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Everything posted by SenSx

  1. Hello Elric, I have a suggestion: Is it possible to change Holy Radiance cooldown to be a full ability on cooldown only instead of being per combat use as well with 999 uses (editable though) ? I mean just like the Spirit Shift of the druid, only the 90 secs cooldown ? Thanks
  2. It's from the current version. But if you have any doubt I can just add those new modified lines to the next version of the mod.
  3. I'm not going to make friends with hardcore c-rpg fans, but I tried Baldur's Gate late, and did not find it very entertaining. Combat is dated, mechanics are dated, progression is very poor, story did not really start before I left the game. I of course had its merit at its time, it started it, but it does not offer much anymore now. Never tried BG2, and that might be a mistake though. So I would definitely advice PoE 2, it's a great game and has many bug fix and balance mods. Dragon Age Origins would be the game to play first imo, it's easier to understand and the narrative is very engaging, but since you started with PoE alwready... Dragon Age 2 is not as bad as people say it is, it's just way worse than Origins. Tyranny is in the same vein as PoE, but with a different fighting system based on abilities with cooldown and a progression similar to Elder Scrolls, refreshing for a c-rpg imo (not as good than Pillars, suffers from lots of balancing and difficulty issues if I remember well) You also have DoS 1&2 although I would say they focus more on gameplay than everything else (story, world building), but the companions are great. Then you have Pathfinder games, but with hard accessibility reputation I haven't tried it yet. Also it is one of those RPG that forces the tabletop adaptation, imo it's not always for the best... BG3, I hope it's as good as people say it is... Tabletop adaptation worries me, I hope combats are still good.
  4. Thanks a lot Elric. So BW is the dps option now with 20% more damage (especially for soulblade with 33% damage), that still generates more focus than before (it always does with dps) but still not as much as DW. DW is still the focus option, 25% better in that regard then BW. I'll indeed go for BW for the first time in my life in PoE 2
  5. Btw I'm making a trickster /Soulblade and I'm a bit lost with the whip ability choice now. I don't really understand which one I should choose depending of what I want. I have always chosen draining whip because it has always been superior. Now I don't know anymore, my cipher isn't really focused on cipher spell: just borrowed instinct, blind, and ancestor memory, when needed. He just uses Soul annhilation the rest of the time for dps. Thanks
  6. I haven't touch BG3 yet, waiting for the definitive edition ! I'm just a little bit worried about the combats, I heard it was the weakest part of the game, and not as good as DoS 2 (BG3 plays close to the DoS games). But if you say combat is superior than in PoE, I feel reassured, love PoE 2 class systems, really like combats as well, they can feel a bit chaotic sometimes but mostly when you don't master the system. I agree that PoE games always have always beat the DoS games on the world building and immersion departements. However I do find the companions superior in DoS and I think BG3 will be no exceptions. The combat was also a bit better in DoS, but it's hard to compare...Hope BG3 combat will still be good.
  7. BPM Nerfs french translation files abilities.stringtable cyclopedia.stringtable gui.stringtable statuseffects.stringtable
  8. BPM Buffs french translation files abilities.stringtable cyclopedia.stringtable gui.stringtable itemmods.stringtable items.stringtable statuseffects.stringtable
  9. Hello, I have slightly updated the french translation again for the last update, I will list the change in french for more confort, sorry for the invonvenience. - J'ai finalement changé temps de rechargement par délai de réutilisation: car j'ai par curiosité lancé Tyranny pour voir quelle traduction avait été choisie, et il s'agit de délai de réutilisation, donc j'ai préféré gardé ce terme par cohérence même si le titre est certes dissocié. Après libre à toi Elric de remettre temps de rechargement si tu le préfères. - J'ai écrit le mot secondes en toute lettres sur certaines description, le s tout seul ne rendait pas très bien je trouve. - J'ai enlevé une coquille que j'avais laissé en anglais. I will host the files on the next posts. I will probably start my new playthough with the CP and BPM. Thanks again Eric for that amazing mod, rogue are always my favorite class and RPG, and it was obvious it was lacking love in this game, you made it justice hope it will be fun !
  10. Interesting... Btw, I am hesitant in using the change to Salvation of time from the nerf package. I understand the purpose of removing some game breaking tactics, but it looses its flexibility in my opinion. Now you have to plan things in advance. However I wonder now what new setup or synergies it opens up, could be interesting as well.
  11. Ok thanks. Do you plan to make other changes that will only be effective on new characters ? I'm hesitant to start a new game or wait.
  12. Thanks Elric for the update. You confirm that some class specific changes (trickster nerf) and racial traits don't work on existants saves ? It has to be on new created characters ?
  13. No I don't think, you can keep yours don't worry. All I remember I changed was from the cooldown translation. I made more changes on the community patch.
  14. Latest version of the french translation for the Community Patch Keyword abilities.stringtable gui.stringtable
  15. Latest version of the french translation for the Community Patch Extra abilities.stringtable gui.stringtable statuseffects.stringtable
  16. Latest version of the french translation for the Community Patch Basic, for people interested. I will send the final version to the creator of the mod on the Nexus before he releases his next update. abilities.stringtable gui.stringtable statuseffects.stringtable
  17. Here are the last version of the french translation for the BPM Summon Rebalance abilities.stringtable items.stringtable
  18. Here are the last version of the french translation for the BPM Nerf abilities.stringtable cyclopedia.stringtable gui.stringtable statuseffects.stringtable
  19. Here are the last version of the french translation for the BPM Buff abilities.stringtable cyclopedia.stringtable gui.stringtable itemmods.stringtable items.stringtable statuseffects.stringtable
  20. Hello, I think I have made some slight changes to the french translation since then. I can upload these again if you want, unless it's too late. I think I changed "délais de réutilisation" par "temps de rechargement" for "cooldown" translation. "Délais de réutilisation" was not as good in the skill description. But that's what you like best. I don't remember if I changed anything else. Thanks. I'm also playtesting the Community patch translation, I updated it again on my side. I will send it to the mod creator when he makes a new update, but will upload it on the mod topic of this forum as well.
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