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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. ... The comic.
  2. Fraternities...?
  3. Mmmmm, bacon. Will there be tomatoes, avacadoes, onions, lettuce, mayo, and bread too?
  4. Revolution's gonna cost half of what the 360 does, a third of even a conservative estimate of what the PS3's gonna cost. Even I can afford that.
  5. I put on my wizard robe...
  6. The 500W model would last until your next PC if you wanted to carry it over along with your media drives. That's about the only reason I can think of.
  7. True. Right now it's looking really good though.
  8. Actually this time around there's excellent third party support for the Rev (the new controllers have those wacky developers excited, a full two thirds of the launch lineup are third party) and one of the only announced launch titles is a FPS from Ubisoft with guns and swords. So, uh, not so cutesy.
  9. Thanks Llyranor. That's almost identical to my config. I'll have to pick this up sometime if I can scrape together the $50 or if it drops in price.
  10. Guys, we're missing the important part. Will my rig work?!!
  11. Hm, would a rig with a Athlon 2500+, 1GB of RAM, and a Radeon 9600 128MB model work okay? I was thinking no, but I don't have any money to upgrade anyway. I don't care all that much about resolution.
  12. I saw Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time at a midnight showing and also Ice Age 2 the next day with my family. That wacky sloth.
  13. Also Samurai Champloo but that one's newer and hasn't gained as much of a following yet. Watch it. Now.
  14. Yeah. Biscuits and Gravy is a thick sausage gravy over fatty lardy biscuits. I've eaten a meal consisting of that, homefries, two scrambled eggs, and sausage before. It's a wonder Americans don't all die by the age of thirty.
  15. Think grated potato bits pan-fried in oil (I think McDee's just deep fries theirs since they come in prepackaged lumps). Generally they're cooked in a lump so the outsides are crispy and the potatoey innards are soft and potatoey. Homefries are cubed potatoes cooked the same way.
  17. I dunno man, the packaging for my copy of San Andreas is pretty sweet. The manual is a little hardcover book!
  18. The Amazon tastes like cardboard and artificial meat flavour.
  19. Have you ever fed your kids hash browns for breakfast? I'm not defending it, I'm just trying to point out that most American breakfast foods are awful for you if eaten in large quantities daily, hash browns/homefries = carbs+saturated fat, bacon/sausage = protein+saturated fat, eggs are more or less the same as bacon, toast = carbs + sugar or saturated fat depending on what you spread on it. Don't even get me started on biscuits and gravy.
  20. I'm not ruling very much.
  21. I've actually done this. I guess it was about a year ago. I was up in Tahoe with some friends from Church, we were on a skiing trip and the Bible Study leader had the hookup with some friends who had a cabin. It was night time and the police for the tiny little residential area had pulled up and were bitching out my friend saying our cars were 'too far out into the street'. I couldn't hear any of this because I'd walked down the hill with him with the sole intent of lobbing snowballs at him from the bank above the cars. I couldn't see that it was a patrol car in the dark either (up in the mountains, fairly rural, no lights really) and as he was pulling away I lobbed the first in a production line of snowballs at my friend. It sailed just over his shoulder and hit the side of the car. All I heard was the cop cussing after that. My friend explained that I 'wasn't quite right in the head' and the cop left though. Law enforcement people are so uptight. It was just a friggin' snowball.
  22. So lots of Resident Evil guides?
  23. Well, at least not in rural ohio. I'm so going to do that next year though... " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That is evidence that you are planning on doing it, and you are aware of the trouble it causes. When you go to court, this will be evidence. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well in that case I totally didn't see this posting and I am totally not aware of any trouble that leaving powerup boxes lying around town would cause.
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