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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. Silly mkreku, everybody knows a hollowed out sawed-off shotgun is the best piggybank.
  2. I want to know why you think anybody would care.
  3. What was that Bok?
  4. Holy crap I thought this was vaporware. Teach me to take a break from the internet and concentrate on real life.
  5. If a customer's a jerk to me I just don't go as out of my way to do extra things as I usually do. This serves a dual purpose for me as customers who are jerks aren't as likely to tip.
  6. Dark Matter/Energy are just Albert Einstein admitting he isn't God after all.
  7. Either/or.
  8. Soon our simean underlings shall rise up and inherit the earth. I propose that this and the massive hellhole constitute signs of the apocalypse.
  9. Far Cry had good AI. Halo had pretty okay AI too. AI is bad because nobody cares enought to make good AI.
  10. Yeah! We demand a game that is native to DX10 have an official Linux release! Also I passed the Net+ exam.
  11. This is news to anyone besides Hades how?
  12. Also a copy of Word Munchers, lots of Sesame Street, and a large amount of books I taught myself to read with by the age of four.
  13. Dude!
  14. Now if they could combine the gameplay of Chaos Theory with a story as good as Pandora Tomorrow we'd have the best Splinter Cell game ever!
  15. I just realized I meant epilogue not proglogue, though really both were better.
  16. So has anyone managed to burn it yet?
  17. That and the characters grow, if only a little. Was anybody else disappointed with the prologue to Chaos Theory when compared to that of Pandora Tomorrow? Actually I think I liked the Pandora Tomorrow story better too.
  18. I've seen one of these, only it was on a belt sander made by Makita and not a chainsaw.
  19. Man, I sit in this scrunched up position with my calves resting against the edge of my desk when I'm at home. It's comfortable and I'm not sure why because it looks goshawfully painful to anyone who looks at me.
  20. He's not evil, he's a politician.
  21. Well wasn't it always obvious they're connected?
  22. That's more how I saw it. Like how in a lot of comic books people's powers'll activate and save them from getting hurt even though they didn't know they had them previously.
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