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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. I'd be more worried about her boyfriend coming after me personally. He has the disposition and size of a gorilla. Actually scratch that, the disposition of a gorrilla back when we thought they were surly beasts out for blood.
  2. I like new AFI, though I haven't listened to much of the old yet. Also I like Davey Havok's voice because it's fun to sing along with since I can sing in approximately the same fashion.
  3. ROFL
  4. They haven't driven my actions, and if it does happen I'll be directly in the blast zone with no more actions, no worries. And he's going into the National Guard because he's of the belief that the more people shipped out the more people will be home and the country will be safer. The guy's braver than me, no way in hell I'm going military at a time like this.
  5. Dude, you're talking to Eddo.
  6. Can any of you music snobs help me find another band that sounds kinda sorta like AFI?
  7. Think taks is going to yell at me for being a bad employee?
  8. We need a Hegemon. Where's Peter Wiggin when you need him?
  9. I don't need it, I make my own. Thanks for all the good sentiments everyone.
  10. Hope so.
  11. I've already got a new job. I defected to the Quizno's, they hired me on the spot. As for going into work and getting the paycheck and dropping off the key, mass hilarity/embarassment for the manager ensued. I walked in, bold as hell, slapped the key down on the counter, went back to get the check. They hadn't been dropped off yet so I got ready to leave. The following conversation took place a little before Noon. Julie [manager]: Hey Jim, wait. Me: What? Julie: so you're not even going to finish out the week? Me: Nope. Julie: Wow, you couldn't even make it working in fast food? That's pretty sad. Me: Yeah, and you've managed to chase off every guy Jaime [previous manager who is totally sweet and awesome] ever hired, that's pretty sad too. Julie: <glares> I walk out the door to the back room and head for the exit. She hollers from the back "So are you gonna use that as an excuse?" I says, "No, but I'm sure the Labor Board and the ACLU would just love to hear about it." And then, this is the kicker, she screams in front of the entire store, during lunch rush, which consists mostly of little old men and women since this is a retirement community "BULL****!" I went back and got the check later since they hadn't been dropped off yet. She handed it to me over the counter and I says "Thanks, good luck." It's always good to be congenial even if you're lying through your teeth, drives your opponent crazy and makes them look worse when they lose it. I head for the door, having been polite and 'wished her well' and she says as I'm walking out "IT'S NOT ABOUT BEING MALE OR FEMALE." again, in front of the still ongoing lunch rush, I think I came out pretty good. Quizno's is hiring me for $0.50 less than Subway did an hour, but they want me for sixteen hours more than what I was promised when I hired on at Subway. From the various contracts and layout of the store, it looks to be a better work environment. Everything is new and shiny, and there should always be 2-4 people on staff, which means no more of the "OH GOD THERE'S TWENTY PEOPLE IN LINE AND ONLY ONE OF ME AND MOST OF THEM WANT 3-5 SAMMICHES OR MORE!" that I got at the Subway. I am pretty happy. I also get to go home and sleep earlier from this job.
  12. That was the point of the dude I talked to though. If they take out all of our nuclear munitions which is entirely possible in the scenario he proposed (you let off a nuclear warhead on top of a silo and the vacuum sucks out the missles and detonates or destroys them in the maelstrom of the mushroom cloud) there would be no retaliation unless someone else stepped up. It wouldn't be a military movement because they'd be launching them off of retrofitted merchant ships, we get tons of Chinese merchant ships coming into US harbors daily. They'd place them in ships that were scheduled to drop off cargo in US ports, only instead of making landfall they stop 100 miles out from the coast and launch the warheads...right before we start scanning their frieghters for munitions. If the Navy wasn't so tied up over in the Middle East this wouldn't be that big a deal, according to the guy I talked to they'd detect them and take them out lickety split. But we're too short staffed on our own coasts, and the Coast Guard isn't well enough equipped to detect and stop nuclear warheads launched 100 miles off the coast before they hit. Make no mistake, China knows where every single one of our Military Bases are thanks to that spook plane they got their hands on, even the secret ones. They know where every single silo is, they could pull this off pretty damn easy. And this is all according to someone who was just discharged from the Navy this last year. I've thought about it and it sounds hella plausible. Anyhow, why doesn't somebody ask Fingerman? He lives in China! (About the stuff in the video, not the plan of attack.)
  13. Ah. It didn't not work because it's broken but because my connection sucks and I'm impatient.
  14. I would but the owner of the franchise owner is also a sexist, doesn't hire male employees because he thinks they're all thieves. The old manager hired me behind his back because he let two of her staff take extended vacations and she needed the help bad. I'm too lazy to do something long and drawn out like file a report with the labor board or take a discrimination suit. Though the discrimination suit is pretty tempting as I'd eventually get some money out of it. But like I said, lazy, and I'm pretty happy right now as I have a good reference out of the old manager when I was already getting ready to quit...before I was just gonna find another job and leave two weeks notice first.
  15. Also I couldn't see the video.
  16. I talked to a pretty interesting ex-Navy dude (this is the guy in my Subway thread) who said that China are in an ideal situation to attack the US, and most of them have the desire. If they refitted merchant ships with nuclear warheads and brought them to within 100 miles of our coast (right before they start scanning for munitions) then they could launch them and take out all our military installations before we even blinked. They already have the locations of pretty much every US military installation in the world, even the secret ones, because of the spook plane they knocked down in 2001. He says his best guess as to when something like this or some other 'terrorist' attack will happen is the sixth of June, or right after the next elections, before the new president takes over, after the results come in...when the entire military is having one big kegger. He also had some really funny stories about being in the Navy over with the Unit taking care of the 'sister' plane to the one that was knocked down in China. Said it was one big briefing for three weeks as the Military was ****ting it's collective pants changing every single thing 'lockable' even down to the keys to the cars. If this happens I'll be very, very dead, as I live right next to Beal I'd literally be in the blast zone, not even time for radiation poisoning (spook plane AFB/missles and fighters within striking distance of China). On the other hand if something like that happens I don't think I'd want to live.
  17. Hey Calax can I come down and work at the McDonald's with you?
  18. I've already got a job interview lined up with an Ice Cream parlor (they finally called back about the app I handed in same time as the one at the Subway). Also I'm going to apply for a job at the local movie theatres (same kind of deal as the Subway, same person owns the three in town) as I talked with one of the guys that worked there for roughly half an hour yesterday just because it was down time for him, and he was enjoyable to talk to, and he said that he's had a really good experience working there. Also the people who work there have always looked consistently happy, if tired (what with crazy hours), and fun. Also Quiznos is hiring, maybe I should defect.
  19. I don't have another job lined up yet, but I'm ****ing enthused right now. I got tired of being yanked around, getting maybe a two days a week ($90+tips give or take a few depending on the shifts) and left work to do from my coworkers. The proverbial straw came along today when the girl I was working with told me "If your close isn't really good tonight Julie (the manager) is going to be really upset." Instead of saying "**** if I care." (this is the same manager who told me 'talk to you later' when I tried to explain my coworkers were screwing me out of hours) I said okay, I was still going to do it, I was gonna do my best to close. Then she says "This stuff is up here (pointing at the whiteboard with the prep work on it) because it needs to be done." Prep work is not my job, it's the 4-7 person's job because the closer is ****ing busy anyway. She is the 4-7 person, this is not the first time I'd been yelled for neglecting to do other people's jobs (I do what I have time for, but c'mon) but before it had only been the manager, who was my boss. At that moment I decided to quit, I had yet to decide in what manner though. I ended up writing "I QUIT. Drop off my key tomorrow. -Jim" on the whiteboard. Tomorrow is payday, so it worked out well. I then finished up a day, did better in tips than I had the whole time I've been working there because it was the first nice day in awhile, and people were out and about, then come closing time I left the store in total disarray. I made sure and turned off the ovens and **** so the place won't burn down, and I left the line cooler on so the food wouldn't spoil, but other than that the place was just like it had been when I came in, only a little dirtier. It was ****ing great. The best part is, the manager opens tomorrow! Very Happy Even better, the last customer of the day was a friend of the old manager who I hired on, who was awesometastic. We were out of every kind of breada but Wheat, and joking around he says "What the hell is this, I'm calling up Jaime and asking what happened here." Jaime is in Washington now, she got a new gig and moved away. Anyhow, I get to talk with her on the dude's cellphone, she says she kind of expected this because the chick who got promoted to manager was sexist and had driven off the few male employees she'd managed to get hired behind the owner's back in the past. Now, if she wasn't the ****ing manager I could deal with it. I mean, if my coworkers give me **** I don't give a damn, but when the person who's supposed to watch my back when I'm doing good, and berate me when I'm bad is, **** dude. No wonder she was constantly harping on me when I was doing my best. Oh well. Anyhow, the dude was awesome, he and I ended up in a sort of three way conversation with Jaime on his cellphone, who is also a total techgeek I found out, too bad I didn't know when she was in town, we could've talked shop (she's married guys, no asking for her number). This went on until after closing, but I really didn't care because I was having a good time, and I wasn't planning to close except n the most barebones sense anyway. So we talk, and talk, then I end up getting the old manager's phone number to put on new job apps so I can actually have a postive reference (she adored me, I was a quick learner and she said my first solo close was one of the best newbie close she'd ever seen) for new job apps. After that I literally spent an hour talking to the dude in the parking lot just because we were having fun chatting. Politics were the main subject, but we also discussed computers (using a car radiator as a water cooler for PCs was a new idea to both him and Jaime, and we thought up some rad mods), and a new way to harvest CO1/2 from the atmosphere to make synthetic oils, essentially creating a cheap reusable resource that would work on current tech. It was fun. Anyhow, there's gonna be hell tomorrow when I go in to get my paycheck if she doesn't call here first (I hope she doesn't, she'll wake my dad) and I don't have a new job yet, but I'm really really happy.
  20. GOD DAMN ****! I was at work then you bastards. Oh well, maybe I can BS with them next time, I'm unemployed now.
  21. I wouldn't be able to buy games at all.
  22. I don't do drugs, my mommy and daddy told me they're bad for you. Also I forgot to sleep again night before last. I'm gonna make an awesome computer programmer! Also I had a 20oz White Mocha this morning because I had to meet a classmate in a coffee shop to collaborate on a project, the awakened feeling has already worn off soon but I have to be at work soon so I can't take a nap. F***.
  23. I'm already turning into a younger version of my dad.
  24. OMG U WANT 2 CYB0R?
  25. No, it exists. It's just a bit further away than Texas for you guys. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually Australia and those other wacky Pacific Island subcontinents are a lot closer to me than your country Mr. Metadigital! Maybe you're the pretender!
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