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Everything posted by _Harwin_

  1. Thanks, wasn't sure how to search for it easily (unlike searching for bugs)
  2. Many times, when dialogs pop up like "Explore Immediately / Forfeit Exploration", I might want to check my other characters to see if they've got a blessing in case I need one, etc. But I can't perform any of those checks while a dialog like that is open. I would always like to be able to look at my other characters, their powers, etc.
  3. I had this issue again this weekend as well. Quest mode (so all scenarios should be rewarding gold AFAIK), one time it displayed "0" for reward and "0" for bank account. Confirmed I was still logged in to gamecenter(IPad). Next quest had no issues.
  4. Ipad Air Quest Mode Merisiel went up against Nualia in Quest Mode. First combat check: Pick Darts, discard ??? to Sneak Attack. Win roll. Second Combat check: Pick Darts, discard Light Crossbow to Sneak Attack. Fail roll - no reroll option offered. Maybe because this was the second darts roll of the encounter? Maybe because I discarded a weapon to Sneak Attack? Not sure.
  5. Huh, we always assumed the rule in the physical game was that if you didn't win the scenario you reset your deck (except dead people were potentially still dead) It might be nice if there were an option to forfeit without changing decks. So that I can make myself get through the game without getting to farm for stuff. Yes, I can choose to throw away boons I gained, but if I banished something and got a replacement, I can't change that.
  6. Yes - I can probably do that and I've considered doing that. But if that doesn't work, then I've got Merisiel still locked up and now no party. I'm kind of hoping the patch will allow me to recover my existing party as well so I can finish that scenario.
  7. That might work, but right now I can't access my old party - that game is stuck trying to bring back a card from a discard pile that isn't there.
  8. IPad Air: I got stuck with a bug in Sandpoint Cathedral that seems basically to be the same as the mending bug. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86357-mending-completely-stalls-me/?p=1806585 I then went to "Story" on the main screen and it showed me my current party (Kyra + Merisiel) and said I could create a new party. I chose "Experienced" Merisiel to see what would happen (would locations still be unlocked? Would I still have my deck?). I saw that it looked like I might be able to create a fresh party with Merisiel and Kyra and continue, so I hit "quit". Then I hit "Story" again, and it still showed me just the one current party (Kyra + Merisiel) and new party option. So I decided to create a party with experienced Kyra + Merisiel. But now Experienced Merisiel showed as "locked". She is technically in a party, but so is Kyra, and previously I was able to create a party with experienced Merisiel. Also, the text implies I can. So somehow I got Merisiel locked up so I can't continue with her. (Minor note: If I add Kyra to the party, the Merisiel "unlock" icon vanishes, but I still can't add her. As soon as I click to "new" and back to "experienced" the lock icon reappears - so this looks like a UI refresh/update issue)
  9. This also happened to me with Sandpoint Cathedral post-closing power (after making Wisdom check, could not recover items). So it isn't unique to mending. I closed the app and relaunched and it was even worse:
  10. I've noticed that the Bunyip (and other powers) display a "scenario" power to the left like "Checks +1". Since that's not in the screenshot, that shouldn't be the issue.
  11. I've also had the goblin warchanter card visually disappear when switching back to it after rolling for the character who wasn't at the location.
  12. Just in case my memory was wrong I looked at the image again, and I have 5/5 cards, so yeah this must be my first exploration. If I had done a Bunyip first then I'd have had to spend a blessing/ally to explore again, and I'd be at 4 cards. I did encounter a Bunyip some time last night, it is possible it was on the exploration the previous turn - maybe that accidentally carried over?
  13. Yeah, I noticed I could click on the rules expansion later, when I thought I saw a different bug (the subtle difference between normal "all other characters encounter an ancient skeleton" and heroic "all characters encounter an ancient skeleton" So I didn't check it at the time, but when I looked at the rules later (that same adventure), none of them looked like they should affect this check. (But thanks for mentioning it anyway - since I hadn't noticed it until after playing about 5 scenarios)
  14. IPad Air, forget which IOS version. Was doing Black Fang Dungeon Heroic, Wild card power was "Blood in the Sand" (Discarding >1 card to damage forces you to bury one of those) In the "Desecrated Vault", on her first explore of the turn, Kyra encountered a "Pit Trap" and it showed a "-1" to her roll. I tried multiple stats, and they all had it. If there was some legitimate in-game reason I was supposed to have a -1, I couldn't figure out what it was. So I assume it's a rules bug. Attached is a picture I took of my game at that time.
  15. I was able to fix this by remaking my party. They showed up in slots 3 & 4, but I removed them both and maybe did something else(I forget) and then put them back in and all was good.
  16. After the tutorial, I did "Brigandoom" Normal. At the end screen, it said "0 gold received". Then it popped up a message saying that I should select Brigandoom ( Bug: Should this have occurred earlier? ) I selected it and was put into "Heroic" Brigandoom. I finished that, and now had ~155 gold. Then I went to select my next mission and clicked on the "Skull" icon next to the mission selection and saw the descriptions for Normal/Heroic/Legendary, indicating that for Poison Pill and Brigandoom they'd reward 100/150/200 gold respectively. I selected Poison Pill Normal, but ended up having to cancel out of it due to another bug(mentioning in case cancelling out is relevant). I then completed Poison Pill normal and saw "0 gold received" at mission complete. I did end up receiving a little gold (presumably for defeating banes) When I came back to select another mission, it didn't display any gold rewards for Poison Pill when I clicked this time.
  17. In Brigandoom, Kyra encountered the "Ambush" barrier and revealed an Ogre. I selected a mace to reveal (I'm pretty sure I didn't try to discard it), and my dice went appropriately up to d8 + d6. I then think I selected Blessing of the Gods. Then I decided to just take the damage with my armor, so I hit "Undo". The die went back to just d6(as if I had played zero cards), but the mace stayed in the play area and did not return to my hand. After the combat, the mace was still in the play area. When it came to Merisiel's turn, the Mace was still there. When she played a sling for a combat, it visually overlapped with the mace. Finally, on Kyra's next turn I checked her discard pile and the mace was there. When I clicked on it there, the one from the play area finally cleaned up and vanished. (A) It should not have discarded my mace after I undid everything (B) It shouldn't have left it visually hanging around.
  18. In the Brigandoom scenario I defeated a Bandit henchman, and then went to close the location with the "Summon and defeat a Bandit Henchman" closing condition. I failed to defeat that Henchman, and I got the tutorial popup that said something like: "When you fail to defeat a monster, it is shuffled back into the location deck". In this case, since this was a "summon and defeat", my understanding is that this is *not* shuffled back into the location deck. And indeed, when I later had "Summon and defeat a random monster" as a closing condition, and failed that one, I watched the monster count carefully and verified that that monster was not shuffled in. So this appears just to be a tutorial logic bug.
  19. I've also had the party size doubling issue. In my case nobody died. I tried to start Poison Pill mission and got 6 locations(as if I had 4 characters instead of 2) and every time I dragged Merisiel or Kyra to a location it put 2 icons there and would never let me start. When I went back to party selection screen it showed them in slots 3 & 4, with slots 1 & 2 blank. I forget what I did to clear out the party, but once I did it worked again. Just adding this to provide more information for this issue.
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