yes ok I understand no problem, that was just for "cosmetic" changes anyway. I have just one file left to translate in french. the itemmods from the BPM buffs. I actually don't know what the items are referring to... I could translate them directly if they are just new additions. itemmods.stringtable
  3. I just added the entry for Leech in the french statut file. But it's: -10 (target) -10 (self) Shouldn't it be: -10 (target) +10 (self) ? Or maybe I don't understand it. Ok, I did not know it was harder to change the first paragraph, thought it could be just like the rest of the translation.
  4. Thank you, I think I have modified the entry, will check if it works like intended tonight.
  5. I have made a couple of corrections on the french translation. Some mistakes are still there, I can't fix them. Since the new leech update, there is a missable string on the description https://imgur.com/1nfIjWR What about Fatal Blow ? On the skill descritpion appears: +4% +0% https://imgur.com/uQyZsuU Is the +0% normal ? Is it because I tried it with a new character and no Power Level ? (is the 0 then replaced by Power Level ?) And there is a mistake with "indépendamment" I would like to make a couple of aesthetic changes. - For Uncanny luck: Currently it's: "Résistance 5%, 5% des coups convertis en critiques, 5% des échecs convertis en éraflures, 5% des éraflures converties en coups" I would like to change it like this: "Résistance 5% 5% des échecs convertis en éraflures, 5% des éraflures converties en coups, 5% des coups convertis en critiques" But I don't know where to modify this. - Belle Âme https://imgur.com/znqhhA3 I would like to slighlty change the first paragraph, it screams "wall of text" I would like it to make it easier to read and understand. But I don't kow where to modify that. https://imgur.com/C5kUo8l I'm just using this picture as an exemple. The font for the numbers in the below description is a bit weird, is it normal and possible to change it ? Thanks
  6. By the way, I would like to use this occasion to finally fix some french translations mistakes. - A space is missing between two words in the knockdown ability description of the fighter. - Concussive Tranquilizer (ranger ability) description is in German instead of french. But I don't know how to add those translation changes. Since those entries need to appear in the files. I have tried a new game, and I've seen a couple of issues, or some text not visually pretty. I will try to fix that tomorrow.
  7. Bien vu Zahua, j'ai corrigé, je reupload à ce post. Updated french translation for PBM buff abilities on this post. Ok thanks Galad ! If I start a new game with those files, and update later with corrected french translation, or even new versions of the Community pack and BPM mod, will it still work with the current playthrough ? No need start a new game for the new changes ? Edit: I have tried a new game, and I've seen a couple of issues, or some text not visually pretty. I will try to fix that tomorrow. abilities.stringtable
  8. I have a question: Does the new rogue persistant distraction effect that lowers all defenses of the target stacks with other abilities that lower specific defenses, for exemple does it stack with Miasma of Dull-Mindedness, as it is an affliction that targets specific attributes, whereas Persistant Distraction is an All defenses kind of afflication ?
  9. Summon rebalance pack french translation: abilities: partially translated, could not find the proper translation for some words, please help (it's very short) items.stringtable: partially translated, could not find the proper translation for the only two entries, please help (it's very short) abilities.stringtable items.stringtable
  10. Nerf pack french translation: Could not translate line 49: "Beseeches the gods for more time, halving the elapsing speed of all beneficial effects (except itself) on allies in the area during the duration of the effect." Below is the vanilla translation: "Implore les dieux d'accorder davantage de temps, ce qui prolonge tous les effets bénéfiques sur les alliés présents dans la zone d'effet." - I just don't understand the new changes. I even red the description of this change for Salvation of Time on the BPM mod page on nexus...I still don't undersand - Also I don't understand this change: <ID>31139</ID> <DefaultText>Dramatically increases damage done from Stealth or Invisibility. Bonus is doubled against targets that are only Hurt or Above. The rogue may use melee or ranged weapons but must be within 2m of the target.</DefaultText> The rogue deals more damage on enemies that are Hurt or in a better shape ? Isn't it a mistake, and more damage on ennemies hurt or below / in a worse shape ? abilities.stringtable cyclopedia.stringtable gui.stringtable statuseffects.stringtable
  11. Here is the latest version of the BPM (with the new Leech change) translated in french Buff pack french translation: Itemmods is not translated, could not find the proper translation, please help (it's very short) abilities.stringtable cyclopedia.stringtable gui.stringtable itemmods.stringtable items.stringtable statuseffects.stringtable
  12. Community Patch: Keywords I added capital letter to "arme" not sure if it is ok like that. abilities.stringtable gui.stringtable
  13. French translation Community patch: Extra content pack abilities.stringtable gui.stringtable statuseffects.stringtable
  14. T'inquiète pas, déja que mes potes connaissent à peine Final Fantasy, alors PoE... So, back on track, here is the Community Patch translated in French. On this post is uploaded the main pack. abilities.stringtable gui.stringtable statuseffects.stringtable
  15. Haha j'aime beaucoup Zahua de PoE 1. Je n'avais pas tant que ça fait attention à lui lors de ma première run, mais j'ai trouvé son histoire très touchante lors de ma deuxième, et j'adore sa "soi disante" mauvaise fin qui set pour moi la bonne ! (quand il se retire dans un monastère et apprend à ceux qui le rejoignent à lâcher prise et abandonner leurs désirs inaccessibles. Zahua n'a pas échoué, il a atteint l'illumination.) En fait j'ai copié collé la trad officielle et j'ai utilisé la tienne pour rajouter ce qui manquait ou avait été modifié. J'ai parfois laissé la tienne. Sinon je viens d'enlever toutes les majuscules que j'avais mises à Éraflures, j'ai l'impression qu'il n'y en a pas dans la VF. J'ai normalement terminé la vérification, j'upload bientôt tout ça.
  16. Oui ok merci Zahua, en tout cas ta version a beaucoup aidé merci ! Je suis d'accord pour cette histoire de Focus, c'était pareil dans PoE1... Mais si on veut changer le terme il faudrait refaire une retraduction totale de ce mot clé dans le jeu, y compris dans la description de tous les sorts etc. Et si on commence à parfois parler de Focus alors quand dans le reste du jeu ça reste Concentration en plus de l'autre type de Concentration, ça va être encore plus le bazar. J'ai gardé la même logique pour le reste, quand je le pouvais j'ai juste copié collé la traduction française d'origine, et j'ai rajouter les changements des mods, en m'assurant que la phrase soit bien compréhensible et naturelle. Je voulais garder les formulations d'origine pour que ce soit cohérent avec celles du reste du jeu qui ne sont pas forcément modifiées par ces mods. Certains fichiers n'ont pas de points à la fin de leurs phrases, et je crois que c'est voulu, surtout dans les fichiers statut effects par exemple, je suis resté fidèle à la vo qui n'avait pas non plus de points.
  17. Sinon Illusion ne prend pas de S dans la VF vanilla. Nos formulations sont différentes, mais c'est surtout que j'ai copié collé la vf vanilla lorsque cela était possible afin que ce soit homogène avec le reste du contenu vanilla. C'est pourquoi j'ai pas mal repris ton fichier. Je refais une dernière relecture globale et je renvoie le tout (CP ET BPM)
  18. Zahua j'ai complètement repris ton fichier et je l'ai modifié en profondeur pour matcher au maximum avec la traduction de la version française, et pour correspondre au mieux à celles que j'ai faites sur les autres fichiers pour homogénéiser le tout, du coup je préfère que ma version soit conservée. Merci pour ta relecture, je vais corriger tout ce que tu m'as as indiqué. SAUF pour: le point sur le Focus. Je suis d'accord avec toi dans le fond, mais dans l'application ce n'est pas possible de changer ces quelques modifications de rééquilibrage par Focus. Car la VF conserve le terme concentration pour tout le reste, il faudrait TOUT changer dans le jeu par Focus pour la ressource du clairvoyant, et pas seulement ces changements pour rester cohérent. J'ai donc laissé le terme Concentration (que j'ai aussi réappliqué dans ta version). Ligne 54 : « les effets du sort « Reflet » » : les effets du sort « Image miroir » Tu est sûr ? Je tire cela de la VF normalement. Et il y a bien le sort Reflet ésotérique Je relis tout ça une dernière fois + corrections et je reupload le résultat final.
  19. Ok thanks, seems fair to me. I'm currently checking Zahua translation before uploading everything.
  20. Yes I really agree now. I never cared for most of the Rogue abilities in vanilla game, and pure rogue was never an option for me, just a straight weaker character. But I still plan to make a Trickster/Soulblade, do you think it will still be good without the buffed rogue abilities (I won't have enough points for that). I however don't understand now the sneak attack damage that deals a trickster. In vanilla he deals 20% sneak attack damage instead of 30% for a regular rogue. With BPM a trickster deals 10%, but what about Deathblows sneak attack ? Does he deal 30% instead of 50% if 2 affliction conditions are met ?
  21. For the ranger this is actually not distraction but diversion. I have always thought vanilla persistant distraction only counted as 1 affliction, that flanked was part of it and wasn't 2 affliction. Does the new persistant distraction counts as 1 affliction for sneak attack ? Or just 0, and you has to use your other afflictions attack/spells and flank yourself alwready ennemies alwready engaged by companions ? It could be a huge nerf if so, but on the other hand it also means vanilla rogue with persistant distraction had very generous Deathblow conditions, basically just engaging an ennemy meant Deathblow damage (2 affliction conditions), which is a bit braindead and not interesting, you don't have to be tactical...but without it, is rogue still good compare to other more straightforward dps class ? The BPM french translation is almost finished. I have completed the main pack (except for ability file that Zahua did), the nerf pack, and the summon pack, (potion pack was alwready translated). I'll just check everything later today and upload everything for your personnal checks. Haven't added the new Leech change of the latest nerf pack update, I'll look into it.
  22. I have a question concerning persistant distraction of the rogue in the nerf pack. Instead of auto flanked an ennemy and applying a perception penalty, it now applies -5 on all defences and no flanked. So that means the rogue can't auto apply 1 affliction on engaged ennemies for his sneak attacks ? How hard does it nerf him ? From my understanding, he might get a better dps on an alwready flanked ennemy (because -5 on all ennemy defenses is better for me that -5 perception) but he now has weaker dps if alone, or in 1vs1, because 2 affliction conditions will be harder to reach, and he is more fragile because ennemies do not suffer the -5 precision penalty anymore. Also what other effects in the game cause distracted now ? Not sure to be a big fan of the fact that there are two kinds of distraction effects, the normal affliction one and the rogue persistant distraction now( which is similar to PoE 1 in fact), makes things a bit overcomplicated to me. But that is just my opinion for now, I'm of course not asking to reverse it back just for me ^^ Also can I start playing the game with the French translation immediately ? If updates are made to the community fix patch, and BPM pack (balance changes or just translation changes), can I update the mod and continue to play my current game or do I need to restart a new game from scratch ? I can't wait to start a new game with all of these But I think I will only use the Community patch, the BPM, summon rebalance and new potion. I'm really not sure about the nerf pack. There are things I like into it, and others not so much, and I'm worried it could over complexify some rules. Thanks
  23. Thanks Gallad I kept the word "s'améliorent" for the scalling like this sentence :""Les capacités passives des objets s'améliorent en fonction du niveau" As for just "Item scaling" I used "Ajustement d'objets" as the main game use this word for the difficulty scaling as well. Here are the other files from the main BPM, translated into French Thanks if any one can check those. As you can see itemmods is the only file I did not translate. I just don't understand what it is refering to, can't really find the proper words for it. Can someone who knows do it please ? It is very short. I'm now doing the translation of the nerf, summon rebalance, and potion cyclopedia.stringtable gui.stringtable itemmods.stringtable items.stringtable statuseffects.stringtable
  24. Those files are for the Community Patch Mod: Keywords I don't know if the words I chose are correct at all. Also I don't know if I had to put a capital letter to "armes" Thanks for anyone who can help checking. abilities.stringtable gui.stringtable
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