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Everything posted by _Harwin_

  1. I can reproduce this as well (also came to post this). One question though: How do you cancel deciding to use her power (if say, you actually wanted to use the "at end of turn" power on your current location) if you can move an ally? Right now I can cancel by picking her current location, since that fails to ask me about an ally. What's the cancel UI once I can move (just) an ally that way?
  2. It was Seelah's turn and I was deciding whether to use Crusade or not. I thought I had possibly left an ally on top that I wanted, but wasn't sure. I wasn't able to "examine" the location deck to check this before deciding. When I did use it, I could see that yep - that's the card I thought was on top, so "examine" should have been available.
  3. So the bug right now is that you have to play the attack spell first, right? With Seoni, I have to use her discard power *before* incendiary cloud, when I should be able to use them in either order.
  4. A closed Shimmerglens has the power something like "When you end your turn here you can choose not to reset your hand". You cannot see this power on a closed location unless you hit end turn. This power should always be visible when looking at the (closed) location, even if it's an early turn phase.
  5. I reproduced this at City Gate post-patch, although in this case Lini fought the bandit and Sajan recharged the card.
  6. I had a character (Amiri or Seelah, forget which) acquire Elven Chain Shirt to their hand, which allows you, if proficient with light armors(which both are) to recharge it when you reset your hand. I was unable to do so. On the next turn it behaved as expected. So it seems like it's just a bug with armor you acquired that turn.
  7. I definitely got daily gold since the patch. However, I've been in your same situation once it got to "1 day left" So I think the bug is with "1 day left" not with the patch.
  8. The horde barriers seem like a bug either way. If they're intended to do damage: With 4 players I only triggered 1d4 damage. Since I beat *4* henchman, if you want it to be based on henchman, I should take 4d4 damage. And I should probably do it after each henchman is defeated.... making this barrier unbeatable. If they're not intended to do damage: Well, then they should stop doing damage.
  9. They shouldn't be level 1 - you should be getting the character of the level you see - not sure what is happening in your case.
  10. Actually I was thinking this morning that this system makes sense for solo too. Suppose you're farming legendaries for gold - or in quest mode especially. At a certain point you probably have every boon you want - so you don't actually care about getting higher quality boons dropped - you're full. But every time you play a quest you cull more and more basic cards out - so the quests are getting harder even though you're not actually getting better. This was never a problem in the physical card game because you didn't keep replaying scenarios that way. I mean, I'm not in love with the 20% cull, but I can see how the original (card game) system has problems with this too. (Side note: We obviously misunderstood the rules when playing the physical game - we thought we *had* to banish boons, even if we didn't want to(so we were desperate to hold onto a cure), and we thought we banished every basic card post-scenario whether we encountered it or not (if it made it into a location deck, and it was basic, it was leaving the game)).
  11. I don't know that he's talking about salvage? In the physical card game, once you start one of the scenarios (forget if it was 3 or 4), it said that any time you put a "basic" boon/bane back in the box, you actually take it out entirely (we started storing ours in the old adventure boxes) so that you stop encountering it. This causes things like goblins to slowly stop appearing as threats without stopping immediately. I assume the OP's question was what if you don't *want* to thin some of the boons out? (I remember we wondered what to do in the physical game about the Cure spell, since we wanted Harsk to have access to it since he had a shot at recharging it vs. Major Cure).
  12. I don't know whether the snake is supposed to help with unarmed (non-melee) combat or not (I could swear I read the card and it said combat check, but when I look up an image online it says melee). But I do know that *sometimes* I'm able to discard it for it's personal d4 AND get the d10 from beast form - so there's a bug there either way.
  13. My workaround has been to completely close my app down every night (on ipad, double-tap the button, swipe the app away) In the morning, when I want to claim my gold, I re-open the app, I can claim my gold. You can also try doing that now if you've forgotten to close the app the night before, see if that pops it up now.
  14. The default evade causes a shuffle, doesn't it? That's what makes Medusa's Mask / Enfeeble good. (Otherwise Enfeeble is a worse Invisibility - Mental and no bonus to stealth checks) That seems like correct behavior to me. Edit: OOPS! My mistake. "Goblin Raid" barrier is not like some other barriers. Doesn't say you have to defeat the raider to banish the barrier. Yeah I think you're right Longshot.
  15. IPad Air Legendary Foul Misgivings (mission with Iesha Foxglove & Haunts) Kyra & Seoni @ Academy Merisiel @ Ruins Kyra encountered Zombie Horde barrier at Academy as first explore of the turn (so it should trigger bonus explore since it isn't a spell). There was at least 1 card left in the location deck(Goblin Warchanter) so it wasn't about to offer me a "close" option. Seoni fought a zombie first, succeeded. Merisiel fought a zombie next, succeeded. Kyra fought a zombie, cast Holy Light, recharged Father Zantus (overkill, yeah, I know). Got recharge option for Holy Light, rolled, failed to recharge. Zombie horde triggered as defeated, earned 2 gold. At this point I couldn't do anything. The only option on the turn-phase bar at the top right was the middle "explore phase" option. I couldn't switch to discard phase or end turn or anything. My guess is the game thinks it has provided me with the "Explore Now/forfeit Exploration" UI, but it hasn't. I tried a few things: 1) I quit the app and reloaded. It put me back at the option to recharge Holy Light. After that it once again registered the zombie horde as defeated and gave me another 2 gold (painfully slow exploit! ) 2) From within the game I clicked the store button and came back, offered me to recharge Holy Light again. I had another character use a blessing (Non-combat strength) on the recharge. Same experience. When I went to the store and came back, that blessing was back(unspent)
  16. IPad Air Legendary Iesha Foxglove mission (Foul Misgivings?) Kyra encountered Haunt on her first explore of the turn at the Academy. This triggered Iesha, whom Kyra defeated. This popped me to the map screen with the option to pick a location to search for the Skinsaw man. It *also* triggered the Academy "If the first explore isn't a spell" power to allow me to explore again. Unfortunately, I forget whether it had yet triggered "Would you like to close this location". The result was that I had the map screen up, able to select a location, and I also had a big UI popup asking me to "Explore Now/Forfeit Exploration". I was able to select a location to search for the Skinsaw man and then deal with the extra exploration, but I would have liked to have finished my Skinsaw search first. Also, I would expect that it would ask me about the Skinsaw man search *before* asking me "Would you like to close" and the bonus explore *after* asking me that. As I said, I don't remember when it asked me that question, so I'm not sure what it did, only that the other two UI situations conflicted.
  17. What do you mean it does 1d4-1 ranged combat damage? Looking at the commando image online (unless the game version is different), it does "1 ranged combat damage" before combat. After failing combat check it should do normal damage (based on the delta between your roll and its difficulty), not 1d4-1, right? I actually had it do 1 ranged damage and then shuffle away instantly, before I even got to do the combat check.
  18. IPad Air. On Merisiel's 2nd (I'm pretty sure) exploration of the turn she encounter an Ambush. She was unable to use the Samisen in her hand to recharge for the 1d4. She had revealed the Snakeskin Tunic on the check, but I'm supposed to be able to use both, since one is an armor and one is an item. I ended up defeating it anyway, and on the bonus explore from defeating ambush I was able to use the Samisen (forget the check).
  19. This was mentioned in the "Known Issues" thread by a commenter, but is not part of the "Known Issues". I read that Obsidian wants a separate thread for each bug, so here it is. Kyra using Impaler of Thorns gets +4 added to combat difficulty, as if it were a weapon that required proficiency (like a longsword). But the Impaler doesn't mention proficiency on it.
  20. In my case I was connected/logged in (backing out to main menu showed it) It showed 0 gold, and no special message about it being underlevel or worthless (also, it was quest mode) As far as I can tell, I actually received 0 gold (I was watching the amount pretty closely at that time)
  21. Even if it were intended, then the display should say "0" gold received but display my "bank account" properly. Since every time I've encountered this it displays both as "0", I lean towards bug.
  22. This was slightly confusing in the physical version as well It would be handy if the app version showed you which traits you currently had active on the roll.
  23. Neither of these should have denied you a reroll. Incidentally, you're the first person I know that would prefer to use a Dart's d4 for its reroll chance, rather than the Light Crossbow's d8. I like that I still find people using playstyles different than the ones I know, and I think that this flexibility and variety is one of the biggest strengths of this game Clarification: When I said "maybe because..." I meant, "maybe the bug happened because", and NOT "maybe this was correct behavior because" As for Dart vs. Xbow, it depends a lot on how many other blessings/buffs you're throwing at it. If you were using a dart (d4) + her base ability (d12 +2) and you needed to hit a 5, then you're good as long as you don't roll 2 1's. But that's the same thing you'd get with the light XBow. Yeah, the light Xbow is slightly less likely to roll 2 1s, (1 in 8 on the xbow vs. 1 in 4 on the dart), but with that reroll the dart becomes better. On the other hand if you need to hit an 18, you need to roll max value with the dart (unlikely even with reroll) but not too bad with the xbow. For villains, since I'm going to be dumping blessings on the check anyway, I expect to win the check barring really bad luck. So the darts are better. For normal encounters I would tend to use the XBow - since it's better without having to use up the valuable dart-discard resource.
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