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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. ... I think Volo just presented a better argument than meta. It is truly the end of the world.
  2. Yes. No.
  3. I have it on good authority that girth is better than length. Also Mothman [the Fat] totally said he'd do a report for me. See?! "I don't think I said I was going to do a report for you." who does he think he is? <_<
  4. The strategy guides are dumber than me as far as actual strategy goes in the games I actually use them for; which are generally GTA and other games where there's annoying collectibles scattered all over a huge game world. Do any of them ever suggest parachuting into a heavily occupied area bypassing a lot of fighting? No. EDIT: Edited because of horrible grammars.
  5. Dating in San Andreas: Always start the night off with a 'romantic' gift. If you can't dance you're probably going to go home lonely. Women will want you, men will want to be you. Pictures of The Flying Gimp and me beating the crap out of people with a pool cue after losing the game are forthcoming. :ph34r:
  6. You want a picture of a drop-down context-sensitive menu? (Hint: right-click with your mouse now ... anywhere ...) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Teh fuutar!
  7. Your graticule is right in his mouth in that third shot ... just fire, NOW! No! Don't press the [PrtSc] button instead! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh shiiiiiit zombified. I'll try and get a picture of the flying gimp later when I'm not using up all my bandwidth with porn so busy with schoolwork.
  8. They made me think it was a Superman Returns preview. I was sad when it wasn't.
  9. Me too! Man that guy gets around!
  10. Fenghuang


    First thing I thought when I read this was "Huh, sounds like Manzanita." I looked it up on the internet and whaddya know, it is! My house is more or less surrounded by it, all of it's far enough back that it's not a danger though. The firemen always warn people in the area about it because the trees are quite literally explosive! (w00t) Anyhow, I'm pretty cynical about this because I've read up about all the different technologies and I do know that we in fact have not only one alternative that is already feasible, but three. Ethanol, Biodiesel, and Hydrogen, not to mention Hybrid cars (though they're not all they're cracked up to be). I don't think we'll switch over until after a major crisis, people are just too focused on their short term budgets to consider the ramifications of their current rate of consumption. However, once the crisis does happen, since we already have the technologies and research that refines them in place, the transition will be a lot less painful than all the doomsayers proclaim. Things will be rocky for a couple or ten years at the most probably, after that economies will recover.
  11. This one was pretty obvious man. Chinese Phoenix. EDIT: No apology needed Krookie. I would've rather kept the Watch Me Burn account (the name was rather ironic given the circumstances, and everyone knew who it was) but it wasn't meant to be. I'm too awful at hiding my posting persona to start over completely new like I intended to with the Wick account or else I would've 'rebooted' again with this one.
  12. hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahahhhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahahhhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahahhhahahahahahahahahhaha ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahahhhahahahahah hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahahhh hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhh hahahahhhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha. You have 16 posts, you're a "newbie" too. No one on this forum really calls anyone a 'noob' or anything. Aren't you late for a clan match or something? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry, I keep forgetting that some people don't know about my new account. It's me Jim/Servant of Eru/Child of Flame/Wick/lots of other aliases during my debacle with the mods. This one's on a probationary period right now, but I'm more or less 'legit' again, and I've been here in one guise or another since a couple days after they made the boards.
  13. You wouldn't be a good college student if you didn't!
  14. "This will only end in tears." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Now that was uncalled for <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You know I'm right. Sorry.
  15. If I wasn't trying to be a good boy I'd quote it again just for the hell of it. You're getting on my nerves newbie, and you've started off by breaking the accepted forum etiquette. Please mend your ways before the entire board gets upset with you. I'm telling you this for your own good, honest.
  16. It's what my diminuitive Pakistani friend said Gandhi said right before the creation of Pakistan.
  17. Worst plant ever, he's totally unconvincing. I should go to one of those zany companies that do that viral marketing crap for a job. Lord only knows I have enough accounts on enough forums. Not sure if I'm 'legitimate' enough though.
  18. "This will only end in tears."
  19. Something Awful didn't like it.
  20. Unless the official Bob Ross site as well as the official AGFRAG site are in on it too it's not a joke. Or maybe it's the best joke ever, the joke that is actually true! There are delicious layers of irony here I can't even begin to fathom.
  21. My Lvl. 60 Zergling Rogue will totally pwnz0r j00.
  22. Younger'n you.
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